BFA is a Bad Expansion

I came back to level and work on some allied races since I dipped back during the second raid on the zandalari capital. Also wanted to finish of the story content, namely the war campaign. Wasn’t the best but I thought it was better then whatever the hell else was going on with the story.

But im staying away from any serious endgame until SL, BFA hasn’t seemed to get much better since I left. I just hope they work out the classes before it launches otherwise ill probably end up taking my second ever break from wow.

The way Bliz controlled access to the new allied races were REALLY disappointing. They should have just allowed everyone access to them all across the board. In other words, just the fact that you bought and paid for BFA and maintain your sub should be plenty enough reason to let their customers pick the skin (race) they chose based on their preferences. Not gating this garbage behind massive BORING AF rep grinds.
The way they handled allied races and limited access to them was another HUGE fail of BFA imho.


An original, one of a kind, groundbreaking, never seen before thread.

BFA is a punishment expansion. Way to many things punished the player for playing. It was more fun not to play than keep getting punished for playing. BFA gave me reasons not to log in and WoD gave me reasons to log in every day.


WoD ran out of reasons to log in after a week of being max level. It was the start of the crafting system getting extremely shallow, mythic dungeons were not out, the raid wasn’t out, one daily, AFK Ashran, and a phone game that claimed 80% of the content.

I didn’t enjoy it too much. But I don’t think I liked a lot of the new things introduced enough to participate in it enough so I was limiting myself to the world quests and dungeons mostly. The warmode I had on most of the time I played bfa stuff but I didn’t fight a lot since I was horde. Then I didn’t like the island expedition because I never felt like I was part of a group just running around killing stuff? Meh. Then the warfronts were cool the first time. I dunno. I missed something like the class halls.

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They need to put their heads together and find something new to reward us with through rep gains. Everything we always just already had at the beginning of expansions keeps getting stuck behind rep?

I dunno why not some new cosmetic stuff for all our characters not a new race lol.

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That’s your opinion, I enjoyed this expac. :]

Most expansions didn’t lose 5mil(+) people :slight_smile:

So until you can make a case for any expansion besides WoD even being close to this bad, this comment is worthless.

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Only 2 issues I had after they finally fleshed out the catchup mechanics of echoes and cores.

No way to farm titan res, that was dumb, currency is great for spreading out purpose amongst different content like echoes did.

And how awful it was to level alts. I really wanted to deck out another dps spec or healer class to try it out in m+ and raids but theres no feasible way im catching them up anywhere close to my main in a couple weeks. IMO End of expansion they shouldve just let loose so I could have tried out more stuff and builds for fun.


Lots of good points here…

This in particular combined with horrid class design and that the PVP meta was the same almost the entire expansion felt horrible.

For a game where the balance changes regularly, they were pretty awful about it in BfA.


You might be stretching at “millions of players” retail is probably sitting at max 1.5 mil. “WhErE ArE YoU GeTtInG yOuR nUmBeRs??!!” Lets just say classic release tripled the subs of retail. Classic had 3-4 million people at launch. Also the fact that blizzard has just merged like 20-25 realms with each other is not the sign of a growing community.


Yes. I agree.
I don’t know why, but Bliz seemed to prioritize these universally despised, time gated, stultifying rep grinds for nearly everything.
It’s like they just wanted you logged in, they didn’t care if you enjoyed it or not.

Well they lost me a few weeks after 8.3 dropped with all the cloak, visions, vessels and corruption. That was my breaking point where I finally said “ENOUGH” and refused to participate anymore.


WoD gave me reasons to login and play Heroes of the Storm

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Some people like it. The keyword here is some.

When you take a game like WoW which ordinarily has many gameplay features all disconnected from each other and you convert it to a single gameplay loop that all gameplay features must be interacted with it makes players feel like they’re doing a job not enjoying themselves.

That’s the problem with retail. If you disconnect all these things and let people do what they want for their RPG gains they’ll come back. I am talking about putting rep tabards back in the game. I’m talking about disconnecting PvE from PvP like it used to be. Things like this but take it even further. Make it so all gameplay features exist independent of the others. Whatever it might be.

While it can be a huge amount of dev work to hit all these gameplay features hard you don’t necessarily need to expand them all at the same time. People are happy with a handful of new battlegrounds and arenas each expansion. They’re clearly not happy with having PvE and PvP be the same RPG experience.

That’s the distinction most of you are missing.


aka Systemlands.


Just - Huge “Ditto” !!! – I’ve never been one of the hater’s on BFA. Enjoyed most of it but, yes, some issues that we have every expac. These seemed to harm more tactical high end players and I did feel for them. But, yeah, "very worst experience I’ve ever had in WoW is/was 8.3 BFA !) I don’t know if quitting on end content well be a signifiant issue in gear and play style in SL. Hope not.


Agree 100%. I don’t care If I play right now or not. I miss Playing but not enough to put up with visions and corruption, they are the least fun thing I have ever done in WoW.


Same thing was said after every expansion by someone.

Two expansions from now those people will reconsider and think it wasn’t so bad.

After three, we will all look back in fondness with our rose tinted glasses at a simpler time while eating member berries.

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I knew from reading your post you don’t play a lot of BFA content. I inspected your profile and confirmed my suspicion. It’s good you don’t do a lot of BFA content. You will notice BFA end game gives an incomplete feeling IF you a lot of end game content.

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