BFA is a Bad Expansion

I was enjoying BFA ‘ok’ enough up until the introduction of visions and corruption. Totally broke the game. Hated it with a white hot passion! Corruption and really everything about 8.3 completely flushed the game for me. It was the most horrible experience I’ve ever had in WoW.


well said Shad. You actually do BFA content. Worst expac by far for me. I unsubbed, you dont know me but trust that speaks volumes for how bad BFA is.


feel like island expeditions was a big let down, did it once to see it and then went meh never doing that again.

This deserves repeating. All excellent points.


I really liked it. I did join bfa as soon as azhara came out, and i end up compliting all reps for bfa. Overall i enjoyed corruption a lot and the horrific vissions. Good job blizz


I’d be willing to state that WoD was worse cause after a certain point, there was literally nothing to do aside from maintaining your garrison and raiding… which was all done for maybe 20 mins a day/ two days a week respectively.


This is my main counterpoint when people whine about wanting new classes. Ya it would be cool but the devs (should) have their hands full with fixing the CURRENT classes instead of trying to balance a new class on top of older class changes. I bet if we even had tier azerite (imagine if you could get better traits with specific sets) or tier something it could have been better.

Fix the classes blizz. We are getting blue in the face asking for it.


Always happy people on here. This topic is hashed out usually with much hate every expansion. Its pretty much a viscous circle.

The devs will do what they will do . There’s millions of players to consider and not all of them are full of p#ss and vinegar.

So as i say all the time …if the game fills you with such hate over its content or direction…quit and move on.

Dont come back with the false bs "blah its because i love the game if we don’t complain nothing improves " cop out either.

Honest well reasoned and documented feedback preferable with proof, thats feedback that one gives to help.

Less than that is a kid having a tantrum.


I don’t hate the game… I didn’t even hate BFA in its entirety… I unequivocally HATED 8.3 and corruption!!!
This one patch ruined so much for my enjoyment of WoW it’s hard to overstate it.


That’s not a cop out. It’s the truth.


If they polled us they might see why some are back or playing. Its not BFA for some.

Today with the raid resets was take the farm crew on its weekly journey. I try to hit these early to free up the weekend for other fun pursuits.

I only stopped in BFA for some hordes weapon cache really. It was in nazmir. and the RNG gods truly smiled on us when I played. It was 4 decent WQ’s lined up like a buffet. 1,2,3,4 in straight line of small hops. So I was off those quick even with 3/4 alts doing it.

Then it was back to WoD and earlier.

Side note of my BE hunter lead off the rotation for the bow I wanted from the Blood Elf area Sunwell raid. Was happy to get it. Even happier to get it on the lead off run. I ran a conga line on that last week with like 5 hunters. I was expecting the same this week.

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i shouldve gone your route and just lfr’d it. i probably wouldnt feel bad at all.

Interview with production director John Hight, May 3, 2018:

Inevitably, there has to be a winner and a loser. How will you ensure that players on the losing side don’t feel hard-done-by?

Well again, we’re not going to tell you how this all ends! There are going to be individual scenarios and battles where there’s a winner and a loser for sure, but those are the battles and not the war. We’re being very careful come the end of this that you’re not going to feel like you’ve chosen the wrong faction and that you’re with the losing side.


BFA did make constant attempts to repair itself, that I will commend. In WoD they just dumped it like hot garbage and that expac was savable.

They have learned a lesson with shadowlands and are taking in player input before launch. We have helped them repair a bunch of dumb things in shadowlands already. The only dumb thing we worry about is the covenant system vs what we know is our own gamer nature. Sadly I think they invested too much time around it to dismantle it now. I forsee about 5-8 solid months worth of complaining before they add in the ability to steal other covenants class abilities. Once they do that shadowlands should be rather solid.

But as for BFA, they rushed it out and at least tried to repair it along the way. It had it’s fun moments but sadly it’s foundation just wasn’t there.

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I just wish I could understand all the generic “I’m quitting game because it’s bad and I don’t like it” topics

I mean, I read the replies and I understand your point, but why didn’t you explain them in your first post?
Is it too hard? Or do you just want some attention, and you are making people ask why you want to quit the game instead of explaining before?


BFA has been mostly me making level 120 alts and then abandoning them. Been playing on PTR to test bugs, but reported the ONE that bottlenecks everyone, and they fixed it and I immediately died to zombies upon arrival in Stormwind. I would so rather find bugs than play the current retail content. At least it gives me a purpose. BFA’s purpose, to me, is to go away so we can have Shadowlands (which I hope hope hope is better).

It doesn’t make me feel bad, perhaps you should focus on speaking for yourself.


I hate game RAWR

I am still subbed RAWR

BFA is fine. At least it has content, aside from the worst expansion/story ever called WOD

Look at all these great legendary Orcs who pretty much did nothing.


I was sold an expansion about all out war. Warfronts were supposed to be epic battles between alliance and horde, and were advertised as being like old Alterac Valley.

Almost none of the above is true.


GD isn’t a place for reasoned discussion.