Better Name for "Social Contract"

Be like the FFXIV community please accord.

The Pinky Promise with animated pinkies coming together after you hit “agree”.

“Pinky Promise” would’ve been great.



Don’t bring “logic” and “facts” into this!

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Reminds me of the old story of when McDonalds introduced the 1/3 pounder. People got so focused on the 1/3 pound name and thought it was less than a 1/4 pounder. You got more burger for the same price, but people thought McD was ripping you off. It was a train-wreak ad campaign, because McDs banked on it’s consumers actually being smart.

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Makes me wonder what people would have done with a 1/2 pounder.

“It’s only half as much! Look, this one has a 4 and this one has a 2! 4 is bigger than 2! What a ripoff!”

Illbtell ya what it is! Its a witch, findem and shootem up thingy.

Same can be said about Blizzard. They banked the fact that the players would be somewhat informed, but as you can see, that is not the case.

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“ToA, but for dummies.” Sounds pretty cool.

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I’ll probably never see it again so it doesn’t need a new name.

If you made a Venn diagram of the people who are getting upset about the social contract, and the people the social contract is meant to filter out, it would just be a circle. If someone leaves WoW over it, then it sounds like the social contract did it’s job to filter out toxicity successfully.


Mine is done in 8 days…letting it go before I sell my soul to wokeness for a game.

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It’s not. It’s just people fear mongering over the very idea that demeaning, insulting or bullying their own fellow WoW fans might actually be frowned upon.

with the cartoonishly bad takes I’ve seen, I wouldn’t put it past some people to call this a manifesto of Orwellian proportions.

Some people need a reality check.

World decisions are made by those holding the whip. They don’t see anything wrong with doing the whipping. There is another opinion I assure you, that is just as valid to the ones being whipped. Enjoy your watered down woke game, and bathe in the only victory your kind will ever get…for whatever it means. Outside of Azeroth, your kind make zero changes worth a grain of salt.

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sir this is a Wendy’s.

ok bye can I have your gold?

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Think of it as “a cup for everybody”, the concept that created an entire generation of narcissist pricks. It doesn’t work, we all know it, but the carebear nation feels good about it. Go carebears!


Sadly you are mistaken.

Lol. You sir, are right about that :grin:

Sure. Help Blizzard change their “social contract” policy. That be worth it to me.