Better Name for "Social Contract"

Ok, but it will cost you a raid tier.

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A turd by any other name would smell as foul.

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I legit laughed out loud at reading this.

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Lol. It would be a PvP tier for me but still worth it :grin:

It should be called by its original name: Code of Conduct

Blizzard’s In-Game Code of Conduct - Blizzard Support (

I believe they are implementing this atm because of the new cross faction stuff. Some people (possibly me) absolutely disdain the other faction. This is Blizz way to keep people from verbally abusing toons they might not like very much when thrown in a group together.

Players tend to forget that there are real people behind those toons and go off spouting all kinds of not very nice things. While I do not have any animosity towards the people playing horde, many of my friends play horde. lol. I do not have fond, loving feelings for the horde faction. I can totally see many people taking that dislike far beyond what I would ever do which is give them a dirty look and go on about my way.

I think this is also why they took out some of the emotes we had because they were preparing for the cross faction stuff. I can see people spitting on the opposite faction all through out a dungeon. lol

careful where that’s going.

This is fine as well.

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