Better community

i hated this new forum and i still hate it. its so obviously geared towards mobile. so sick of companies bending over backwards for mobile and ignoring desktop users.


Except the main thread didn’t get removed. It got locked. The second thread I created was removed, but there isn’t any explanation to why, and yes, I have submitted a ticket appealing this decission.

probably because the timer for locked threads cause them to be deleted within 30 days by default in discourse.

Didn’t you make that thread on an alt? :woman_shrugging:

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Yes, and there is no rules saying threads can’t be made on an alt.

So this is the official battletags thread now that the other 2 got nuked. K, I’ll mute this one too.


It was made one when pro-taggers thought that spamming the forums with bumps on one or two threads would somehow make Blizzard act, like you got a war to win or axe to bury in someone’s back.

Which is why this back and forth is always going to end up getting closed…people are taking this issue too personally when they start throwing the troll label around.


Well there’s no rule then saying I can’t post on an alt when I want to then either

Correct, there is no rule for posting on alts, but you can not use your alts to sock puppet, which is what you want to do when you want to hide on an alt to repeat the same behaviour.

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This is turning out to be a great thread


It is best to stop with these threads, it’s not wise to test a mods or CM’s patients.

For now leave things as is, I don’t want you to get a suspension.

This is already headed in a bad direction, because people will force it that direction.



Also, it is about time you stop using the phrase “silly buggers” here on the forums. While I know what it means, many people here don’t, and since the phrase has different meanings, people can take it the completely wrong way.

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Ah okay well done for linking a valid source

Isn’t that a “dirty word” in some sections? I can’t remember.

silly buggers mean “to behave in a silly, stupid, or annoying way”

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Then I am confused.

My partner uses the term quite a lot, especially towards other drivers who try and cut him off when he is driving his truck.

It is like, some foreign languages, how some words would have different meanings, and depending on how the context is use, is the term of the meaning to the word.


Zero Sum Mentality. If you get what you want it must be because I failed. If I succeed, it must be because you failed.

Well bless your heart!

The MVPs got you there. We hated it in 2018 so much that someone built a browser addon to replace some of the missing PC features in the old software. Even the Blues were using it. Eventually we got a lot of our functionality back. Trust me, we squeak quite loudly when they change the forums in ways that make them unworkable on PC!

No, the thread in question was not locked and removed 30 days later.

Trolling. You know exactly what the Code of Conduct says about trolling. Flame bait, posting to create disturbances and disruption, etc. You are quite proud of your ability to effectively do it. Bragging about it, then bragging about changing alts to continue it only gives the Blues evidence to take to managers proving single ID would help resolve some of the issues.

Regardless though, this thread is not going to change the minds of anyone and will just go in circles again. Even if it does stay clean and people ignore the folks trying to start arguments.

It has multiple meanings depending on culture.


i counted pretty sure it was removed exactly 30 days later. discourse has function that auto deletes threads after 30 days.