Better community

Grow a thicker skin. You cant and wont ever be able to control people. The only thing you can control is yourself and your ability to deal with it better.

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The perpetually offended victim class always resorts to eating their own in highly censored echo chambers anyway.

They cant be victims without oppressors so they must always create a new enemy. It never changes.

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Yeah look, if this is another btags for forum thing, I hate to break it to you, but twice now my side has won the argument…as I’ve seen that thread closed down a couple of times now.

Even at the time it felt like everyone was against me, I’m glad that I stood true to my convictions now even if it got me a lot of hate for doing so,

Also in case you haven’t noticed that people’s idea of playing fair in this game is to help them get to the last boss in Mythic+ then rage quitting the group

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What’s more likely?
To click a button and log on to another alt?

Or to log out and create a whole new account?

At the very least i’m all for inconveniencing them

Not to mention if you have multiple accounts anyway now I have to ignore your alts on every one… I would take 5 over 250

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Your side already lost this debate twice…

I would say if you want a better community, try being better people? Rather than expecting everyone else to be better?

I don’t know. I guess I just feel like I’m watching the same movie over and over again where people walk around with a metaphorical hammer and feel compelled to use it because all of their problems must be nails for some wierd reason.


That’s not how it works. It wasn’t shut down because your side won. Opinion doesn’t work that way.

It was shut down because it got derailed in some fashion or was spam

I’m happy if you’re happy that you didn’t cave in to peer pressure or whatever… But that’s irrelevant


Blizz is already looking into things, so their side definitely didn’t “win.” Unless trolling until a thread is locked is somehow winning. I’d say they need to find better competition for something greater then.


You demonstrated how alts can disrupt and derail threads with a targeted focus. Every bit of that was more proof to the mods that the current system does not work well and that single account ID (Btags), would reduce some of the problems.

It is not the “win” you think it is. You outright proved to Blizz that the issues Blizz has cited and raised to Mgt are valid - the forums have issues that could be improved with forum software changes.


This thread will also get locked down eventually.

Full disclosure: I wasn’t even there when the other two threads got locked on any alt :rofl:


You know threads could’ve been removed for any reason. It doesn’t mean you have won anything.

Ugh, why do some act like it is a competition or something.


I was not there either. I was asleep I think. I was referring to the “sides” you were talking about.

This only gets resolved by Blizzard, and will eventually be dealt with. Repeating just to have it here. This is far more than bickering.

It is actually a lot more than “just trolls”.

  • Trust level, post history, post count, likes/flags, are all tied to the forum account which is currently charname-server. Every time someone transfers or has a name change, it wipes their forum account to the start. Any new char they use, starts at zero. That gets a fair amount of tickets/complaints to CS.
  • Treating char-server as forum accounts means Ignore is only for that one char instead of all the chars on that Bnet account. It means people can, and do, make more chars to evade ignores and keep bothering individuals.
  • Char-server allows people to add you in-game without your permission, message you, find where you are, mail you, etc. Even see if you get a name change. Btags don’t. They keep anyone from talking to you without you giving them permission to add you as a friend.
  • Using multiple characters to abuse the reporting system. Each char has a set of flags, so when someone runs out on one char, they use the other chars to report the same person. Yes, it is against the forum rules and some people do get suspended, but it makes more work for the mods and they don’t catch it all. One Bnet with one set of flags greatly reduces false flagging. Same with a more minor issue of “fake likes”, although that is not really damaging.
  • Last, sock puppets and people switching chars to just make trolling threads. Those do cause a lot of disruption and extra mod work. It costs Blizz money to clean it up and it can interfere with attempts at honest discourse.

I don’t care if they do Battletags like all the other Blizzard forums, or a WoW single ID for the forums, it would all be resolved by changing the forum structure back.

Of course, nobody wants chars to go away or transmogs, so using those for the avatar is welcomed. It would just also denote the Btag/forum account name.


I used to hate this newer forum when it first came out, but when I realized it gave me more privacy on my alts, in particular my classic alts I started to love it

Did you just confirm you’re only posting to get threads removed using alts.

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I mean, by that argument there might as well not be any systems in place, including laws, law enforcement and prison, to prevent murder. People are going to murder anyway, right?

I prefer doing something over doing nothing. Even if it won’t prevent everything, it might prevent some things.


No as I said I wasn’t even there when the last two threads were removed

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But you’re hoping for more threads to be removed because of you disagree with the topic.

I’ll put it this way, I put every High Elf thread on mute because of how toxic those threads have become. There is some threads on other topics I have put on mute because I disagree with the topic.

Ever thought about if you disagree with it, mute it, instead of trolling it?



It’s not trolling to disagree with something and say why



There is a huge difference between a disagreement, and trolling. A disagreement is when you disagree with the idea, but don’t persist into arguments and silly comments like “I won the argument”.

Trolling is disruptive behaviour, and in your case, creating post to wishing threads to be removed because you don’t want anyone to have a place to discuss what they want to discuss on the World of Warcraft forums in relation to the World of Warcraft forums.


I’m pointing out that the thread got removed for a reason.

And man, I’m glad Frostmourne is no longer a PVP server, but I never imagined the day when someone from Frostmourne didn’t like trolling

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