Better community

The forums are more regulated than in-game interactions thanks to the mass false-flagging by players of every kind.

You can agree with someone and they’d deem it toxic.

In order for anything like this to work, you’d need a standard for what is considered toxic. And that word had lost any and all meaning and value with how it’s thrown at everything these days

Most players never visit the forums. Were changes to be made to the forums, it would have zero effect on gameplay.

I disagree. I rarely get a time out, and you’d think if mass false flagging was common, forum regulars would get dinged regularly.

Is this another B-tag thread? What happened to the other 5 lol.


There are two types of people in this world. Those that put pineapple on pizza, and those that don’t. They will always be at war with one another.

I eat pineapple on pizza about twice a year. I like it about twice a year.


I’ve submitted a ticket for mine, either to get the other one unlocked, or to restore the second.

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how would btags fix anything im gonna say what i wanna say doesnt matter if a btag shows or not. and anyone can remake a new btag account.


So glad you asked. It would fix:

  • Eliminates Alt-hopping
  • One Point to Ignore Person
  • Would reduce forum trolling
  • Reduces like bloating
  • Reduces report brigading
  • Ensures more accountability for what people post

To name a few. More than fine for you to say what you want. :slight_smile:


still fixes nothing.

like i said just make more bnet accounts. its fixes nothing.


Details requested.

Fantastic. Makes people work more to just be ignored. :slight_smile:

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Requires a really dedicated troll to pay $15 to do that.


no your forum access is not dictated by if you pay for your sub fees.

you have make a bnet account for say hearthstone. and lets say you make like 20 of them. you still have access to all bliz forums…

You can only post in general with an active wow sub.


when did that change?

when ive unsubbed ive still had forum access to post but that was long time ago.

Edit : which i could easily be wrong. cause it has been a long time but i would of swore that i still had ability to post with unsubbed account.

The only forums you can post in without an active sub are CS and I think tech support. I am not sure when it has changed, but it has been like that for a while.


BattleTags can’t fix everything, but a lot of things it can fix, considering, not everyone pays money to just post on the forums, or has multiple BNet accounts.

The current problem with the forums is that, our character-server is the account, instead of our BNet account. And with that, it adds things that should never be abused. Take for example mass flagging. Now, in order to flag any post, you’ll need to be Trust Level 1, and in order to get to Trust Level 1, you just need to post a couple of times, and read a couple of threads. Easy to do it with every toon you have on your account, because you’ll have game time, which is required to post on the World of Warcraft forums.

Now, if Blizzard were to add BattleTags to the World of Warcraft forums, our BattleTag would be the account, not our character-server, which then would stop people switching between toons to mass flag the same post over and over again.

Now, yes, people can create a new BNet account. But you know what, they’ll still be limited, because in order to post on the WoW Forums, you first must have a license of the game, and also, an active game subscription or game time. Which means, people can’t just create a new account to mass flag someone, they’ll have to go through all the process before they can flag anyone.

Another thing why having BattleTags is better also, is Trust Levels. I’ll use me for example, I have just achieved Trust Level 3 on Ayukama. Now, if I was to switch to another alt, I won’t have it anymore. Because once again, the WoW Forums treat our character-server as the account, not our BNet as the account. And some people rather not create a new toon just to continue posting from the same name after they either do a name change to there characters or move them off to another server.

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It absolutely is. You cannot post here without a sub.


Only thing I see here happening with OPs post is. Everyones definition of what is or isnt toxic is different. Some people take simple disagreements an claim that toxic its hilarious and a clown fest.

So all this will do with “less toxic an more appropriate changes” <<< this will just cause an echo chamber. Pointless an solves nothing, tho to be fair people are mostly already in those chambers to begin with

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