Better community


Oh my oh my!

I have crowns to polish and robes to air!

:horse: :european_castle: :person_with_crown:


Anyways, this cat for BTags

And I got a response to my ticket. Mirasol, sure it is humans working at the other end.


Or Skynet has taken over ChatGPT


Careful, might summon Bender


From the way back machine. I remember these birds got a lot of “air time” back on vanilla message board.


Doubt you can tell us specifics, but was there any good reason/answer given regarding it? I can’t help being curious.

Also, nightly support for better forums, and all the options that could accomplish it - such as Btags! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I think they didn’t read the ticket and thought I was appealing a suspension, when I was appealing about either the original thread being locked or the second thread being deleted.

I got people suggesting to me to submit another ticket, but I dunno if I want to at this point. Tickets never gone right for me.

I might give it a few days then might look at creating a new thread on the topic.


Just a simple account wide ignore would go a long way. I don’t pretend to know the inner workings of this message board, but that seems doable to me.

Just a week ago they messed with the format, and now anyone in a guild has a name that’s only 1-3 letters long on mobile. It’s definitely a downgrade, and if the people making the changes would’ve spent a minute to take their phone out of their pocket to see what they did I hope that they wouldn’t have walked away thinking “this is fine”.


the latest blue-post thread has once again shown why btags are needed.

bunch of trolls have taken over the thread with their tripe, in an attempt to drive people away from the game.

(the usual suspects, people with 1 or 2 posts, classic toons, lowbie alts)


Oh, believe me. These forums are moderated. Just because ppl you don’t agree with aren’t banned, doesn’t mean the community is toxic.

My friend from twitter actually pointed out that the forums receiving an overhaul which results in accountability for people who sock puppet would actually be beneficial to blizzard as a company also in streamlining how they receive feedback without trolls / sock puppets de railing threads.

They weren’t specifically for battle tags though but for a Forum ID type situation which seems superfluous to me personally but it results in the same idea so I don’t fault people who prefer that route at that point we all want the same end result just different routes.


People would just troll the mods by reporting any post they disagree with.


Shout out to the sockpuppet that tried to start drama with me on another thread by linking my twitter. I live for free promos :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and a good example of how people are using sockpuppets to harass others on this forum


I think BTags would’ve still be a better idea actually. Any form of forum ID would be good, but we don’t really need to reinvent the wheel when there is nothing wrong with the wheel.


i hope you reported it


the reason why t was able to skirt the crap because he would say something over the top happy post about lgbt with no more than 5 words as the subject and rebuttals with “pls stop being homophobic” once every 700 posts and then his team mass reports everyone who constantly takes the bait. he doesn’t insult anyone. he just made a hot topic post and people went pvping and his threads would be deleted but everyone else would be banned and he got away scott free.

right now people just cant stop posting to people who they supposedly ignored.
like just stop talking to them, ayu and lilithia went at it out the gate lol like come on.


Took me 30ish posts while scrolling a certain thread about some shenanigans on a server, to realize it was a troll thread made by a low level sockpuppet.

Forums really do be proving why we need Btags for the forums, or at the very least a unified forum account with all the usual features one would think - account-wide ignore, inability to give multiple likes on a post, inability to flag bomb, etc. Right now, they’re kind of a joke - and it’s this way in large part due to how easy it is to troll across 160 characters.

At any rate, sleep time for this old lady. Good gods I’m tired of being tired right as the weekend starts. :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Yeah, he would play polite happy go kind of person and pretend he’s the victim, but most people knew his game. He really did know how to skirt around things while laughing and causing havoc at the same time.

He set allot a traps and managed to send allot people on vacations.

I don’t have Twitter, wouldn’t know where else to read this.


It’s all good. I find it kinda funny like I clearly bothered some ppl enough to do all these things and I’m out here like just looking at hot men, drag queens, and pixel art