And what if certain players specifically selected a layer because it had a low population? Honestly I just think it’s a can of worms that’s better left unopened. Trying to mitigate population imbalances on servers is bad enough without introducing another system that’s essentially another layer of server selection.
they’d get to enjoy low pop till the layer merged, which is gonna happen whether my idea is the deal or the current idea is the deal. either way, the layers will be merged. but one way actually resolves all the issues related to layer exploits
Don’t forget to randomly having your sever shut down for a full week cause they don’t know what happened to the hamster and can’t get him up and running til the next week.
True, but in the end it would still lead to bad feelings. You can’t miss something you never had, therefore I believe it’s better to not even offer the choice. And yes, your proposition would solve many of the issues related to the methods people can currently use to abuse the layering. But it also introduces and reintroduces certain issues that I would argue are more impactful to the average player’s experience.
Of course I could be wrong, but from my perspective the potential for abuse isn’t a huge deal. Sure, the first couple weeks the AH might be a bit wonky. But from my understanding, the methods to abuse the system are much more of a headache than an advantage. I think you may be overestimating the amount of people willing to jump through the hoops to do this. And I would even argue that the people that attempt to do this could even be shooting themselves in the foot half the time when they layer hop and it turns out the node was already taken on the layer they’re moved to.
That is literally the exact same thing as selecting a server and fixes absolutely nothing.
what then happens when phase 1 ends and ion has to split big layers off from the rest? that wouldnt even need to happen in my example. only smaller layers would merge and if the players on the smaller layers know the servers will be merged, they will be prepared for that ahead of time and enjoy it while they got it. though i agree, if they didnt know it was going to happen that would be frustrating. maybe explain this if they select manual layer selection . something like…
selecting from a layer does not guarantee that they will remain either a high or a low population and by the end of phase 1, may end up merged with other layers.
bye, I guess?
well the differences are:
give them a pre-layer selection screen that gives the option for rapid character creation (in which the server selects the layer that balances the load best, to put the player on) or manual layer selection. this will at the very least shorten the login queue thanks to players who didnt care what layer they got put on at character creation .
you’d still be on the server name you selected with the layer name appended until all were merged
you wouldn’t get separated from friends and family if the layer you were on was different than theirs and was made into its own separate server, something ion said would necessarily have to happen at the end of phase 1 if a layer was still too full to be merged.
It’s literally the same problem, just on different sides. The current possibility (keyword possibility) is that big layers will become their own server. The other way is to merge small layers into their own server. If things need to be merged, then they need to be merged. If they need to be split, then they need to be split. Your solution does solve issues related to the potential abuse of layer hopping, but I fail to see how it solves the potential issue of splitting and/or merging. It just shifts the problem to different people.
Edit: Honestly I just can’t see them going the route of splitting big layers into their own servers. That would cause so much negativity in multiple forms. It just wouldn’t be worth generating that negativity to lessen server load.
in my example friends and family can manually select to be on the same server. in ion’s example, they may potentially be separated if not on the assigned layer that gets made into a different server with a different name.
if they continue layering it using the layering they want to use now, after phase 1, the cacapoopoo will hit the air circulating device
Obviously, moving randomly-selected people to a new realm would be a catastrophically dumb thing to do. I have faith that Blizzard is figuring out a system that allows some form of choice in order to avoid that situation - IF it even comes to that. But I still believe the solution you’re proposing just has too many issues to justify using it over the current iteration.
well i just came up with the rapid character creation vs manual layer selection idea, while talking to you! i wonder if they’ve considered that instead. then ion wouldn’t have to face the melt down that would happen either way. it’d be okay for the full layer to remain a full layer cause there’s no layer hopping/sharding anyway
I’m sure they’ve considered many different variations of approaching layering
me too, but doesnt hurt to make suggestions. hehe
Of course! The more suggestions made, the better. There’s always the chance that they overlooked something or didn’t think about it in a particular light.
Very nice constructive conversation with you friend
They’ll probably give each layer it’s own spawn timers.
Seems the easiest way to fix that issue.
I think they do that with CRZ to prevent people from cross-realm camping rare mobs at the same time for rare mounts or pets or whatnot.
The tech is already there, so I don’t see it being a big issue. It’s good the testers are being public about it so it’s a known issue. We still have like 3 months to go.
Dont worry due to the priority of streamer marketing vs actual bug fixing - classic will be right loaded with bugs just like BFA.
Get ready for “working as intended” responses too.
isnt it? i mean… this is the beta…
we want them to abuse the crap out of it so blizzard can think of solutions.
ah simple elegant solutions are always best! so that problem is already solved. they just have to get the layers to respect the timer variation now. problem erased.
any solution for layer hopping abuse as regards pve and pvp?
any solution for layer still too full to be merged at end of phase 1, that doesnt involve separating friends and family who may/may not be on the layer that gets moved
Oh my god! You have to compete for the resources and place in a zone with other players in an MMO! What is this? How can it be? Surely it’s not what the entire genre is about!