Beta Opt-In

No. It’s $15 for an unknown chance to beta test for Blizzard.


Would you pay $45 for something you had no guarantee of getting?


You can just slap a sub on your WoW, you don’t need to buy BFA. That’s 15$ no? And yeah not everyone gets into beta.

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Welcome to gambling.

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I would say if you played during classic originally and you are subbed, you have a pretty high chance of getting in.

If you didn’t play during classic, I don’t think you need to bother.

So you’re saying I shouldn’t have helped everyone opt in?

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3 months x $15 is $45.

And I don’t gamble.

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What do their filter criteria even mean? Are they giving an increased chance to old accounts? Are they giving an increased chance to accounts that have maintained a long-term sub?

Not many will get beta access this early, if you wanna try beta, go for last month.

already optd in on both my accounts and resubbed :slight_smile:


I threw 15 bucks a sub, 99% sure i won’t get in on my main account. XRP went up 22% though so why not. I got the money.

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Because by doing that you are telling them scummy cash-grab behavior is okay.


Paying to beta test a game, hah!


And unlike a typical early access, you won’t own anything after testing.


I think this is a pattern though and a good one. If you aren’t subbed, you shouldn’t be getting invites to betas because there is enough players who are subbed who want to test those things.

I sure hope streamers are treated the same on this though.

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Sad thing is, if I KNEW I would get a beta key, I’d do it for sure. There are no other games, literally none, that I even care to play right now. I just do some Overwatch FFA to pass the time.

THREE MONTHS to wait for Classic is, heartbreaking honestly. I’m so tilted. :confused:

I’ll pat them on the head in desperation to play. I’m not perfect nor claimed to be.

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I didn’t say you did. I said you were telling them scummy behavior is alright by subbing just to opt in for Classic.

I’m aware of what I did. I want to play Beta so I am attempting to be in one of the first waves. Good chance i won’t be selected on my main account but I will be part of the pool of people feeding the scummy behavior.
