Beta Opt-In

It’s not shelling our $15 for Classic just yet.

It’s shelling out $15 for a chance to get into the beta test for Classic.


$45 - Presumably the next three months have to stay subbed.

Except they want you to spend $15 a month on a chance at being in a beta, not the actual game.

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I subbed back with gold, unfortunately i never have been invited to Beta before, but i guess ill play BFA some if i don’t get invited.

Yeah, I’m not logging into BFA to buy a token just for a chance at the beta either. And lord knows I have enough gold for at least 1 token… I mean I have close to 700k across all my characters.

There will be enough people paying currently that will play classic to test.

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I blew $75(AUD) on 3 weeks of WoW Classic Demo, I will happily resub


Yeah I know that.

My point was that this game has been bleeding subs since Cata so the chances of picking someone who’s been around since Vanilla and currently subbed right now is very very very low.

But sure have a Beta for an old game with mostly players who never played it to begin with I’m sure they’ll be able to catch way more than the people who actually played in 04-06.

But pay me no mind I’m just salty

I just mentioned this on guild chat with 5 ppl on and the one that commented said they played classic. Don’t think it is as rare as you think.


I do and I’ve played both Legion and BfA. I can’t wait for Classic.

Good. as it should be. You want to test. have a sub.


It definetly is but like I said I’m just salty.

I already said I wasn’t but there’s still 12 hours for me to go back on my word and sub for that chance to get in

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Completely unacceptable


Yeah like they’ll give beta invites to people who haven’t played for expansions and might be just tourists, rather than people who’ve been playing WoW regularly. BFA beta was for subbed people too, whether you liked Legion or not. You wanna beta test and give feedback? Be part of WoW subscription base.

Those who care enough for Classic, won’t find any trouble subbing for beta if they aren’t subbed already.



(1) many players don’t read the WoW news sources every day and
(2) the opt-in to Classic was just recently added and
(3) Classic beta starts tomorrow,

maybe, just maybe, you have a good chance of getting a beta invite.

You do realize there are over 100 million total wow accounts, and most of those stopped being active long before BFA was even announced. The people who haven’t been playing for multiple expansions are the bulk of the target audience.

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Sorry. The industry has changed. Beta access is now in loot box form, among other things.


Yes. And I also know that target audience has been waiting for this moment for a decade, if you can’t spare buying sub, then do you really care that much?

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Closed betas have been like this forever lmao

In what way? To add context to my question: It is highly abnormal to expect individuals to gamble for beta access. I’ve seen access gated, but never gated and gambled.