Beta invites decreasing

Probably about as many times as threads like this pop up on the forums. This horse isn’t dead yet.

This is actually a pretty valid argument, except the check box saying you want in on their site kills it.

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I would not advise anyone to download a 1.12 client other than the beta client right now… in the past two weeks I know multiple people that have gotten calls from their ISP.

So from what I understand…the OP is not happy because in order to have a chance to get into Beta you had to meet the requirement of having an active sub or having game time.

Easy solution…don’t play beta and have your work that you do for the next 3 months wasted when it all gets deleted. Or pay the money/get active game time, and opt in and see if you get in.

If Blizzard wants to set requirements to be eligible to be chosen for the beta, then that’s their call…our call is whether or not we feel it is worth it to meet those requirements.

Personally, I resubbed months before beta was announced to play low level alts and see if I can decide what class I want to play in Classic. I also opted in but I don’t really care if I get in or not because I don’t like having my work wasted, and there are probably better people than me out there who can purposely find bugs.

I said content creators too which we have no idea how many there are. So lets just scratch that part of my post and say, I’m upset how they implemented it and think requiring subs to get a chance is absurd when this is such a small scale beta test.

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If it makes you feel any better, i want in too. I’d be an ideal tester that would report everything, but posting on the forums won’t help our chances TBH.

RNG is RNG i’m afraid, and RNGesus did not bless me with a beta key lol.

how is having a sub absurd? ive been subbed for years and i didnt get it, why should u when ur not subbed?

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People are disappointed not winning the lottery all the time.

Some blow their entire paychecks on lottery tickets just to not end up with a winning one.

…It’s rather sickening, really.

I’d wager a very large number of people who fought for classic were not subbed. Right or wrong, i don’t feel like those people should have to sub for beta.

Freeloaders gonna freeload.


gambling addiction!

I… was on the wrong side of that fight purely because I just thought Classic would never happen.

I’m glad it is though.

And I want it to stay.


Don’t get me wrong. I’m more excited for classic than any game ever. Just annoyed at blizzard for this subscription based beta.

Can you provide the EXACT wording that was used by devs when they stated that?

They were going to give them to long term players - if you weren’t subbed you wouldn’t meet that definition anyway. Blizzard didn’t ask you to sub.

I’ve been playing since Christmas 2009, but I did let my sub lapse a few times, particularly around WoD, Legion, and BFA.

I’m pretty sure that disqualifies me from taking part. lol

It should have.

Why, though? Reason I let my sub lapse was because those expansions were/are awful.

I literally don’t know why they would have invited someone who started in 2009 when they have had plenty of players who have played since 2004 who weren’t.

Because they’ve also had others in who didn’t start in Vanilla.

And at least I’ve been around long enough to remember the world as it was before Crapaclysm broke it.