Beta invites decreasing

I agree. But there is an argument to be made for not paying in lieu of contributing testing time.

For me, I think betas should ALWAYS be given to current customers first… but in this case… the target audience is actually those who may not like current WoW. But it doesn’t matter to Blizz… it’s a very unusual beta and was stated as a very limited beta. I’m sure they would have gotten plenty of testers without even one single “sub for a chance” person.

friend just told me his starter account was invited to the stress test for tmmrow

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This. 100% this. For years i said i’d support Blizz if they blessed us with wow vanilla servers. Here we are, and people aren’t thankful enough IMHO.

Blizz didn’t have to do this, there isn’t a lot of profit in it for them TBH and we should all sit back, relax and just wait for aug


honestly im fine with waiting 3 months because Its fcking classic thats somthing i can wait for

Go back and find one of the threads where the Stress Testers thought they made into the closed beta due to a display glitch that happened when Blizzard took the servers down to add WSG. Even the Beta Testers saw a new realm appear in the selection list. There is an “Alpha Server” that is continuing to be operated by Blizzard and it is not either one of the Beta Realms.

Holy cow are there people who actually think this?


They definitely have a few of those streamers and such who won’t be a part of it, and that’s fine too! It’s free advertising and trying to reach a potential audience of gamers they couldn’t otherwise.

You ideally would like a beta mixed with original vanilla players, current wow players, and people who’ve never touched the game at all so you can get a wide spectrum of opinions.

For the record, i still want my beta key too :stuck_out_tongue:
i just look at it like it’s free advertising. Maybe the wow vanilla team didn’t have a big budget to work with for ads so this is the best they could do with nothing. To me, i don’t view it much differently than giving IGN/Gamespot/EGM/PC gamer, etc… early access to write preview articles from 15 years back.

Same thing, just dont a bit different

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Not as much as you’d think, tbh. It will be wildly successful, and i plan to play it full time as my wow game.

I think people are underestimating it’s success for sure, but the reality is blizz didn’t have to do this at all and considering it comes WITH the sub there isn’t a lot of profit in it. They aren’t selling the $60 box with it this time outside of the rare CE’s.

They would need a lot of subs to stay a long time to turn a profit with this. It cost a lot of money and time for them to re-create vanilla, and then to give it away on top of the sub free? Yeah, that was a decision i’m sure the shareholders groaned hard about.

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Forced cannot be attributed to conditions of “want” only “need”.

If you need oxygen, you are forced to breath.
If you WANT to play beta… you choose to meet the requirements.

How did me disagreeing with how they implemented beta turn into me being ungrateful? Nobody here knows if I’m in beta or not. My post was never about me not being selected for beta and has always been about blizzards implementation of the beta



Layering is NOT supposed to impact your ability to socialize with players on other layers. So /who would return results for ALL layers, much as general chat in game during the stress test allowed people on different layers to talk to each other. (And how Asmongold among others were layer hopping during the stress test)

Do you think there are 20 people on the beta? Is that what you’re saying?

This is almost better than redit

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Meh, i exaggerated that. I do think a lot of the invites are streamers, content creators, and friends and family of blizzard though. Only the 1% of the 1% of normal Joe’s. I care less about the number of people that got in and more about the subscription requirement when this is on such a small scale.

If you want to stay alive, you are very much forced to breathe. Really, you are going to continue with the clown like semantic juggling?

You should be happy to support the game with your 15$ donation which also allowed you to enter the beta/stress test pool.

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Here’s why the sub is required… there are over 100 million + wow accounts made in the history of the game.

How do you pick random testers out of a pool that deep, and insure they even show up or are interested? You find a way to gauge who’s really interested, and people willing to drop a sub fee are more interested than those who aren’t. That’s just simply the reality of it.

And again, if you just randomly eenie meenie miney… out of 100+ million people, 90% of those people won’t show and the beta will be worthless. There has to be a barrier for that reason, and so that 100 million people don’t just treat it like a demo play it all summer, and then not sub come August.

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How many times does it need pointed out that the opt in for classic beta has only existed for like 2-3 weeks?

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Exaggerating is calling a large group a majority. What you did was straight up nonsense. Streamers represent a small, small percentage of beta players.

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