Beta invites decreasing

Is anyone else salty that blizzard required a sub for a chance at beta and are now saying they aren’t sending many more invites moving forward? I mean, a majority of who they invited are content creators and streamers while the people who have been loyal fans for many years sit back and hand them free money. Feels kinda awful to me.


A chance.

This is not true. A majority of the players in the Beta by a country mile are just average Joes, unless there are 500 full time streamers playing Classic Beta out there.

I am sorry you are feeling bad about it and wished you had gotten into the beta. Seriously.


Isn’t this a closed beta? I wouldn’t be surprised if I didn’t get into a closed beta… I definitely wouldn’t be disappointed. That would be like expecting to win the lottery.


They didn’t “make you sub”.

The “majority” of invitees are not streamers.

Blizzard said they will re-evalute the numbers needed as beta progresses. As in the past, Blizzard has added players each time they increased the level cap… likely will happen again.

I know you want to play beta… as do many, many others… but no reason to make up “facts” to support a reason to get you in.


Regardless, the way it was originally worded made it seem like they would be opening closed beta up eventually to a large scale. Requiring a sub when they knew it was only going to be around 4000ish invites proves it was a money grab.

I estimate 4000 because most streamers have indicated they don’t feel multiple layers haven’t been a thing much because there aren’t enough people to make layering happen. That’s my biggest gripe. If it was going to be this small and blizzard knew it, a sub should have never been part of it.


but they stated that subs were a part of it, and they never said that they would eventually open up the beta to everyone or a large scale… they have however eluded to the stress tests being available to a large number of players.



If you’re salty, it’s pretty much your own fault.


If that is how you looked at it you gambled that it might get you a Beta invite. Blizzard never said that all active subs would get one.

Okay let’s take it back a step. Do you think it’s right for them to require a sub for a chance at a beta invite when they have never done that for a beta before?


They did make us sub for a chance, don’t take my words out of context.

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You guys keep thinking you’re scoring points by saying this. You’re not. You’re just saying something completely irrelevant.

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Lol that is not an argument at all against this. You’re just spewing garbage.

Uh, no. Blizzard didn’t make you do anything. The fact you subbed on the off-chance of getting a beta invite is kinda your own problem.

They made us sub to get a chance. That’s now 2 people taking my words out of context…

That is the context of your post. You knew going in that you were gambling $15 on a chance to play the Beta with no guarantee of an invite. Blizzard was clear and up front about this being a closed beta with a limited number of players getting invited.

They didn’t make you do anything. You “wanted” to do it. You wanted to take the chance.


I think you should look up what the phrase “out of context” actually means because you’re using it incorrectly here.

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Yes, I agree it was my choice. It still doesn’t make blizzard righteous in doing it. My point is not that I paid the money, it’s blizzard’s lack of caring about their customers in this situation. I love the game and of course will sub for a chance at it. That’s where blizzard takes advantage of their customers.

I was already subbed and I don’t even play retail regularly, I just sub to support blizzard even though I was playing mainly on Pservers.