(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

No, VE’s not outside the GCD.

My problem with taking it (even if we had enough to use with it) is really that we’d be sacrificing important points somewhere. In raid, not so much, but in dungeons losing the holy nova talents would be bad, at least.

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I knew the answer at this one point because of torghast but I totally forget what the answer is now. LOL

Regardless, I don’t think Shadow Covenant would actually reduce atonement healing, since it doesn’t zero it out currently. And it would be totally counterintuitive for it to do so.

My problem with Shadow Covenant now is that Balance In All Things is a great talent - that just doesn’t work in Shadow Covenant windows unless we want to take a hit to half our casts.


I am stating, shadow cov doesnt work with bender, and VE does proc off of SW Pain.

It is a increasing healing through Shadowmend, but thats not a strong option anymore since sm now has a CD.

The spell changed it’s wording, live you cant cast holy spells, alpha your holy damage and healing is decreased, hence the confusion. But as I said, it probably doesnt reduce atonement healing since it procs off of the damage.

Well, now that we can cast holy damage inside Shadow cov, we can certainly benefit from both talents. Smite doesn’t produce a lot in terms of damage or healing, but we can cast a smite inside Shadow Cov window just to enhance Mindgames or Penance so they’ll hit harder (blast or SW Death souldn’t need to though, since they are not so strong).

Yeah, but every time you get holy empowerment you’re wasting it on Smite as opposed to Divine Star or Penance or Holy Nova (which are significantly better). I’d rather just stay out of Scov and use those.

True enough.

Also shadow cov kinda relies on a lot of small/medium cds to be available… it loses a lot by having shadowmend under a cd, even if you more often than not wouldn’t spam it much on live…

They came close to acknowledging hpriest deserves a brez when they buffed the hell out of Guardian Angel throughout SL and then buffed Spirit of Redemption, even teasingly allowing it to cut itself short to rez someone with a talent.

Not only does it fit thematically with the class to brez, but it really just makes sense and it would be weird for holy paladins to have this skill and not priests. They could dial back some of the GA buffs in exchange if need be.


Could be something like this…

  • Archbishop Benedictus’ Restitution – After Spirit of Redemption expires, you will revive at up to 100% health, based on your effectiveness during Spirit of Redemption. After reviving, you cannot benefit from Spirit of Redemption for 10 min.

Choice (Switch) Talent

  • Spirit of Resurrection – Call forth a Spirit of resurrection that will increase all healing received by 10% and resurrect up to 3 party or raid members upon death while the Spirit is active. Last 20 sec. All players resurrected by the spirit counts as only 1 battle resurrection allotment. 10 min cooldown.

It just an idea that for single target shadow cov can provide a strong damage window.

Shadow has like 5 different iterations trying to compete with each other for builds. Its a complete mess to build an actual cohesive tree. They need to figure out what the spec is supposed to be and build from there.

Theres no way this is getting fixed before launch. Shadows going to be a disaster for the 3rd straight expansion

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Funny, it looks like choice to me.


I agree too. To me the new Shadow tree seems to be saying, no matter who you are, no matter when you played shadow, if you liked a certain version of how it played, you can build something pretty close to that. It looks really cool to me but I can see that some people want a really focused identity, kind of how like Arcane and Fire Mage play in a pretty distinct way, it doesn’t take long to learn what those specs are about.

With Shadow, Blizz is offering something amazing really, and that is potentially 3 spec styles in 1 tree. For someone like me, it means I might enjoy Shadow again because I can build a version of it I like. But for others, I understand how the lack of focus can look bad, from a certain perspective. Ultimately it is impossible to please everyone.

Overall the new tree reworks are astonishing. Far more than expected, and appear to be done by one or more people who are very familiar with Priest, even if they aren’t, they seem to be learning fast.

Just about every change I see looks better than before, from the buff to Word of Life, the return of Void Shift, and Holy gaining Archbishop likely to offset Paladins getting Brez, maybe anyway, and basically countless more changes for the better.

Maybe the only negative thing I can see is loss of Wickedness. Was really looking forward to tossing out some shadowy Wicked Stars. Really not the same to have the Shadowfiend pet doing the AoE instead, not as fun anyway, so I wonder why they made that change, cause that new spell seemed like a cool idea.


Except for those who enjoyed Legion, BfA, or Shadowlands Shadow.

Screw them, I guess.

The question the skeptics are wondering is: can a tree that opens up a few different playstyles be balanced against a tree that’s more focused with abilities all synergizing around one main style of play.

TBH since it’s Blizz I just don’t know. Historically not, but it is possible.


A lot of the complaints I’m seeing are from people trying to play with everything in one build when it seems pretty clear you are meant to choose your synergies.


Can we get some chants going for the return of cascade?

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Those playstyles should definitely be available as well. I don’t know how many people will choose a talent that nerfs their damage by 80% so they can ramp up to 180% after 2 mins of whack a mole.

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Shadowlands shadow is pretty much there except for Searing Nightmare, and I really don’t know anybody that like Searing Nightmare.

BfA and Legion shadow probably aren’t coming back. Fun as they were.

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Voidform was a fairly important aspect with Shadowlands Shadow, and that is surely gone with the change to Void Bolt.

I firmly believe some tunning will happen, but it is looking pretty good with Dark Ascension. Void bolt with 9s cd is pretty much what we were asking, but the benefits should be almost tripled, taking into account the bolt travel speed. like extending 7.5s the dots and 2.5s/5s voidform with Hungering void.

No this is not what we asked for, not those who liked Voidform gameplay. The abrupt change in the rotation as well as greatly enhanced mobility was an appealing factor for some.