Well it can make a great combo with Penance. Sinse you heal a player for 50% via penance and 75% via Embrace. And Disc heal via thier dmg so it might be good. What im quite happy also. Is surge of light in the base tree
But it only heals with SINGLE TARGET Shadow Damage. Disc only has Mind Blast and Penance that can work with it correct? Is that really worth it?
Schism too? Balance in All Things seems underwhelming as well, after each shadow damaging ability…oh yeah all of those shadow damag…
Well I guess they need to fix that. Otherwise true its kinda bad. And they also removed Shadow Dmg from Star/Halo which im kinda sad about cause I liked the idea. And it would of helped with Embrace. But now Disc doesnt really have any shadow dmg left. So it is indeed quite useless
Just give Priest baseline Dispersion…or force you to go down the “shadow” side of the tree to get it.
And VE can’t be applied via AOE/DOTS or it would be OP for Shadow…
I really think it would be best if it returned to Shadow Tree.
This is great. This really opens up different playstyles for each spec. Great job, Devs!
There are probably a few improvements left to be made, but imo this is light-years beyond the initial design.
They could also move mind flay to the class tree and give it to shadow baseline. A tree I was working on had 3 abilities for each spec baseline in the class tree.
Yeah if it can’t be applied via dot its useless. Disc dont have enough shadow dmg to make it worth. And holy also.
VE is based on Damage Done.
Any Shadow Damage Holy and Disc do, the DAMAGE HAS to be low because they are primarily a healer. So another Reason its not a good choice for either Holy or Disc.
Very, very excited to see VE/San’layn in the general tree. It actually feels pretty good with San’layn talented, but we’ve been unable to take it due to competing with our only real mobility. Stoked to be able to pick it up in DF.
Yeah but if it was applied to Dot and all Dmg done for Disc/Holy it could find its place. Like in the Holy Fire build for Holy. Or just in Disc tree in general. But as of right now its not even worth taking it.
Im glad to see Shadow Mend beeing a diff heal than flash heal tough
So it would exclude Shadow spec Dot damage? That just seems punishing for Shadow at that point lol.
Otherwise if Shadow does get VE applied from Dot damage, it will be OP again for Shadow.
No matter which way you slice it, it is extremely unlikely it can be good without OP for all 3 specs… even just Shadow and Disc would be very difficult.
Wait can we pick up Feather AND Body and Soul? Although I suppose that’s not quite as good with the CD on shield.
Yeah but Body and Sould as 7sec cooldown now
It would be nice if dominant mind were shifted one slot to the left and an alternate path around be opened up. Preferably spectral guise would go here, but it could be anything really.
Maybe dots heal but for Halfs the value. so 37% of the Dmg while other dmg ability does the regular 75%.
Don’t know im trying things XD
Cause right now Druid/Shammy and Evoker got something similar. (Nature Vigil,Ancestral guidance,Lifebind) Just trying to find option to make it viable to all spec. But not sure it would be possible indeed
The most direct comparison to VE is Ancestral Guidance for Shamans which even works off healing done. There’s no reason VE can’t be made to work, it mostly just needs to be divorced from some of its historical limitations
I volunteer Shackle Undead to be sacrificed to make more room for literally anything.
Also, fellow priests… I need a confessor: I’m thinking about abandoning LoF. There’s just so much other gameplay changing stuff.
It’s really tempting to shoot the middle through body and soul and save those points.