Oh the fun I’ve had in BGs with Frost Shock and that’s a 50% slow. May MB be equally annoying!
The biggest loss here for Disc is wicked star - we’re very much stuck with Holy Nova again which has always been a terrible spell - and our M+ damage is significantly reduced no matter how you look at it. At least there’s some stuff supporting nova now and our DoT spread should be a lot better, but really please stop making priests use a melee range spell. -_-
I want your opinion: I have one last point to spend on bottom row - Weal and Woe or Aegis of Wrath?
Shadowmend filling the role of a single target oopsy heal is a solid change. It’s some spice for Disc’s lacking ST healing game, but I’d like to see a little more interplay.
PvP talent Trinity needs a rework now since Shield has a cooldown.
Body and Soul…needs to change, longer duration speed or something, not worth
Shield Discipline…needs a significantly higher return on mana or to be reworked
Crystaline Reflection…20% reflect is weak for a 2 point talent that low in the tree
Indemnity…an extra 3 seconds of atonement from shield seems meh now with the PW:S cooldown; especially for a capstone talent
I think it depends on what you’re planning on doing. If you just wanna slam PW:S on your tank whenever it’s up, Aegis of Wrath is PROBABLY better healing unless the boss/mob is doing a channel that’s low damage or something. Especially if you took Train of Thought - so you’ll have lower CD on it.
That said, personally I’d take Weal and Woe if the choice is between the two. Since Weal is an option - you’ve got 2 points into Harsh Discipline. If you’ve got Castigation, then you’re almost guaranteed to have full benefit all the time so long as your atonement is spread. That means you’ll always have the choice of a 21% better shield or a 56% better Smite. It’s definitely more flexible, but less single target throughput.
Basically, Aegis of Wrath if you want healing throughput most the time (especially cause I assume this works with rapture). Weal if you want some flexibility.
No Spectral Guise appearance is a bummer. I would like to know why they didn’t include it. I have to assume they KNOW its a popular ability that Priests want.
Is there a PvE role for Shadowmend for holy I wonder?
If the Spelldata is any indiciation, Shadoworbs, Puppet Master and Harnessed Shadows are most likely very closely related to their cataclysm versions.
Shadow Orbs: Something (has a chance to) generate(s) a Shadow Orb. Shadow Orbs increase MB/Msp damage and are consumed on cast (https://www.wowhead.com/beta/spell=391243/shadow-orb-nyi)
Puppet Master: Something has a 10% chance to generate a Shadow Orb https://www.wowhead.com/beta/spell=377387/puppet-master-nyi
Harnessed Shadow: Something gives a shadoworb, and increases the chance to 18%. https://www.wowhead.com/beta/spell=391296/harnessed-shadows-nyi
For a quick reminder of the Cataclysm Versions:
Shadow Orbs (Mastery): Mind Flay and Shadow Word:Pain Periodic Damage has a 10% chance to generate a Shadow Orb. Maximum of 3. Mind Blast and Mind Spike consume all Shadow Orbs for a 20% + Mastery dmg buff (it also gave a 20 second buff that increased periodic damage)
Harnassed Shadows: Increased Shadow Orb Chance to 18%.
4pc Dragonsoul: Shadowfiend attacks generated 3 Shadow Orbs.
The rotation in Cataclysm had a 1.5 min burst window based around Dark Archangel (=Dark Ascension), Shadowfiend, and Mind Spike/Mind Blast.
What i imagine the spells to be:
Shadow Orbs: Casting Devouring Plague generates one Shadow Orb. Shadow Orbs increase the damage of your next Mind Blast/Mind Spike by 20%. Stacks up to 3 times.
Puppet Master: Shadowy Apparitions have a 10% chance to generate a Shadow Orb.
Harnessed Shadows: Taking damage (or crits) has a 100% chance to generate a Shadow Orb. Shadowy Apparitions now have a 18% chance to generate a Shadow Orb.
I’m really glad they haven’t removed voidform, but why is it so low in the talent tree? Feels like it should be higher up on the talent tree as a optional playstyle rather than a competeing option at the bottom of the talent tree.
Please blizzard consider returning the Legacy of the Void talent, maybe have it connect to the void eruption talent choice.
Also this is just a suggestion but maybe void bolt should replace mindblast while in void form, I think that would really help make voidform feel smoother during its rotation
Surge of Light for Disc + Vampiric Embrace also really sweet
I can’t look at the trees right now (I’m at work, and all I’ve got is a phone - you guys are lucky I’m bothering to punctuate), so I can’t say for sure if SMend has a solid PvE use for Holy. It’s probably worth the global after Serenity/semi-FC buffed Heal, but not something I expect holy wants to hit on CD.
Is Depth of Shadows in the class tree or spec tree? If it’s in the class tree it might be worth an investment from Holy. The investment to keep SW:P (and the buff) rolling is minimal and the buff to SMend is significant of you can just let it stack.
Holy has so much new stuff it’s really hard to make sense of how anything goes together right now, lol.
Figuring it out is going to take a lot of math. And there’s a bunch of random interactions like do the new ‘X spell also casts renew’ talents work with empowered renew now. Lots of questions there.
Depth of the Shadows is right below Shadow Mend in the general class tree, as a choice between it and Masochism (the 10% DR when you self-Shadowmend).
Seems to me Shadowmend and the 10% DR (or the SM buff) is very accessible since you get it right after buying back your offensive dispel.
Cool changes. A lot of nice stuff returning, unfortunately Surrender to Madness is still so useless. I wish they’d make S2M give you perma voidform but remove the increased insanity and ability to cast while moving. This would give shadow their full mastery and allow it to lean more into the dotless, Mindspike play style.
I think guise was removed because it caused problems in PvE when you could use the copy to soak big abilities. I assume that’s the reason greater fade is a PvP only ability. Removing something fun because it’s problematic to balance in one of the MMO’s minigames is a pretty sad thing to do though.
So With Vampiric Embrace in the Class tree…
How does this work with the new Holy and Disc toolkit/talents?
I assume it is not worth getting for Holy and I would assume that with the new tools available to Discipline, that Disc would not really need it.
I would LIKE to move Vampiric Embrace back to Shadow Tree and put Spectral Guise in its place in the class tree.
There’s room for both. No need to remove options.
I would Assume Ice Block, Divine Shield, Cloak of Shadows etc. will achieve the same thing.
I would say then just make Spectral Guise a 2-3 min CD.
It’s be a lot cooler if it were still 30 sec though.