(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

Precognition sounds really nice. Good to see casters being rewarded for juking.


Shadow still lacks a complete and utter direction/theme. It’s a mish mash of like 5 different shadow iteration and none of them fit together

What a Dibocle

Lightweaver sounds like an interesting take on replacing the FC legendary, especially if it’s supported by all these new single target buffing talents… I suppose it depends on if the mana costs of weaving are sustainable, ehh? And if SoL is even still a thing?

Shadow Orbs will be a talent. NYI atm however. Curious what this talent will do.


Nice changes so far, but did I miss something? I don’t see a silence or interrupt for Disc/Holy.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong please.

Not on Class tree no.

No idea if they have anything planned on that front.

I really hope we do, because it would be unfair that every healer gets an interrupt besides us.

Hey an AoE root isn’t useless though, at least.

And honestly I’d rather other utility besides being put on the interrupt rotation.


Lightweaver is a choice node to compete with Lightwell. I am content.

Oh wow there are a lot of changes to this tree…

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Unless they redesign Lightwell to make it nearly another raid CD it’s going straight into the trash compared to the spot healing potential of Lightweaver I’d bet.


Lightwell will solely exist for folks that want to meme.


These changes are perfect for Discipline devs - great job. I have no gripes. My job here is done. See you all in DF!


Only have time to look at a bit of it - Reading all the new stuff from a Disc PoV:

Class tree, we got no interrupts but we got a lot of GREAT stuff regardless so I’m good with it -

  • Depth of the Shadows - this is REALLY, REALLY good. Especially for dungeon priests. Like A++ on this design.
  • Inspiration is something I don’t think we can generally take because we’ll be avoiding defensive penance a lot now.
  • Translucent Image change is once again amazing, it should have been like that from the start.
  • Shadowmend CD - this is concerning, but likely OK considering it heals an insanely large amount now - but this also makes all the shadowmend support that was in the tree terrible, and there’s no mention of removing those.
  • Rhapsody - I wanna know if this bonus applies to the followup cast at 3 targets. If it doesn’t this talent is a waste of points. If it does, it’s kinda decent.
  • Tools of the Cloth - Amazing change but likely never going to be used on Disc - should affect mind blast or penance, too. Smite has an insane aura modifier of 47% and this doesn’t fix that.

Spec tree stuff

  • Rapture actually got weaker - which I was kinda expecting. Rapture shields are now on average ~20% worse after all the PW:S talents are taken? IDK Id have to math this out way more. It does make PW:S a lot better though baseline, so it’s worth it.

  • Enduring Luminescence is decent. 5% stronger than the old Azerite trait.

  • Imp SW:P/PTW is just the old Throes azerite, which was absolutely necessary for us, so definitely a talent I’ll take.

  • Borrowed time is probably necessary in raid, not so sure in dungeon.

  • Train of thought also necessary in raid because you’ll get multiple PW:S in your blankets. I don’t think it’ll see a ton of dungeon use, but maybe in high throughput situations.

  • Balance in all things is INCREDIBLY good for literally any situation. Since we’ll virtually always be able to take advantage of it. My problem is this kinda defeats the purpose of Shadow Covenant.

  • Resplendent Light is take it or leave it. Probably not worth the points even in raid at a 3 point investment.

  • Finding Dark is nice, but again probably not worth 2 points?

  • Expiation is amazing especially with SW:D contributing to atonement now.

  • Weal and Woe is probably incredible with harsh discipline.

  • POTDS improvement is great.

Honestly Disc is coming out of this very, very strong. Still need to look into Holy but from a base look, it seemed a lot better.


I’m confused by the Shadowmend 15 second CD. What even is this new disc playstyle?

Look at the spellpower scalar chief - its more than Holy Word: Life

here’s my tree for my style of disc


It’s still atonement based. There’s a ton there that supports atonement - and what this really does is prevent us from spamming one target that’s getting smacked in dungeon scenarios.

Shadowmend has a 15 second cooldown, but for dungeon disc it’s going to be 95% higher throughput than current the vast majority of the time.

Also on the tree - it seems Divine Aegis will go to 30% as it is a 2-point node. Right now it just stays at 15% when you use 2 points.


You have flash heal now.

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Depends, from a PvP standpoint, I’d prefer an interrupt than a root.

MB crits also slows 75% for 4 seconds…thats huge for PVP too.