(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

DA / Evangelism would be an interesting choice node. It’s “like” spirit shell but it’s also significantly more useful in low atonement count environments.


This is the kind of decision I reeally hope for. Honestly if it came with SS disappearing that’d be great cause as it is that talent is dead in the water.

No raider is going to give up evang. But DA is not likely to go wild and out of control in a small party environment. It’s less a playstyle choice, I guess, but it’s a very good choice when it comes to separating the types of content you’re doing.

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Stronger PW:S with CD is potentially a boon to all three specs for multiple content. Not core, but a nice-to-have worth pushing.

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If the devs are actually reading this thread can you find a way to put spectral guise on the general priest class tree? thanks


I fail to see what’s so strong with this iteration + current disc? Atonement heals don’t crit so the shield are mostly going to be small heal coming from other sources including pw:shield.

I still think it could compete with rapture as a choice though :thinking:

Yes they do.

Any crit you do is also an atonement crit. The reason it’s strong is you’re basically getting a 15% guaranteed increase on all your crit healing, and as an absorb it can’t overheal. That’s a solid HPS increase even at lower crit %. But if we eliminate mastery and stack crit, it’s a pretty significant passive bonus to healing.

atonement can crit, i think agis of wrath and DA are gonna be a choice node.

So here:

  • Disc Mastery in MoP was: Increase shielding by X amount and increase healing by X/2 amount.
  • Divine Aegis in MoP was: crit heals create a shield, absorbing 100% of the amount healed, instead of healing for twice as much.
  • Spirit Shell made AoE heal create and absorption shield for 15 sec on a 1 min cd. (just to remember)

Right now DA seems to only create a 15% shield of the amount healed, not negating the crit effect as it was.

this is my biggest concern

Throughput is hard to put forward in a preview like this, but they’ve explicitly said they want to throttle throughput talents (and presumably that means improving the throughput of things outside of the Flash Concentration playstyle). I don’t want to say there’s no reason to be concerned, but I think it’s reasonable to wait and see what the trees look like on the morrow first.

(but my god I hate waiting)

For shadow at least now with Mind Sear being an AoE it needs to be a spender on a per tick basis. If it has 100% of its cost up front its going to feel awful to clip it.

I imagine it will be because that’s already how it works for Discipline currently. Just need to change it to insanity.

Flash Concentration was effectively replaced by Divine Word and, arguably, Holy Word: Life. People can say that’s not an equivalent replacement, and they would be right, but that would be missing the larger issue: FC doesn’t need to be replaced by something equally as powerful…and it shouldn’t be. FC is simply too strong in its current version…so strong that it invalidates most of the Holy Priest kit. It could only be realistically replaced by a weaker ability.

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Prety sure they don’t. You crit with your actual damaging ability which results in more atonement healing. Crit would be a hell of a lot better if it double dipped like that.

Edit: What is seen on the healing meter as critical atonement is the atonement that are triggerred by an actual crit. Last time I checked in SL atonement does not produce critical healing by itself. I’d be interrested in your sources though (as I may be wrong ofc)

Absorb that isn’t used is considered overhealing though.

i wish i could post screen shots in here all you have to do is swap to disc apply pws and smite a target dummy for like 15 seconds you’ll get atonement(critical) on your meters trust us it crits

if your ramping correctly youll get 70-90% of that absorb will be used tho and thats alot

It doesn’t double dip, but it is counted as a crit. This has always been the case - it’s why Drape of Shame wasn’t a bad item on Disc in legion (and still isn’t now).

It’s rare that absorbs go unused oft enough to significantly contribute to overhealing. In dungeon content maybe - but even there it’ll often get used through dots, etc.

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from my own experience i wouldnt say fc on its own was to strong but the powers that were tied into it were for sure. divine word def looks interesting but i dont have access to the ptr so i have no idea how that performs with a m+ build

Atonement critical is atonement that is generated by damaging ability that critically hit.

Edit: I may be wrong, again. But last time I checked, it didnt.

Here’s a way to test this, Thel. The damage #s for critical abilities - damage and healing - will “POP” and have larger font.

The atonement heals that crit will pop. If they didn’t crit themselves, the numbers wouldn’t pop. They would simply display a larger # than non-crit atonement heals when the damage that procs atonement crits.

Think about it - why would there be two spell IDs - one for atonement and one for atonement (critical)? What use would that ever have?

The reason is because it’s programmed such that it won’t double dip (so you don’t crit heal a crit atonement). Instead, it takes the same percentage of your crit, then converts it as crit atonement such that it can proc with things that only activate on crit.

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