Here’s my attempt at a rework for the shadow tree.
1.3.7:custom:0:Shadow Tree:Welcome to WoW Talent Tree Manager.n__This is a solution to manage trees and their loadouts. A loadout is a collection of skillsets__cm n__e.g. a skillset for Raid/M+/PvP etc. You can edit trees or work with spec presets__cm manage __n__various skillsets in your loadout as well as auto solve all possible skill combinations with a n__given filter.n____n__Edit the tree name/description here. To edit tree nodes select “Tree Editor” in the top right.n__Press “Save/Load Trees” to load tree spec presets__cm manage your custom trees and import or__n__export trees (from/to Discord__cm etc.).n__To start the tree editing process__cm go to “Tree Editor” → “Create Node” and create your first__n__talent.n____n__Select the “Talent Loadout Editor” in the top left to manage your loadout. You can n__edit the loadout description there and create/import/export skillsets. Since skillsets are stored__n__inside the loadout which is part of the tree__cm you can save your skillsets by saving the tree__n__in the tree editor.n____n__Lastly__cm select the “Talent Loadout Solver” to generate all possible combinations of talent__n__selections for all possible amounts of spendable talent points. Afterwards__cm you can filter__n__the results to include/exclude specific talents and load the results into your loadout.n____n__Hint__cl This text can be edited!:TTM Note__cl____n__Due to tree changes loadout has been revalidated and one or more skillset was invalidated!n____n__Your loadout is a collection of different skillset that you can edit to suit various ingame n__situations__cm e.g. a raid setup__cm an M+ setup or different PvP skillsets.n__All skillsets are stored in the loadout which in turn is stored in the tree. So if you save your tree__n__you’ll save your loadout as well! Additionally__cm you can import/export skillsets directly__cm to share__n__with friends or your favorite discord class experts.:50:0;0:Vampiric Touch:Damage over time spell. Heals caster 50% of damage dealt.:0:3:10:1:0:0:1:17,24,19:vampiricTouch.png,default.png;1:Mind Flay:Flay target’s mind dealing shadow damage.__n__Depletes 5 insanity/damage tick and gains an additional__n__5% crit chance while depleting insanity.:0:1:12:1:0:0::0,6:mindFlay.png,default.png;2:Void Bolt:Instant cast void bolt. __n__Extends SWP and VT by 3 seconds.__n__Extends DP by 1 second.__n__Generates 40 Insanity:0:13:16:1:8:0:27,20:32,51,48:voidTouched.png,eradication.png;3:Devouring Shadow:costs 3 orbs.n__heavy damage DoT with half damage up front__n__heals for damage it deals.n__and half over 6 seconds.:0:13:8:1:8:0:25,38:18,10,35:devouringPlague.png,default.png;4:Shadowy Apparitions:Mind Blast__cm SWD__cm and Devouring Shadow hits__n__generate a shadowy apparition for each opponent__n__affected by your vampiric touch.:1:7:6:1:0:0:17:21:shadowyApparitions.png,default.png;5:Shadowy Insight,Shadow Crash:Damage from your Shadow Words has a chance n__to grant shadowy insight__cm making your next Mind Blast instant__n__and refreshing its cooldown.__n__stacks 1 time.__n__Adds 1 charge to Mind Blast,Replaces Mind Blast.__n__Instant__n__same cd as mind blast__n__AoE Nuke.:2:9:12:1:8:0:24:38,27:vampiricInsight.png,shadowCrash.png;6:Void Eruption:AoE Damage around target.__n__Generates 60 Insanity:0:3:14:1:0:0:1:11,24,49:voidEruption.png,default.png;7:Maddening Whispers:Mind Sear now deplete insanity at a __n__rate of 10 per damage tick.__n__Crit chance increased by 10% while depleting Insanity.n:1:7:18:1:0:0:11:23:mindSear.png,default.png;8:Shred Psyche:Mind Blast and Shadow crash deplete all Insanity and have a n__1% increased crit chance and n__1% increased crit damage per insanity depleted.n:1:9:14:1:8:0:26:27:illuminatedThoughts.png,default.png;9:Reworked Insanity:Void spells now generate insanity when cast.n__Insanity depletes at a rate of 5 per sec.n__If insanity reaches 100__cm you are unable to cast void spells__n__or deplete insanity until your insanity naturally__n__depletes to 0 and insanity natural depletion n__is paused for 3 seconds.n__While your insanity is above 0 and not overloaded__cm____n__your Mind Blast__cm Mind Flay__cm and Mind Sear have__n__3% increased crit chance.:1:1:2:1:0:0:::idolOfCthun.png,default.png;10:Insidious Ire:While you have DP__cm VT__cm and SWP on your target__cm n__Mind Blast’s damage is increased by 40%:1:15:8:1:20:0:3:52:insidiousIre.png,default.png;11:Voices in the Darkness:Each target hit by Void Eruption is affected by 5 seconds of n__Shadow Word__cl Pain:1:5:16:1:0:0:6:7,30:shadowMist.png,default.png;13:Death’s Call:Shadow Word__cl Death cooldown reduced by 15 seconds.n__Shadow Word__cl Death now deals no more than 5% of __n__the Priest’s HP in self damage.__n__Execute range increased to 35% hp.__n__Generates a Shadow Orb when used in execute range.:1:17:10:1:20:0:35,45::deathAndMadness.png,default.png;15:Shadow Orbs:Mind Blast generates 1 shadow orb.__n__Max 3 orbs.__n__Each orb increases your haste by 1%.n__Orbs fade when out of combat.:1:1:6:1:0:0:::voidTorrent.png,default.png;16:Malediction:After casting Damnation__cm your next Mind Flay causes your__n__SwP and VT effects to tick 150/300% more frequently.__n__Reduces CD of damnation by 15/30 seconds.,:1:19:6:2:20:0:22::malediction.png,default.png;17:Misery:Vampiric Touch also applies SWP:1:5:8:1:0:0:0:4,41:misery.png,default.png;18:Damnation:60 sec cd Instant.__n__Instantly applies Vampiric Touch(if talented)cm n__SWP and DP(if talented):0:15:6:1:20:0:3,33:22:damnation.png,default.png;19:Unfurling Darkness:After applying Vampiric Touch__cm your next Vampiric Touch__n__is instant and deals increasing damage.__n__You gain an absord shield for 5% of your max hp per DoT__n__on the target.__n__8 second cd.:1:5:10:1:0:0:0::unfurlingDarkness.png,default.png;20:Void Tendrils:Summon Tendrils from the void to root all targets around you__n__for 10 seconds.__n__30 second cd.:0:11:18:1:8:0:30,23:42,2:shadowfury.png,default.png;21:Auspicious Spirits:Vampiric Touch critical hits have a chance 10%__n__chance to generate apparitions.:1:9:6:1:8:0:4:25:auspiciousSpirits.png,default.png;22:Amplify Agony:Mind Flay increases the critical strike chance of your damage__n__over time effects by 20% for 3 seconds.:1:17:6:1:20:0:18:16:monomania.png,default.png;23:Thought Devourer:SWP has a 20 % chance to make your next Mind Sear n__deal 150% increased damage.:1:9:18:1:8:0:7:20:mindDevourer.png,default.png;24:Dispersion:DIsperse into shadow energy__cm reducing all damage by 90%.n__While dispersed__cm you heal for 60% of your hp.n__60 second cd.:0:5:12:1:0:0:0,6:5,36,26:dispersion.png,default.png;25:Spectral Guise:Fade into the shadows leaving behind a shadowy clone.n__Lasts 6 seconds__cm until your clone has been hit by three n__abilities__cm or until you cast a spell.n__30 sec cd.:0:11:6:1:8:0:21,41:3,33:defile.png,default.png;26:Mental Mastery:Increases the damage of Mind Flay__cm Mind Blast and__n__Mind Sear by 5/10%,:1:7:14:2:0:0:24:8,30:improvedMindBlast.png,default.png;27:Psychic Horror:Stun Traget for 5 seconds__n__45 second cd:0:11:14:1:8:0:5,8:46,2:psychicHorror.png,default.png;28:Hungering Void:Void spell critical strikes extend Voidform by 1 sec.n__Voidform grants 0.5/1% increased haste every second__n__to a maximum of 20%.,:1:19:18:2:20:0:40::hungeringVoid.png,default.png;29:Reworked Mastery:Your shadow spells have a x% chance to summon a n__living shadow which imitates your next single target ability__n__with 20% effectiveness.:1:1:4:1:0:0:::livingShadow.png,default.png;30:Psychic Link:Your living shadow now effects each target affected__n__by your shadow DoT spells.:1:9:16:1:8:0:11,26:20:psychicLink.png,default.png;31:Idol of N’Zoth:Your void spells generate 1 echoing void on the primary__n__target. Whenever a charge of echoing void is added to__n__an enemy__cm there is a 10% chance for each charge to detonate__n__dealing damage over 3 seconds. (100% chance at 10)n__Your void spells generate 10 Additional Insanity.:1:17:16:1:20:0:51::idolOfNZoth.png,default.png;32:Mind Melt:Increases damage of Void Bolt__cm Void Torrent__cm____n Mind Blast__cm and Mind Flay on targets not affected by your__n__DoTs by 40%.n:1:15:14:1:20:0:2:39:sacrificedSouls.png,default.png;33:Phantasmal Mastery:Your shadowy apparitions have a 2/4% chance to generate one n__shadow orb.n__Increases the damage of Shadowy apparitions by 25/50__n,:1:13:4:2:8:0:25:50,18:voidApparitions.png,default.png;34:Idol of Yogg-Saron:Shadow covenant spawns__n__a thing from beyond for 10 seconds. The thing from beyond__n__casts aoe void spells on your enemies.n__Shadow Covenant now generates 20 Insanity.:1:17:20:1:20:0:42::idolOfYoggSaron.png,default.png;35:Lord of Ravens:You can now have 5 orbs.n__Your orbs appear as ravens.n__When you gain your fifth orb__cm your living shadow activates.n__When you consume shadow orbs__cm your haste is increased__n__by 2% per orb for 6 seconds. Stacking does not refresh__n__duration.:1:15:10:1:20:0:3:13:mentalFortitude.png,default.png;36:Shadow Mastery:Increases damage of SWP__cm Shadow Crash__cm Shadowfiend__cm SWD__cm____n__and shadowy apparitions by 5/10%,:1:7:10:2:0:0:24:41,37:shadowfury.png,default.png;37:Flickering Shadows:You can cast spells more quickly.__n__Your Instant cast abilities have a 1 sec GCD.:1:9:10:1:8:0:36:38:livingShadow.png,default.png;38:Door of Shadows:30 second cd__cm____n__Instant__n__teleport to target location__n__40 yd range.:0:11:10:1:8:0:5,37:3,46:blessingOfSummer.png,default.png;39:Idol of Ysharaaj:Your shadowfiend gains a benefit depending on the __n__target’s emotional state.__n__Shadowfiend now generates 20 Insanity.n__It takes on the appearance of a Sha.:1:17:14:1:20:0:45,32::idolOfYShaarj.png,default.png;40:Idol of Cthun:Void spells summon a void tendril to flay the targets mind.n__Your void spells generate 10 Additional Insanity.:1:17:18:1:20:0:48:28:idolOfCthun.png,default.png;41:Walking Nightmares:Your Mind Blast Critical Strikes summon 2 shadowy__n__apparitions to attack the target.:1:9:8:1:8:0:17,36:25:harbingerOfDoom.png,default.png;42:Dark Devotion:Whenever you cast a Void spell__cm you can a stack of n__dark Devotion. Dark Devotion increases the damage__n__of your Void spells by 5/10. Stacks 3 times.,:1:13:20:2:8:0:20:34,48:innerRadiance.png,default.png;43:Absolute Mastery:Your living shadow will duplicate 1/2 additional spells.,:1:19:12:2:20:0:47::lingeringShadow.png,default.png;45:Shadow Calling:Shadow Word__cl Death__cm shadow fiend__cm____n__and Shadowy Insight have a 100% chance __n__to activate your living shadow.:1:15:12:1:20:0:46:39,13,47:livingShadow.png,default.png;46:Shadow Form:Increases shadow damage by 10%__n__reduces damage taken by 10%__n__unable to cast holy spells.n__confers weakness to the void__cm increasing all insanity__n__generation by 100%.__n__You cannot go below 10 Insanity.:0:13:12:1:8:0:38,27:45:demonbolt.png,demonSkin.png;47:Eidolic Intuition::1:17:12:1:20:0:45:43:eidolicIntuition.png,default.png;48:Void Torrent:1 minute cd after voidform ends.__n__channel void energy into the target dealing large damage and __n__instantly overloading your insanity.__n__Activates voidform for 10 seconds.n__While in voidform__cm you can cast void spells and can cast__n__while moving.__n__Void Eruption has a 5 sec cd.n__void bolt has a 3 second cd.:0:15:18:1:20:0:42,2:40:voidTorrent.png,default.png;49:Void Ward:When you cast PW__cl__S on yourself__cm all of your insanity is__n__depleted but you generate a shield for 1% of your hp per__n__insanity depleted. Duration reduced to 3 seconds.n:1:5:14:1:0:0:6::crystallineReflection.png,default.png;50:Spectral Assault:Shadow Covenant also doubles all of your shadowy__n__apparitions.:1:17:4:1:20:0:33::creepingDeath.png,default.png;51:Voidtouch Adept:Reduces all Insanity generation by 50%:1:15:16:1:20:0:2:31:demonSkin.png,default.png;52:Sanguine Teachings:Overhealing from your Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch__n__shield you for the amount healed. Cannot exceed 15%__n__of your max hp.n__Whenever you gain an absorb shield__cm your DoT effects deal__n__15% more damage for 10 seconds.:1:17:8:1:20:0:10::sanguineTeachings.png,default.png;