(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

I think that Shadow Word: Death makes the most sense as the Shadow starting talent, as well as being in the Priest class tree to be shared. What it is missing is reasons for the other specs to want to press it. Early on in Shadowlands beta I advocated for the following, and still advocate for it with the Dragonflight trees.

Shadow Word: Death when under execute threshold should proc each spec’s corresponding mechanic. For Shadow that is Dark Thoughts (Vampiric Insight is a worse version of Dark Thoughts, cmm). For Discipline that is Atonement. For Holy that is Holy Word spell reduction, maybe both Sanctify and Serenity?


Could be an additionnal talent to help balance out the benefits of the choice. But that would indeed be an amazing interaction.

This is getting obscene


Care to enlighten us as to why?

Another week and no priest update


yeah, at this point I seriously doubt if there will be enough time to have a good tree by the launch. If the talent trees are one of the biggest selling point of DF, I’m not sure if I’m sold as a priest main.


I can agree with SW:D not being a great starter for the class tree. Looking at other classes, the direct comparison would be HoW for Paladins, but SW:D is pretty weak in comparison. HoW is useful for all 3 specs because it generates Holy Power, but SW:D doesn’t have the same pull, it’s just damage to Holy and only sometimes useful to Disc with Twilight Empowerment. I could get behind it if it had more interplay with the healing specs like Ryeshot suggested, but I feel like the Disc version of that still sucks a bit.

I dunno if I’d go with Chastise for the Holy starter. It feels weird to me, even with healer damage becoming more relevant, to make The Healing Spec’s starting node a damaging ability. I’d probably go with Desperate Prayer, since that’s relevant to all three specs. The main problem is that it’d suck to get a survival CD at level 10.

If we’re okay with getting a bit weird, I think Holy Word: Serenity could work as the Holy starting node. Just a big beefy single target heal on a one minute CD (CD reduction can stay Holy’s thing). Disc’d love it for having another emergency healing option, Shadow wouldn’t be super into it, but having some occasionally solid off-healing is never a bad choice.

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well, with how fast leveling is these days, at that level, wouldn’t be a problem for long… Getting BoF on pally tree is kinda boring at level 10 too. At least it feels like something any spec would take…

I’m not totally against Serenity but I feel it would be hella strong in pvp for shadow? Shadow already leech out some hp from a few abilities.

I’d think chastise would be nice still, so that you can have a stun that the whole class can use. But I guess psychic horror could also be put in the class tree at this point :man_shrugging:

Thanks for the priest nothingburger devs.

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Oof. That unbearable wasteland between Paladins and Shamans.

Where dreams go to die.


Here’s my attempt at a rework for the shadow tree.

1.3.7:custom:0:Shadow Tree:Welcome to WoW Talent Tree Manager.n__This is a solution to manage trees and their loadouts. A loadout is a collection of skillsets__cm n__e.g. a skillset for Raid/M+/PvP etc. You can edit trees or work with spec presets__cm manage __n__various skillsets in your loadout as well as auto solve all possible skill combinations with a n__given filter.n____n__Edit the tree name/description here. To edit tree nodes select “Tree Editor” in the top right.n__Press “Save/Load Trees” to load tree spec presets__cm manage your custom trees and import or__n__export trees (from/to Discord__cm etc.).n__To start the tree editing process__cm go to “Tree Editor” → “Create Node” and create your first__n__talent.n____n__Select the “Talent Loadout Editor” in the top left to manage your loadout. You can n__edit the loadout description there and create/import/export skillsets. Since skillsets are stored__n__inside the loadout which is part of the tree__cm you can save your skillsets by saving the tree__n__in the tree editor.n____n__Lastly__cm select the “Talent Loadout Solver” to generate all possible combinations of talent__n__selections for all possible amounts of spendable talent points. Afterwards__cm you can filter__n__the results to include/exclude specific talents and load the results into your loadout.n____n__Hint__cl This text can be edited!:TTM Note__cl____n__Due to tree changes loadout has been revalidated and one or more skillset was invalidated!n____n__Your loadout is a collection of different skillset that you can edit to suit various ingame n__situations__cm e.g. a raid setup__cm an M+ setup or different PvP skillsets.n__All skillsets are stored in the loadout which in turn is stored in the tree. So if you save your tree__n__you’ll save your loadout as well! Additionally__cm you can import/export skillsets directly__cm to share__n__with friends or your favorite discord class experts.:50:0;0:Vampiric Touch:Damage over time spell. Heals caster 50% of damage dealt.:0:3:10:1:0:0:1:17,24,19:vampiricTouch.png,default.png;1:Mind Flay:Flay target’s mind dealing shadow damage.__n__Depletes 5 insanity/damage tick and gains an additional__n__5% crit chance while depleting insanity.:0:1:12:1:0:0::0,6:mindFlay.png,default.png;2:Void Bolt:Instant cast void bolt. __n__Extends SWP and VT by 3 seconds.__n__Extends DP by 1 second.__n__Generates 40 Insanity:0:13:16:1:8:0:27,20:32,51,48:voidTouched.png,eradication.png;3:Devouring Shadow:costs 3 orbs.n__heavy damage DoT with half damage up front__n__heals for damage it deals.n__and half over 6 seconds.:0:13:8:1:8:0:25,38:18,10,35:devouringPlague.png,default.png;4:Shadowy Apparitions:Mind Blast__cm SWD__cm and Devouring Shadow hits__n__generate a shadowy apparition for each opponent__n__affected by your vampiric touch.:1:7:6:1:0:0:17:21:shadowyApparitions.png,default.png;5:Shadowy Insight,Shadow Crash:Damage from your Shadow Words has a chance n__to grant shadowy insight__cm making your next Mind Blast instant__n__and refreshing its cooldown.__n__stacks 1 time.__n__Adds 1 charge to Mind Blast,Replaces Mind Blast.__n__Instant__n__same cd as mind blast__n__AoE Nuke.:2:9:12:1:8:0:24:38,27:vampiricInsight.png,shadowCrash.png;6:Void Eruption:AoE Damage around target.__n__Generates 60 Insanity:0:3:14:1:0:0:1:11,24,49:voidEruption.png,default.png;7:Maddening Whispers:Mind Sear now deplete insanity at a __n__rate of 10 per damage tick.__n__Crit chance increased by 10% while depleting Insanity.n:1:7:18:1:0:0:11:23:mindSear.png,default.png;8:Shred Psyche:Mind Blast and Shadow crash deplete all Insanity and have a n__1% increased crit chance and n__1% increased crit damage per insanity depleted.n:1:9:14:1:8:0:26:27:illuminatedThoughts.png,default.png;9:Reworked Insanity:Void spells now generate insanity when cast.n__Insanity depletes at a rate of 5 per sec.n__If insanity reaches 100__cm you are unable to cast void spells__n__or deplete insanity until your insanity naturally__n__depletes to 0 and insanity natural depletion n__is paused for 3 seconds.n__While your insanity is above 0 and not overloaded__cm____n__your Mind Blast__cm Mind Flay__cm and Mind Sear have__n__3% increased crit chance.:1:1:2:1:0:0:::idolOfCthun.png,default.png;10:Insidious Ire:While you have DP__cm VT__cm and SWP on your target__cm n__Mind Blast’s damage is increased by 40%:1:15:8:1:20:0:3:52:insidiousIre.png,default.png;11:Voices in the Darkness:Each target hit by Void Eruption is affected by 5 seconds of n__Shadow Word__cl Pain:1:5:16:1:0:0:6:7,30:shadowMist.png,default.png;13:Death’s Call:Shadow Word__cl Death cooldown reduced by 15 seconds.n__Shadow Word__cl Death now deals no more than 5% of __n__the Priest’s HP in self damage.__n__Execute range increased to 35% hp.__n__Generates a Shadow Orb when used in execute range.:1:17:10:1:20:0:35,45::deathAndMadness.png,default.png;15:Shadow Orbs:Mind Blast generates 1 shadow orb.__n__Max 3 orbs.__n__Each orb increases your haste by 1%.n__Orbs fade when out of combat.:1:1:6:1:0:0:::voidTorrent.png,default.png;16:Malediction:After casting Damnation__cm your next Mind Flay causes your__n__SwP and VT effects to tick 150/300% more frequently.__n__Reduces CD of damnation by 15/30 seconds.,:1:19:6:2:20:0:22::malediction.png,default.png;17:Misery:Vampiric Touch also applies SWP:1:5:8:1:0:0:0:4,41:misery.png,default.png;18:Damnation:60 sec cd Instant.__n__Instantly applies Vampiric Touch(if talented)cm n__SWP and DP(if talented):0:15:6:1:20:0:3,33:22:damnation.png,default.png;19:Unfurling Darkness:After applying Vampiric Touch__cm your next Vampiric Touch__n__is instant and deals increasing damage.__n__You gain an absord shield for 5% of your max hp per DoT__n__on the target.__n__8 second cd.:1:5:10:1:0:0:0::unfurlingDarkness.png,default.png;20:Void Tendrils:Summon Tendrils from the void to root all targets around you__n__for 10 seconds.__n__30 second cd.:0:11:18:1:8:0:30,23:42,2:shadowfury.png,default.png;21:Auspicious Spirits:Vampiric Touch critical hits have a chance 10%__n__chance to generate apparitions.:1:9:6:1:8:0:4:25:auspiciousSpirits.png,default.png;22:Amplify Agony:Mind Flay increases the critical strike chance of your damage__n__over time effects by 20% for 3 seconds.:1:17:6:1:20:0:18:16:monomania.png,default.png;23:Thought Devourer:SWP has a 20 % chance to make your next Mind Sear n__deal 150% increased damage.:1:9:18:1:8:0:7:20:mindDevourer.png,default.png;24:Dispersion:DIsperse into shadow energy__cm reducing all damage by 90%.n__While dispersed__cm you heal for 60% of your hp.n__60 second cd.:0:5:12:1:0:0:0,6:5,36,26:dispersion.png,default.png;25:Spectral Guise:Fade into the shadows leaving behind a shadowy clone.n__Lasts 6 seconds__cm until your clone has been hit by three n__abilities__cm or until you cast a spell.n__30 sec cd.:0:11:6:1:8:0:21,41:3,33:defile.png,default.png;26:Mental Mastery:Increases the damage of Mind Flay__cm Mind Blast and__n__Mind Sear by 5/10%,:1:7:14:2:0:0:24:8,30:improvedMindBlast.png,default.png;27:Psychic Horror:Stun Traget for 5 seconds__n__45 second cd:0:11:14:1:8:0:5,8:46,2:psychicHorror.png,default.png;28:Hungering Void:Void spell critical strikes extend Voidform by 1 sec.n__Voidform grants 0.5/1% increased haste every second__n__to a maximum of 20%.,:1:19:18:2:20:0:40::hungeringVoid.png,default.png;29:Reworked Mastery:Your shadow spells have a x% chance to summon a n__living shadow which imitates your next single target ability__n__with 20% effectiveness.:1:1:4:1:0:0:::livingShadow.png,default.png;30:Psychic Link:Your living shadow now effects each target affected__n__by your shadow DoT spells.:1:9:16:1:8:0:11,26:20:psychicLink.png,default.png;31:Idol of N’Zoth:Your void spells generate 1 echoing void on the primary__n__target. Whenever a charge of echoing void is added to__n__an enemy__cm there is a 10% chance for each charge to detonate__n__dealing damage over 3 seconds. (100% chance at 10)n__Your void spells generate 10 Additional Insanity.:1:17:16:1:20:0:51::idolOfNZoth.png,default.png;32:Mind Melt:Increases damage of Void Bolt__cm Void Torrent__cm____n Mind Blast__cm and Mind Flay on targets not affected by your__n__DoTs by 40%.n:1:15:14:1:20:0:2:39:sacrificedSouls.png,default.png;33:Phantasmal Mastery:Your shadowy apparitions have a 2/4% chance to generate one n__shadow orb.n__Increases the damage of Shadowy apparitions by 25/50__n,:1:13:4:2:8:0:25:50,18:voidApparitions.png,default.png;34:Idol of Yogg-Saron:Shadow covenant spawns__n__a thing from beyond for 10 seconds. The thing from beyond__n__casts aoe void spells on your enemies.n__Shadow Covenant now generates 20 Insanity.:1:17:20:1:20:0:42::idolOfYoggSaron.png,default.png;35:Lord of Ravens:You can now have 5 orbs.n__Your orbs appear as ravens.n__When you gain your fifth orb__cm your living shadow activates.n__When you consume shadow orbs__cm your haste is increased__n__by 2% per orb for 6 seconds. Stacking does not refresh__n__duration.:1:15:10:1:20:0:3:13:mentalFortitude.png,default.png;36:Shadow Mastery:Increases damage of SWP__cm Shadow Crash__cm Shadowfiend__cm SWD__cm____n__and shadowy apparitions by 5/10%,:1:7:10:2:0:0:24:41,37:shadowfury.png,default.png;37:Flickering Shadows:You can cast spells more quickly.__n__Your Instant cast abilities have a 1 sec GCD.:1:9:10:1:8:0:36:38:livingShadow.png,default.png;38:Door of Shadows:30 second cd__cm____n__Instant__n__teleport to target location__n__40 yd range.:0:11:10:1:8:0:5,37:3,46:blessingOfSummer.png,default.png;39:Idol of Ysharaaj:Your shadowfiend gains a benefit depending on the __n__target’s emotional state.__n__Shadowfiend now generates 20 Insanity.n__It takes on the appearance of a Sha.:1:17:14:1:20:0:45,32::idolOfYShaarj.png,default.png;40:Idol of Cthun:Void spells summon a void tendril to flay the targets mind.n__Your void spells generate 10 Additional Insanity.:1:17:18:1:20:0:48:28:idolOfCthun.png,default.png;41:Walking Nightmares:Your Mind Blast Critical Strikes summon 2 shadowy__n__apparitions to attack the target.:1:9:8:1:8:0:17,36:25:harbingerOfDoom.png,default.png;42:Dark Devotion:Whenever you cast a Void spell__cm you can a stack of n__dark Devotion. Dark Devotion increases the damage__n__of your Void spells by 5/10. Stacks 3 times.,:1:13:20:2:8:0:20:34,48:innerRadiance.png,default.png;43:Absolute Mastery:Your living shadow will duplicate 1/2 additional spells.,:1:19:12:2:20:0:47::lingeringShadow.png,default.png;45:Shadow Calling:Shadow Word__cl Death__cm shadow fiend__cm____n__and Shadowy Insight have a 100% chance __n__to activate your living shadow.:1:15:12:1:20:0:46:39,13,47:livingShadow.png,default.png;46:Shadow Form:Increases shadow damage by 10%__n__reduces damage taken by 10%__n__unable to cast holy spells.n__confers weakness to the void__cm increasing all insanity__n__generation by 100%.__n__You cannot go below 10 Insanity.:0:13:12:1:8:0:38,27:45:demonbolt.png,demonSkin.png;47:Eidolic Intuition::1:17:12:1:20:0:45:43:eidolicIntuition.png,default.png;48:Void Torrent:1 minute cd after voidform ends.__n__channel void energy into the target dealing large damage and __n__instantly overloading your insanity.__n__Activates voidform for 10 seconds.n__While in voidform__cm you can cast void spells and can cast__n__while moving.__n__Void Eruption has a 5 sec cd.n__void bolt has a 3 second cd.:0:15:18:1:20:0:42,2:40:voidTorrent.png,default.png;49:Void Ward:When you cast PW__cl__S on yourself__cm all of your insanity is__n__depleted but you generate a shield for 1% of your hp per__n__insanity depleted. Duration reduced to 3 seconds.n:1:5:14:1:0:0:6::crystallineReflection.png,default.png;50:Spectral Assault:Shadow Covenant also doubles all of your shadowy__n__apparitions.:1:17:4:1:20:0:33::creepingDeath.png,default.png;51:Voidtouch Adept:Reduces all Insanity generation by 50%:1:15:16:1:20:0:2:31:demonSkin.png,default.png;52:Sanguine Teachings:Overhealing from your Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch__n__shield you for the amount healed. Cannot exceed 15%__n__of your max hp.n__Whenever you gain an absorb shield__cm your DoT effects deal__n__15% more damage for 10 seconds.:1:17:8:1:20:0:10::sanguineTeachings.png,default.png;

This tool was a mistake.


“invalid Import String!”

Did you try to test the import first? My imports work fine, but not yours.

I’ll try again in a bit.


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SWD is an actual good pick imho because it’s a spell that somebody could not pick at all and it wouldn’t make much of a gameplay difference.

Silence would be a lot better.

We already have silence. 28 days of silence.

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But everyone else just got a 1 minute interrupt…

A lot of the class tree needs to be cut, consolidated, or reworked.

The class tree should strongly favor utility over pure self-throughput spells so that the spec trees don’t force players to sacrifice too much utility for throughput. Silence and Dispersion should probably be at least “mid-deep” in a Shadow-leaning portion of the class tree. You can keep improved versions of these spells in the Shadow tree, e.g., you can probably make Silence an interrupt baseline, but buff it to an actual “silence” in the Shadow tree; also, you can keep Intangibility in the Shadow tree.

I’m not sure why Shadowfiend and Improved Shadowfiend are two separate talents. By itself, Shadowfiend does abysmal damage for a 3min CD, so it’s a waste of a talent to take by itself unless you are taking Improved Shadowfiend. Improved Shadowfiend should be folded into Shadowfiend baseline.

Delete all the “while shielded, you get X bonus” talents (shields are depleted too quickly to make these talents useful and the design conflicts with SW: Death usage) or rework them so they empower your next cast of x/y/z (particularly useful if you buff spells that work across multiple specs, e.g. Mind Blast, or Flash Heal/Shadowmend).

Taming the Shadows is too infrequent a proc to be useful. Far more importantly, it effectively rewards bad Shadowmend usage. Your Shadowmends should mostly be on people in danger of taking damage so the damage they take can eat up the self-damage component of Shadowmend, otherwise you should heal them with atonement. This talent should be removed.

Rabid Shadows - 10% attack speed to Mindbender - is too weak to be worth 2 talent points. It’s fairly useless for Shadow, but useful for Disc if you have 15 atonements out. Cut this down to 1 talent if you are going to keep it or buff it considerably.

Crystalline Reflection is not competitive with Mindbender/Shadowflame Prism. Its damage reflect should proc atonement to make it competitive.

Tithe Evasion is too weak to be worth 2 talent points. It’s worth half that, so I’d either double its effectiveness or cut it down to 1 talent.

Holy Word: Life is too weak and does not synergize with the rest of the CD reduction gameplay for holy words. Buff its throughput and its cooldown substantially, and make other healing spells reduce its CD.

Holy Nova has no practical usage for Shadow, even in niche cases, so there is no incentive for shadow to take it while going down the holy side for a build that increases healing potential. Holy Nova should probably be made baseline or added to the Holy spec tree along with any talents buffing it, since Disc has AOE damage options in their tree and Holy does not.

I’m sure there are others, but these stand out.