(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

Agree with everything except dispersion in class tree.

I really feel that dispersion should be that great soaking damage ability it has been known for and be part of a reason to bring Shadow.

Also seems quite strong for a healer cooldown.

But that’s my opinion. Everything else I agree with.


Thanks, I tend to agree. I think what we’re both going for could work under the following conditions:

  1. If Dispersion were deep enough in the Shadow side of the main class tree that taking it would require a meaningful tradeoff on the other side of the class tree.
  2. Perhaps if the baseline version of Dispersion was slightly nerfed and the “Improved Dispersion” talent in the Shadow tree (Intangibility) - which would remain in the Shadow spec tree - was buffed.

If the class tree is to have the primary focus on utility, then unless we get some killer options on the opposing side to really compete with Dispersion, then I really don’t think it will NOT be an option just because it’s so good.

I might be wrong, but I am firmly in the belief that Dispersion should stay as a shadow spec tree talent only. Again, just my opinion.

Not to mention that if Dispersion WAS in the class tree, then I think it also serves to remove “choice” for shadow since that’s really our only defensive ability. Aide from slow leeching, we don’t really have instant throughput heals and absorbs like Holy and Disc… at least impactful ones.

So it would “lock in” shadows choice or at least a portion of shadows choice and feel like the current DF Priest class tree where you don’t have many options as shadow in regards to what path and talents you pick up. I think that is a mistake and should be improved to actually have good choices throughout the tree on all sides for all 3 specs.


I am not a big fan of having to pick up an ability in the class tree in order to get an improved version of it in the spec tree.

If you go this route then it creates several issues.

  • NOT Picking base ability is class tree can then lead to a dead talent in Spec tree… if that is within a forced path… it simply wont work. If its NOT within a forced path, it will most likely be avoided for more throughput abilities.
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the problem is holy and disc are easily the squishiest classes in the game at this point were legit going down the middle tree to get 10% dr on fade these specs need good survival. baselining despersion would be an easy fix for us.

I agree that Holy and Disc could use something, I just don’t agree the solution should be making Dispersion migrate over the the class tree. I think that is a lazy bandaid fix. Sure it’s better then anything else in that regards, but that’s just because of the lack of better options.

Looking at the Demon Hunter talents, a lot of new talents have been added that help fill in its short comings and granting extra ways for play style customization.

I am hoping that now that for the most part, the major talents released are just about done that more resources will be shifted to priests and take another crack at designing the DF talents and actually make good on their last statement. Which to me means actually coming up with new things to fix the issues the priest has.

i just assume thats what theyll probably do may as well embrace the inevitable.

Ion Hazzikostas just said we’ll hear something soon, so will druids. They’re aware of this silence


power word update 2.0


This and there’s a troll who is continually derailing posts both here and in the priest section.

People complain about priest current predicament but can you blame blizz when a troll is constantly posting thesis lengths of drivel…

They’re hard-pressed to ever be right lol.

They’re delusional. lol

Just wanted to also confirm that ion said priest and druids will be getting updates!


If you are consistently the center of these back and forth conversations, it might stand to reason that it’s a problem you’re causing. You are the common denominator. It’s not like the forum is tag teaming against you.

Again, the first time this was pointed out - I specifically apologized for derailing (it was a good 30 posts or so about lore, of all things), and the second time someone was goading me into a conversation like that I just cut it short. You cannot seriously be suggesting that you, at almost DOUBLE the count of the next highest poster in this thread are totally innocent and have never posted some nonsense or that all your posts have been substantive to the topic at hand. What in the world?


Seems whack we have to wait for an interview from Ion on WoWhead to get an update instead of somebody just replying on the forum.


As recompense we should get more priests into Alpha!


Prove that I have.

If you truly believe that to be the case and since it obviously bothers you enough to bring attention to it.

Yes I firmly believe I did not start it. In fact as I stated, it was typically because people (such as yourself) come at me from a direction that does not address the issue at hand but instead want to “derail” it from a “personal choice” instead of something that was said.

So yea… prove it dude. When I don’t see you can find anything, you and I both know why.


The fact is, a few of you don’t like that I have the view that I have and instead of addressing what I say as it stands… you jump to “Your 50, you haven’t played the game recently, you shouldn’t have a voice or opinion until you play something that you don’t want to play” etc.

Everything starts at THAT personal level instead of just addressing what I am saying, it is instead with great effort trying to be discounted for personal reasons.

Find something that does not have something like that involved, I challenge you on this.

Edit 2:

Also, Go ahead and start a separate thread and we can continue this back and forth there on the topic of me starting the derailing if you care that much and to spare the folks here.

Do what you like, but I have nothing to hide.

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Not sure capslocks did that though.
Our favorite goblin australian did I beleive. And I also did say that. Although I never said you shouldn’t have an opinion or a say in any of this. You clearly have a voice for the old-school shadow priests which is totally fine.

Your opinion doesn’t appeal to current priests players. I’m only saying that you should play it to better understand it and better incorporate it into what your vision of priest is. That is if you want to appeal to current priests. Sound like you don’t to me but of well… :man_shrugging:

Either way, we’re, again, diverging from the topic… So I’m not going to continue feed this discussion. I just feel that you put the blame a lot on the people who disagree with you while you’re never to be blamed yourself.

Most of us (the evil ones who don’t agree with you) already apologized about feeding the wrong discussions and diverging from topic for too long. Do everyone a favor and at least don’t feed the wrong discussions. I know you didn’t start it this time, and it was aimed at you. But get a grip, this current discussion is diverging from main topic. So you’re doing it right now!

Now, sorry again for feeding an off topic discussion. Last time for me in the thread I promise. And I’ll be adamant for anyone who deviate from the subject again in the future.


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I didn’t call anyone out until they are coming directly at me… which he just did.

I did, in legion. I hated it and moved on to my DH…

Let me ask you this then… If I made a massive stink on the forums between WoD and Legion… would I be the one everyone should be more understanding with since I at that point in time had a plethora of “current” Priest (specifically Shadow) experience and knew what I am talking about “because” of my experience (As seems to be the argument now).

Funny how I have the SAME stance 6+ years later and also just happens to be that within that entire time, the Voidform Redesign “Shadow” has, has been meet with problem after problem… issue after issue. I SAW the core problems from the beginning. It only took this long… (Possibly longer still) for the devs and the rest to finally see what I saw after we have now all the failure that is Voidform data accumulated over the past 6+ years.

The fact is that I saw the new design and I instantly could see it having massive issues and just HATED it outright. So I did what any sane person would, I thought
“its not for me anymore” and I moved on. But now the data over the entire Void iteration has finally caught up and with the advent of trying to merge all specs under the banner of a “class tree” it has quite vividly showed the glaring holes and disconnect the “priest” has within its specs. This is a primary factor in my motivation to help “fix things” and my idea to do that is to “bridge” the specs together and what better way then to look in the “Past” at its roots where it DID feel more like a class rather than some off disconnected spec. I was simply too early for my own good at that revelation and again that’s why I regret that I didn’t say more… say anything really at that time and instead this time around… I will make sure I have no regrets in providing what I think is the much needed feedback to get some common ground between all 3 specs while also remaining fun and interesting.

Fantastic. I didn’t call any of you out specifically and I have been reviewing my own posts to make sure I was not the cause of any of it… I haven’t found any. Feel free to make a new thread and quote me all you like there and we can continue this if you like.

Don’t drag me in and I wont any longer. I did jump in when the topic was already derailing in terms of “theme” talk way back. Other then that, I do as I stated… I don’t engage with opinions I don’t agree with. I simply state my own and if people change there minds then that’s on them, but I am not going to force someone to explain their opinions or rather… tell them their opinions are wrong or should not be discussed because I disagree with them. OR waving around my “credentials” like its the only approved view and anything other than that should not be “allowed” to be discussed. Stuff like THAT is what caused most if not all the derailing… Stuff like THAT is something I wont… I CANT ignore.

But I am not STARTING it. I am simply RESPONDING to people that dragged me into it.

If you all care so much about this, make a new thread and we can continue this there. If not… then either you have nothing to say or its not worth it so you shouldn’t even be making this post you did just now… same with cap.


Just finished reviewing all my posts. Nothing stood out as “starting” any type of derailing. I have been consistent with the engagement of Priest talent trees and how to fix them by direct ideas or referring to something that once was a thing in order to possibly illustrate a positive reason to make a return.

Not sure how much more priests would help when we’re in a state of ‘soon.’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Hence my ignored suggestion a ways back to build the shared trees off of our utility (mobility, area mixed offensive/defense, single target control) and leave damage and healing throughput as well as defensive cooldowns (which will break healing specs) entirely to the spec trees. There is nothing that thematically or mechanically unites Holy and Shadow and Disc’s current concept (which I still hate) is just “I use both schools”, which is redundant with a class tree that’s all about using both schools. It would be like if druid had a spec that was just about using as many forms as possible; either that spec would be trash or the rest of the class would be. Instead, that kind of flexibility is broadly granted by their class tree and each spec is defined by their primary role.

“Angel” is the single most consistent theme of the class and we’ve had so many angels in this game from the Spirit Healer to Wrath/Cata to Legion to SL, it boggles my mind that we’re even still discussing ‘what can unite the class’. There should be no shortage of thematic ideas here. Wings/Novas/Mind Games, all fit the theme, all potentially usable by all three specs, but clearly have a spec they’re attached to.

Personally speaking, I think using this thread to throw around broad, player-generated ideas is good, but literally hundreds of posts to refine the very specific details of one specific dream tree would probably be best with its own thread. I enjoyed reading it at first but it is extremely hard to follow what is going on when we’re in the weeds to such an extent on something that had no dev input whatsoever and requires tracing through hundreds of posts that don’t interact with the rest of the thread.


Finally a decent post regarding disc in the alpha feedback thread.


Let’s add a few bits on that myself here :slight_smile:

Currently the proposed trees essentially force you into taking talents like Contrition if you want access to good talents behind it

It would be incredibly refreshing to see Blizzard attempt to replace these duds with new options

Although, contrition was ever only a ‘dud’ choice because of the talents it has been competing with. It’s actually a pretty solid choice if you’re not sacrificing Sins of the Many. I’m personally happy to be able to pick both. Maybe pathing could be better I agree. But replaced? no…

A good example is the Power Word: Radiance talents; both PvP and PvE priests appreciate a 2nd charge, but PvE disc priests are less interested in a Radiance heal increase (they are more interested in its Atonement application) so Improved Radiance and Shining Radiance should be swapped on the tree.

Raid disc doesn’t care about the extra healing, but it’s great for m+, radiance is more reactive in m+ than it is in raids (although not always). I’d agree that the bonus seems underwhelming compared to what we have with conduits right now in SL though. And yeah, both nodes should at the very least be swapped because you always want the second charge, and not so much the healing boost.

The Good
Lenience + Evang being possible

Weird that this is great when compared to the comment on Contrition. I couldn’t care less about evang when I’m not in a raid scenario. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad choice but I’d rather be able to spend the point on something different given the opportunity when not for raiding. The stuff under it can be good for any content. Like TPO being usefull in all form of contents during SL.

The Bad
Rapture - Without the extra Atonement duration from Rapture shields returning this ability feels very out of place.

Hum, again, maybe that is true for raiding, but for m+/pvp I don’t feel this is out of place at all. You don’t care as much for longer atonement in those situation, at least not as much. Rapture is a pretty strong cd that can be cast in a multitude of scenarios, while moving, before incoming damage, after received damage to give time to heal group back up. It’s also a 8 seconds where your tank is basically unkillable, can help soak mecanics, etc.

There is always the option to not pick it for raid if you feel like it’s not worth the 1 point anymore in that content.

The Bad
Shadow Covenant line - PLEASE reconsider this as a talent column.

I’m actually pretty excited to try and play this though. I feel it’s a superb option that looks to finally make shadow cov fun and viable in a more long-lasting manner than any of the previous iterations :man_shrugging:

The Mixed
Halo/Divine Star - These abilities have never been that exciting for Disc due to competing with Purge previously, but also due to how Atonement works with AoE abilities. Being forced to waste points on Swift Penitence again does this talent no favours. I feel that leaning into Disc’s Atonement playstyle is better for the spec overall.

Divine star is a common pick though? You’re happy to be able to pick evang + leniance but not divine star/PotW ?
I’m not sure how all of these (PotW/Divine star/Swift Penitence) don’t lean into Disc’s atonement playstyle.

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I feel like discussing Spirit Shell today.

I know this is a contentious topic(or rather everyone says that it should be removed) but I’m mostly just interested in discussing what happens if it stays, as a choice vs evang.

I feel it’s been nerfed to the point where it’s not competing against evang anymore, but rather it answers different needs. It also no longer replaces Rapture, which in itself is a huge buff if it’s intended. (Because why pick Rapture if you loose it anyways)

Would it make Spirit Shell be a useable option in other types of contents?
For example, in mythic+, where Rapture is one of our most versatile ability. Since we don’t lose it when choosing Spirit Shell, it could become quite the decent tool at setuping absorbs while allowing us to keep Rapture on the shelve for a later damage event.

I mean, you do have to be an immobile turret to make most of it in comparison to rapture that allows for a more mobile way of creating shields.

What do you guys think? :thinking:

Edit: I feel that if it goes away, we should place Crystaline Reflexion in it’s place maybe? This would give a bit more reactive healing with pw:shield + the small damage boost. Could be ok-ish for when not-raiding :thinking:

This import should work.

1.3.7:custom:0:Shadow Tree::TTM Note__cl____n__Due to tree changes loadout has been revalidated and one or more skillset was invalidated!n____n__Your loadout is a collection of different skillset that you can edit to suit various ingame n__situations__cm e.g. a raid setup__cm an M+ setup or different PvP skillsets.n__All skillsets are stored in the loadout which in turn is stored in the tree. So if you save your tree__n__you’ll save your loadout as well! Additionally__cm you can import/export skillsets directly__cm__ to share__n__with friends or your favorite discord class experts.:48:0;0:Vampiric Touch:Damage over time spell. Heals caster 50% of damage dealt.:0:3:10:1:0:0:1:19,17,56:vampiricTouch.png,default.png;1:Mind Flay:Flay target’s mind dealing shadow damage.n:0:1:12:1:0:0::0,2:mindFlay.png,default.png;2:Void Bolt:Instant cast void bolt. __n__3 swcond cooldown__n__Generates 40 Insanity:0:3:14:1:0:0:1:7,53,56:voidTouched.png,eradication.png;3:Devouring Shadow:costs 3 orbs.n__heavy damage DoT with half damage up front__n__heals for damage it deals.n__and half over 6 seconds.:0:11:8:1:8:0:21,13:41,25,10:devouringPlague.png,default.png;4:Shadowy Apparitions:Unfurling Darkness__cm SWD__cm and Devouring Shadow hits__n__generate a shadowy apparition for each opponent__n__affected by your vampiric touch.:1:9:6:1:8:0:21:41:shadowyApparitions.png,default.png;5:Shadowy Insight,Shadow Crash:Damage from your Shadow Words has a chance n__to grant shadowy insight__cm making your next Mind Blast instant__n__and refreshing its cooldown.__n__stacks 1 time.__n__Adds 1 charge to Mind Blast,Replaces Mind Blast.__n__Instant__n__same cd as mind blast__n__generates 1 sahdow orb__n__AoE Nuke.:2:9:12:1:8:0:24:54:vampiricInsight.png,shadowCrash.png;6:Void Eruption:AoE Damage around target.__n__1.5 sec cast__n__3 second cooldown__n__Generates 60 Insanity:0:11:16:1:8:0:8,23:27,11,42:voidEruption.png,default.png;7:Maddening Whispers:Mind Sear and Mind Flay now deplete insanity at a __n__rate of 10 per damage tick.__n__Crit chance increased by 10% while depleting Insanity.n:1:5:16:1:0:0:2:23:mindSear.png,default.png;8:Shred Psyche:Mind Blast and Shadow crash deplete all Insanity and have a n__0.5% increased crit chance and n__1% increased crit damage per insanity depleted.n:1:9:14:1:8:0:24:6,27:illuminatedThoughts.png,default.png;9:Reworked Insanity:Void spells now generate insanity when cast.n__Insanity depletes at a rate of 5 per sec.n__If insanity reaches 100__cm you are unable to cast void spells__n__or deplete insanity until your insanity naturally__n__depletes to 0 and insanity natural depletion n__is paused for 3 seconds.n__While your insanity is above 0 and not overloaded__cm____n__your Mind Blast__cm Mind Flay__cm and Mind Sear have__n__5% increased crit chance.:1:1:2:1:0:0:::idolOfCthun.png,default.png;10:Insidious Ire:While you have DP__cm VT__cm and SWP on your target__cm n__Mind Blast’s damage is increased by 40%:1:13:8:1:8:0:3:18:insidiousIre.png,default.png;11:Voices in the Darkness:Each target hit by Void Eruption is affected by 5 seconds of n__Shadow Word__cl Pain:1:13:16:1:8:0:6:48:shadowMist.png,default.png;13:Dark Litany:Shadow Word__cl Death cooldown reduced by 15 seconds.__n__Execute range increased to 35% hp.__n__Generates a Shadow Orb when used in execute range.__n__SWP Damage Increased by 20%:1:9:10:1:8:0:24:3,25:deathAndMadness.png,default.png;15:Shadow Orbs:Mind Blast generates 1 shadow orb.__n__Max 3 orbs.n__Each orb increases your mastery by 2%.n__Orbs fade when out of combat for 30 seconds.:1:1:6:1:0:0:::voidTorrent.png,default.png;16:Malediction:After casting Damnation__cm for 4 seconds__cm your mind flay __n__causes your DoT effects to tick 1/2 extra times __n__whenever it deals damage.n,:1:17:8:2:20:0:18:52:malediction.png,default.png;17:Misery:Vampiric Touch also applies SWP:1:5:10:1:0:0:0:21,24:misery.png,default.png;18:Damnation:45 sec cd Instant.__n__Instantly applies Vampiric Touch(if talented)cm n__SWP and DP(if talented):0:15:8:1:20:0:41,10:16,45:damnation.png,default.png;19:Unfurling Darkness:After applying Vampiric Touch__cm your next Vampiric Touch__n__is instant and deals damage.__n__8 second cd.:1:5:8:1:0:0:0:21:unfurlingDarkness.png,default.png;21:Auspicious Spirits:Vampiric Touch critical hits have a 5/10%n__chance to generate apparitions.,:1:7:8:2:0:0:19,17:3,4:auspiciousSpirits.png,default.png;23:Thought Devourer:Void Bolt and Void Eruption have a 10/20__n__chance to make your next Mind Sear or__n__Mind Flay deal 150% increased damage.,:1:7:16:2:0:0:7,53:51,6:mindDevourer.png,default.png;24:Dispersion:DIsperse into shadow energy__cm reducing all damage by 90%.n__While dispersed__cm you heal for 60% of your hp.__n__60 second cd.:0:7:12:1:0:0:17,53,56:8,5,13:dispersion.png,default.png;25:Spectral Guise,Door of Shadows:Instant__n__Fade into the shadows leaving behind a shadowy clone.n__Lasts 6 seconds__cm until your clone has been hit by three n__abilities__cm or until you cast a spell.__n__Costs 3 Shadow Orbs,Instant__n__teleport to target location__n__40 yd range.__n__Costs 3 Shadow Orbs.:2:13:10:1:8:0:3,13,54:43:defile.png,blessingOfSummer.png;27:Psychic Horror,Void Tendrils:Stun Traget for 5 seconds__n__45 second cd,Summon Tendrils from the Void to Root all targets around __n__you for 20 seconds or until the tendrils are slain.n__30 second cd.:2:13:14:1:8:0:8,54,6:60:psychicHorror.png,abominationLimb.png;28:Hungering Void:Void spell critical strikes extend Voidform by 0.5/1 sec.n__Void Torrent has a 15 second cd during void form__n____n,:1:17:16:2:20:0:48:32:hungeringVoid.png,default.png;29:Reworked Mastery:Your shadow spells have a x% chance to summon a n__living shadow which empowers your next 2 single target shadow abilities__n__by 20%:1:1:4:1:0:0:::livingShadow.png,default.png;30:Psychic Feedback:While Channeling Mind Flay__cm whenever your target deals__n__damage to you they suffer damage and you have a 10%n__chance to generate a shadow orb.n__Whenever your target interrupts you__cm they suffer massive__n__damage and are disarmed for 3 seconds.n____n:1:17:14:1:20:0:48,60::psychicLink.png,monomania.png;32:Mind Melt:While your target is not affected by SWP__cm VT__cm or Devouring__n__Shadow your spells are empowered.__n__void bolt and void torrent have a 25% increased crit__n__chance.__n__mind flay and mind blast deal 25% increased__n__damage.n:1:19:16:1:20:0:28::sacrificedSouls.png,default.png;33:Spectral Wrath,Spectral Hatred:Shadowy Apparitions detonate for AoE damage on Impact.n,Increases the damage of Shadowy apparitions by 50%:2:17:6:1:20:0:50::voidApparitions.png,demonicAppetite.png;35:Crown of Shadows:You can now have 5 orbs.__n__Your orbs appear as ravens.n__When you consume shadow orbs__cm you automatically__n__summon your Living Shadow:1:17:12:1:20:0:37:55:mentalFortitude.png,default.png;37:Empowered Shadow Covenant:Shadow Covenant generates 3 shadow orbs.__n__While Shadow covenant is active__n__you have a 1 sec GCD.:1:15:12:1:20:0:46:35:masterRitualist.png,default.png;39:Idol of Ysharaaj,Idol of Yogg-Saron:Your shadowfiend gains a benefit depending on the __n__target’s emotional state.__n__Shadowfiend now generates 40 Insanity.__n__It takes on the appearance of a Sha.,Your shadowfiend tranforms into __n__a thing from beyond. The thing from beyond__n__casts aoe void spells on your enemies.__n__Shadowfiend now generates 40 Insanity.:2:17:20:1:20:0:57::idolOfYShaarj.png,idolOfYoggSaron.png;40:Idol of Cthun,Idol of Nzoth:Void spells summon a void tendril to flay the targets mind.n__Your void spells generate 10 Additional Insanity.,Your void spells generate 1 echoing void on the primary__n__target. Whenever a charge of echoing void is added to__n__an enemy__cm there is a 10% chance for each charge to detonate__n__dealing damage over 3 seconds. (100% chance at 10)__n__Your void spells generate 10 Additional Insanity.:2:17:18:1:20:0:57::idolOfCthun.png,idolOfNZoth.png;41:Walking Nightmares:Your Mind Blast summons 1/2 shadowy apparitions to attack the target.n__Critical strikes summon 1/2 additional spirits.,:1:13:6:2:8:0:3,4:18,50:harbingerOfDoom.png,default.png;42:Dark Devotion:Whenever you cast a Void spell__cm you gain a stack of n__dark Devotion. Dark Devotion increases the damage__n__of your Void spells by 5/10% for 5 seconds. Stacks 3 times.,:1:13:18:2:8:0:51,6:48,57:innerRadiance.png,default.png;43:Shadow Mastery:Your living shadow will empower 1 additional spell.:1:15:10:1:20:0:46,25:45:lingeringShadow.png,default.png;45:Shadow Calling:Your SWD__cm always activates your living__n__shadow.:1:17:10:1:20:0:43,18::livingShadow.png,default.png;46:Shadow Form:Increases shadow damage by 10%__n__reduces damage taken by 10%__n__unable to cast holy spells.:0:13:12:1:8:0:54:43,37,60:demonbolt.png,demonSkin.png;48:Void Torrent:45 sec cd after voidform ends.__n__channel void energy into the target dealing large damage and __n__instantly overloading your insanity.__n__Activates voidform for 10 seconds.n__While in voidform__cm you can cast void spells and can cast__n__while moving and your crit chance is increased by 5%.:0:15:16:1:20:0:11,42:28,30:voidTorrent.png,default.png;50:Spectral Covenant:Shadow Covenant also doubles all of your shadowy__n__apparitions for its duration.:1:15:6:1:20:0:41:59,33:creepingDeath.png,default.png;51:Voidtouched Adept:Reduces all Insanity generation by 20:1:9:18:1:8:0:23:42:demonSkin.png,default.png;52:Face Melt:Damnation Increases the crit chance of your DoT effects by__n__20% for 10 seconds.:1:19:8:1:20:0:16::sanguineTeachings.png,default.png;53:Entropic Bolt:Void Bolt Increases the duration of SWP and VT by 3 seconds.__n__Increases duration of Devouring Shadow by 1 second.:1:5:14:1:0:0:2:23,24:doomWinds.png,default.png;54:Shadow Pact:Increases Shadow Damage by 5%__n__Increases Insanity Generation by 100%__n__Your minimum Insanity is 10.:1:11:12:1:8:0:5:46,25,27:surrenderToMadness.png,default.png;55:Eidolic Intuition:Increases the chance for Shadowy Insight to proc.__n__Reduces the cooldown of Shadow Crash by 2 seconds.:1:19:12:1:20:0:35::eidolicIntuition.png,default.png;56:Spirit Ward,Void Ward:Overhealing from your Devouring Shadow and Vampiric Touch__n__shield you for the amount healed. Cannot exceed 25%n__of your max hp.,When you cast PW__cl__S on yourself__cm all of your insanity is__n__depleted but you generate a shield for 1% of your hp per__n__insanity depleted. Duration reduced to 3 seconds.:2:5:12:1:0:0:0,2:24:mentalFortitude.png,crystallineReflection.png;57:Void Covenant:Activating Shadow Covenant removes all insanity (even__n__if insanity is overloaded) and resets the cooldown of all __n__your void spells.:1:15:18:1:20:0:42:40,39:windsOfAlakir.png,default.png;59:Phantasmal Wave,Phantasmal Barrage:Your Shadowfiend summons a Shadowy Apparition to attack __n__each target within 10 yards of your primary target.__n__Shadowfiend now costs 1 shadow orb.n____n,Your Shadowfiend summons 2 spirits every second for__n__3 seconds to attack your primary target.__n__Shadowfiend now costs 1 shadow orb.:2:17:4:1:20:0:50::shadowflame.png,soulLink.png;60:Psychic Anguish:Mind Flay afflicts the target with Psychic Anguish for 5__n__seconds.__n__Psychic Anguish increases the damage of your__n__DoTs on the target by 20%:1:15:14:1:20:0:46,27:30:monomania.png,default.png;