Your damage yes, but you don’t have any abilities that synergize with SW:P do you?
Meaning it’s just a button you press because it’s there and you can.
But it has no interaction beyond that.
Your damage yes, but you don’t have any abilities that synergize with SW:P do you?
Meaning it’s just a button you press because it’s there and you can.
But it has no interaction beyond that.
not all spells have interactions its like pressing smite there’s no real interaction its just something to do to deal damage.
I’m not suggesting anything. I was giving examples of spells that interract with the class in similar fation coming from the loght or shadow and could interact within the tree as well. I’m not saying all of these should be choice nodes. Those are example for god’s sake…
Btw shadow has shadowmend on live right now. Just saying…
Exactly, I could use smite as shadow. But that would go against the goal of shadow and that is to do shadow damage etc.
As a Holy and Disc priest, the primary goal is to heal. Meaning if people are dying and you are doing DPS, you are failing at your role.
who said people are dying? you brought up synergies i said not all spells need to synergize. also if you kill mobs faster by adding to the overalls grp dps than im mitigating damage.
Yes… and I am so glad we are getting back Flash Heal separately. Shadow has not had Flash heal since… WoD.
Are you starting to see the connection and reasoning why shadow is in such a terrible state and I keep referring to WoD as the best version of shadow? It goes beyond Voidform and lost utility. They screwed up so much since legion. They are finally starting to dial it back to where it makes sense.
Shadow isn’t in such a terrible state.
So everyone just got hit with a massive AOE attack and your all around 30% HP.
Do you heal or do you toss out dots?
depends is the pull almost over what cd’s are up there’s these factors its not all black and white. i could rip an instan sanctuary and maybe a flash heal get everyone to 50+% end the pull top everyone off. mid pull get everyone to 70+ go back to smite.
I take it you don’t PvP as shadow then.
All the cries for AOE problems?
The cooldown line up problem that causes you to have to hold back on cooldowns
The fact that dots do crap damage and all your damage is gated behind the Voidbolt interaction with shadow apparitions thus causing being outside Voidform to feel horrible just like in BFA and Legion
The force root fishing for procs for mind blast.
Dude, shadow has problems, lots of them. The DF talent tree speaks for itself. It is the symptom of the many problems shadow has had and currently has for 6+ years now.
Exactly, the primary concern is the health of the group. Everything after that is optional.
That’s the point, DPS helps but it takes a back seat to keeping your team alive.
I don’t. But I see a few shadow on top of the us ladder so it’s fair to say that its not terrible.
From what I’m seeing, they’re an ok pvp spec. Middle of the pack-ish in terms of overall performance…
On boss damage, shadow is among the strongest dps right now. And its prety fun to play.
Cd juggling isn’t as bad as people make it. You’re reading too much forums… it doesn’t feel good for sure but you should not wait more than a few seconds or you’re not plahing properly tbh…
AoE feels bad. But it’s not bad per say. Its boring. Yup, that’s the thing I hate about shadow personnally.
All in all shadow isn’t perfect, that’s for sure. But it’s nothing as bad as some people in these forums make it to be…
Is there room for improvment? Of course, like most classes/spec tbf…
You seems to beleive a bit too much what the doomers in here are saying…
It doesnt change the fact that you press sw:pain a lot with all 3 of our specs…
but we still use it fairly often and that was all i had said.
and for some reason you said
which had nothing to do with the my point.
you seem to think when i say as often as possible means im just mindlessly hitting swp. so ill break it down when a pull starts the group is at 100% apply swp to the kill target. the kill target is the mob that either has the most hp or has the dangerous mechanic group takes damage are they above 70% smite if no heal. big aoe damage goes out heal them up. reapply swp if moving/gonna fall off soon.
ultimately im trying not to come off as some healer priest authority. but i have been timing 20’s and achieved ksm season 4 by week 2 so id like to believe that i have a strong grasp on what im talking about.
Negative, I just been around the block a few times. I’ve seen what the spec “can” do compared to what it “is” doing and now looking at what it “will” do.
If I never played the game prior to Legion, I would probably not have that much negative to say as I have nothing to compare it too. But thankfully I have seen what Shadow used to do and I experience a portion of that on Classic servers. Shadow is as bad as many have said, myself included. It started out with good intentions going into Legion, but it soon had cascading failures over and over again.
Shadow was promised a rework in BFA… didn’t happen. Then going into SL beta Shadow was nearly unplayable or worse once all the BFA power system left. It left Shadow as just a husk of near nothing. Then they bandaged it up slightly and sent it on its way because both the Dev left and time for development was ending and as such needed to prepare for SL launch.
With the issues still present in Shadow in SL, they are apparent as ever in Shadows DF Talent tree.
Just because you cant see the forest through the trees doesn’t mean its not there.
My initial point is that its not part of the general rotation to fill the role as a healer. It will always take a backseat to DPS.
As Shadow, I should be doing damage as much as possible. But I CAN heal if needed as I have the ability too. But that’s NOT something I should be doing. My role is not contingent on that fact.
As a healer, your role is contingent on preventing your team from dying. Everything is set up in your talents and additional effects to meet that goal. Anything you do outside that is extra.
Now don’t get me wrong, I pride myself in filling the healer role as Shadow when I can in PvP and PvE as much as possible and I have done so for my entire priest playing days before they took away that capability in Legion. I was very upset that I did not have the tools available to achieve that anymore. So I get the fact that you are DPSing while healing. But that’s NOT the priority intention of a healers role.
It reminds me of when Clarity of Power in WoD caused the Shadow Priest community to develop the Dot Weaving playstyle. It was fun and it worked out well. But Blizzard are on record saying that they did not have that intention when they implemented CoP. It was just a happy accident.
That is all I am getting at. Your role is not expected to do that, its just something that you can do when you get a moment to do so.
Except, healers are expected to do damage when they can these days. It’s not just a thing that we do on a whim or because we feel like it.
Of course healing is the priority.
For disc, applying dots is akin to applying hots too.
Right now in DF, we have new options to take renew and PotW doesn’t replace sw:pain like it does on live.
So as a basic setup I pick all those new choice and basically have to apply 2 dots on all ennemies AND a hot on all my allies.
I also have to apply attonement ofc.
More choice is always great right? #sarcasm
To my point: getting tools that we had in the past in current wow doesn’t mean it works…
You literally sit on voidform for 30 seconds every 2 minutes.
Well, I don’t.
Not always at least.
Depends on the context, do I have time to wait for PI is a question I often ask myself. Some bosses have downtimes, like halondrus, where I’d rather do a less powerful void form than wait the 30 secs and be stuck in the transition phase with both cds and waste time again.
But you’re right, and it does feel bad. I’m not saying it’s not a problem that should be addressed. For me, the solution should come with fae guardians to allow for a PI every 2 voidforms (Or something akin to that)
Errrrrrrr… Voidform is literally how you do damage on the move in that fight, the only reason you don’t pair voidform with PI is if the fight duration allows you to squeeze an extra voidform in by delaying your last PI by 1 minute without losing a use. Even in this situation you still have voidform up every time you PI.
Voidform is currently treated as a 2 min cd with a very minor amount of flex in both dungeons and raids, you’re almost always waiting for PI.