1.3.7:custom:1:Discipline Priest - Aneurysm - 01:This is the preset for the Discipline Priest.__n__You can start editing the tree/loadout now.:TTM Note__cl____n__Due to tree changes loadout has been revalidated and one or more skillset was invalidated!__n____n__:43:1;0:Atonement:Trinity__n__Power Word__cl__ Shield applies Atonement to your target for 30 sec.__n____n__Your spell damage heals all targets affected by Atonement for 50% of the damage done__n____n__Power Word__cl__ Shield__cm__ Shadow Mend__cm__ and Power Word__cl__ Radiance apply Atonement to your target for 15 sec.__n____n__Your spell damage heals all targets affected by Atonement for 50% of the damage done.:1:21:11:1:20:0:::atonement.png,default.png;1:Inner Light and Shadow:Inner Light__cl__ Healing spells cost 15% less mana.__n____n__Inner Shadow__cl__ Spell damage and Atonement healing increased by 10%.__n____n__Activate to swap from one effect to the other__cm__ incurring a 6 sec cooldown.:0:3:9:1:0:0:2:3,4:innerLightAndShadow.png,default.png;2:Penance:Launches a volley of holy light at the target__cm__ causing __n____n__Castigation__n__[(40% of Spell power) * 4]__n____n__[(40% of Spell power) * 3] Holy damage to an enemy or __n____n__Castigation__n__[(125% of Spell power) * 4]__n____n__[(125% of Spell power) * 3] healing to an ally over 2 sec. Castable while moving.:0:1:11:1:0:0::5,1,20:penance.png,default.png;3:Power Word Radiance:A burst of light heals the target and 4 injured allies within 30 yards for (105% of Spell power)__cm__ and applies Atonement for 60% of its normal duration.:0:5:7:1:0:0:1:7,12:powerWordRadiance.png,default.png;4:Shield Discipline,Power Word Solace:When your Power Word__cl__ Shield is completely absorbed__cm__ you restore 0.5% of your maximum mana.,Strikes an enemy with heavenly power__cm__ dealing (80% of Spell power) Holy damage and restoring 1% of your maximum mana.:2:5:11:1:0:0:1,20:8:shieldDiscipline.png,powerWordSolace.png;5:Castigation:Penance fires one additional bolt of holy light over its duration.:1:3:11:1:0:0:2::castigation.png,default.png;6:Power of the Dark Side:Purge the Wicked__n__Purge the Wicked__n____n__Shadow Word__cl__ Pain has a chance to empower your next Penance with Shadow__cm__ increasing its effectiveness by 50%.:1:5:15:1:0:0:20:9,10,16:powerOfTheDarkSide.png,default.png;7:Shining Radiance:Power Word__cl__ Radiance's healing is increased by 10%.,Power Word__cl__ Radiance's healing is increased by 10%.:1:7:5:2:0:0:3:11:shiningRadiance.png,default.png;8:Pain Suppression:Reduces all damage taken by a friendly target by 40% for 8 sec. Castable while stunned.:0:7:11:1:0:0:4:14,19,23:painSuppression.png,default.png;9:Dark Indulgence:Power of the Dark Side increases the effectiveness of Penance by an additional 10%.:1:7:13:1:0:0:6::darkIndulgence.png,default.png;10:Schism:Attack the enemy's soul with a surge of Shadow energy__cm__ dealing (150% of Spell power) Shadow damage and increasing your spell damage to the target by 25% for 9 sec.:0:7:17:1:0:0:6:17:schism.png,default.png;11:Improved Power Word Radiance:Power Word__cl__ Radiance has an additional cooldown charge.:1:9:5:1:8:0:7::improvedPowerWordRadiance.png,default.png;12:Contrition:When you heal with Penance__cm__ everyone with your Atonement is healed for (14.4% of Spell power).:1:9:7:1:8:0:3:18,25,40:contrition.png,default.png;13:Shining Force:Creates a burst of light around a friendly target__cm__ knocking away nearby enemies and slowing their movement speed by 70% for 3 sec.:0:21:9:1:20:0:::shiningForce.png,default.png;14:Protector of the Frail:Power Word__cl__ Shield reduces the cooldown of Pain Suppression by 2 sec.,Power Word__cl__ Shield reduces the cooldown of Pain Suppression by 2 sec.:1:9:9:2:8:0:8::protectorOfTheFrail.png,default.png;15:Psychic Voice:Reduces the cooldown of Psychic Scream by 30 sec.:1:21:13:1:20:0:::psychicVoice.png,default.png;16:Swift Penitence:The damage or healing of your first bolt of Penance is increased by 10%.,The damage or healing of your first bolt of Penance is increased by 10%.:1:9:15:2:8:0:6:21,28,41:swiftPenitence.png,default.png;17:Malicious Scission:The duration of Schism is increased by 50%.:1:9:17:1:8:0:10::maliciousScission.png,default.png;18:Purge the Wicked:Cleanses the target with fire__cm__ causing (22.3% of Spell power) Fire damage and an additional (124% of Spell power) Fire damage over 20 sec. Spreads to an additional nearby enemy when you cast Penance on the target.:0:11:5:1:8:0:12:22:purgeTheWicked.png,default.png;19:Pain Transformation:Pain Suppression also heals your target for 5% of their maximum health.,Pain Suppression also heals your target for 5% of their maximum health.:1:9:13:2:8:0:8::painTransformation.png,default.png;20:Sins of the Many:Your damage is increased by up to 12%__cm__ diminishing for each ally affected by your Atonement.:1:3:13:1:0:0:2:6,4:sinsOfTheMany.png,default.png;21:Shadow Covenant:Make a shadowy pact__cm__ healing the target and 4 other injured allies within 30 yds for (165% of Spell power). For 7 sec__cm__ your Shadow spells deal 25% increased damage and healing__cm__ but your Holy spells deal 50% decreased damage and healing.:0:11:17:1:8:0:16:24:shadowCovenant.png,default.png;22:Revel in Purity:Purge the Wicked deals 10% additional damage and spreads to 1 additional targets.,Purge the Wicked deals 10% additional damage and spreads to 1 additional targets.:1:13:5:2:8:0:18::revelInPurity.png,default.png;23:Rapture:Immediately Power Word__cl__ Shield your target__cm__ and for the next 8 sec__cm__ Power Word__cl__ Shield absorbs an additional 200% and may be cast on targets with Weakened Soul.:0:9:11:1:8:0:8:26:rapture.png,default.png;24:Embrace Shadow:Shadow Covenant lasts an additional 4 sec.:1:13:17:1:8:0:21:29:embraceShadow.png,default.png;25:Evangelism,Spirit Shell:Extends the duration of all of your active Atonements by 6 sec.,For 10 sec__cm__ Penance__cm__ Power Word__cl__ Radiance__cm__ and Atonement create absorb shields for 80% of their value__cm__ instead of healing.:2:15:7:1:20:0:12:30,31,36:evangelism.png,spiritShell.png;26:Exaltation:Spirit Shell__n__Spirit Shell's duration is increased by 1.0 sec__cm__ and its absorption is increased by 5.0%__n____n__Rapture's duration is increased by 1.0 sec__cm__ and its Power Word__cl__ Shield enhancement is increased by 7.5%.:1:11:11:1:8:0:23::exaltation.png,default.png;27:Power Word Barrier:Summons a holy barrier to protect all allies at the target location for 10 sec__cm__ reducing all damage taken by 25% and preventing damage from delaying spellcasting.:0:15:11:1:20:0::31,32,33:powerWordBarrier.png,default.png;28:Halo,Divine Star:Creates a ring of Holy energy around you that quickly expands to a 30 yd radius__cm__ healing allies for (115% of Spell power) and dealing (103% of Spell power) Holy damage to enemies. Healing reduced beyond 6 targets.,Throw a Divine Star forward 24 yds__cm__ healing allies in its path for (70% of Spell power) and dealing (56% of Spell power) Holy damage to enemies. After reaching its destination__cm__ the Divine Star returns to you__cm__ healing allies and damaging enemies in its path again. Healing reduced beyond 6 targets.:2:15:15:1:20:0:16:33,34,38:halo.png,divineStar.png;29:Twilight Corruption:While Shadow Covenant is active__cm__ Penance becomes Dark Reprimand__cm__ causing [(40% of Spell power) * (3)] Shadow damage over 2 sec. Castable while moving.:1:15:17:1:20:0:24::twilightCorruption.png,default.png;30:Evenfall:Power Word__cl__ Radiance has a 30% chance to grant Power of the Dark Side.,Power Word__cl__ Radiance has a 30% chance to grant Power of the Dark Side.:1:17:5:2:20:0:25:35:evenfall.png,default.png;31:Lesson in Humility:Smite deals 10% additional damage if you have at least 3 Atonements active.,Smite deals 10% additional damage if you have at least 3 Atonements active.:1:17:9:2:20:0:25,27:36,37:lessonInHumility.png,default.png;32:Lenience:Atonement reduces damage taken by 3%.:1:17:11:1:20:0:27::lenience.png,default.png;33:Stolen Psyche:Atonement heals for 10% more when activated by Mind Blast.,Atonement heals for 10% more when activated by Mind Blast.:1:17:13:2:20:0:27,28:37,38:stolenPsyche.png,default.png;34:Twilight Empowerment:Shadow Word__cl__ Death's damage triggers Atonement when used on targets below 20% health.:1:17:17:1:20:0:28:39:twilightEmpowerment.png,default.png;35:Harsh Discipline:When Atonement has healed a total of 100 times__cm__ your next Penance is free and fires 3 additional bolts.:1:19:5:1:20:0:30::harshDiscipline.png,default.png;36:Indemnity:Atonements granted by Power Word__cl__ Shield last an additional 2 sec.:1:19:7:1:20:0:31,25::indemnity.png,default.png;37:Light's Wrath:Invoke the Light's wrath__cm__ dealing (175% of Spell power) Radiant damage to the target__cm__ increased by 10% per ally affected by your Atonement.:0:19:11:1:20:0:33,31::lightsWrath.png,default.png;38:Solatium:Atonements granted by Shadow Mend last an additional 2 sec.:1:19:15:1:20:0:33,28::solatium.png,default.png;39:Wickedness:Divine Star and Halo now deal Shadow damage and gain an additional effect__cl____n____n__Wicked Star__cl____n__Divine Star deals an additional (120% of Spell power) Shadow damage over 6 sec to enemies in its path. Divine Star deals 10% additional damage each time it hits an enemy__cm__ up to 100%.__n____n__Wicked Halo__cl____n__Enemies damaged by Halo are dealt an additional (120% of Spell power) Shadow damage over 6 sec to enemies in its path. Each enemy hit by Halo reduces its cooldown by 3 sec__cm__ up to 15 sec.:1:19:17:1:20:0:34::wickedness.png,default.png;40:Archangel__cl__ Fate,Archangel__cl__ Valor:While under the effects of Archangel__cm__ your absorb effects are increased by 20% and reduce the damage taken by 5% while the absorb lasts.__n____n__If Archangel is known__cm__ also grant 15% healing done and instantly restores 5% mana.,While under the effects of Archangel__cm__ your Holy spells deal 20% more damage and shield the lowest health party or raid member for 50% of the damage done upon a successful critical strike that lasts for 10 sec.__n____n__If Archangel is known__cm__ also grant 15% healing done and instantly restores 5% mana.:2:11:9:1:8:0:12:42:AngelicBulwark.png,Archangel.png;41:Dark Archangel__cl__ Shadow Abyss,Dark Archangel__cl__ Covenant Pact:While under the effects of Dark Archangel__cm__ Your Holy Spells are warped by the Shadows taking on the effect of shadow and grants your group and raid members 10% leech.__n____n__If Dark Archangel is known__cm__ Increase Shadow damage by 20% and haste by 5%.__n__,While under the effects of Dark Archangel__cm__ Instantly reset the cooldown of Shadow Covenant and Schism and granting an additional charge while increasing their effectiveness by 50%__n____n__If Dark Archangel is known__cm__ Increase Shadow damage by 20% and haste by 5%.:2:11:13:1:8:0:16:42:DarkArchangel.png,ShadowPower.png;42:Angelic Accord:Upon use of Archangel or Dark Archangel__cm__ you gain the benefits of both at 50% effectiveness. __n____n__Spells that require Archangel or Dark Archangel now accept both.:1:13:11:1:8:0:40,41::DivineSpirit.png,default.png;New skillset,70,1:0:1:1:1:1:0:1:0:1:1:1:0:1:0:0:0:2:1:1:0:1:1:1:1:1:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1;