1.3.7:custom:1:Shadow Priest - Aneurysm-09 - Clean:This is the preset for the Shadow Priest.__n__You can start editing the tree/loadout now.:TTM Note__cl____n__Due to tree changes loadout has been revalidated and one or more skillset was invalidated!__n____n__:42:0;0:Mind Flay:Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy__cm__ causing (128.4% of Spell power) Shadow damage over 4.5 sec and slowing their movement speed by 50%.:0:1:9:1:0:0::2,1,58,19,17:mindFlay.png,default.png;1:Vampiric Touch:A touch of darkness that causes 49 Shadow damage over 21 sec__cm__ and heals you for 50% of damage dealt.__n____n__Vampiric Touch__n__If Vampiric Touch is dispelled__cm__ the dispeller flees in Horror for 3 sec__n____n__Generates 5 Insanity.:0:5:7:1:0:0:0:10,6,11:vampiricTouch.png,default.png;2:Devouring Plague:Afflicts the target with a disease that instantly causes (49.036% of Spell power) Shadow damage plus an additional 4 Shadow damage over 6 sec. Heals you for 50% of damage dealt.__n____n__If this effect is reapplied__cm__ any remaining damage will be added to the new Devouring Plague.:0:3:6:1:0:0:0:11:devouringPlague.png,default.png;6:Misery:Vampiric Touch also applies Shadow Word__cl__ Pain to the target.:1:7:9:1:0:0:1::misery.png,misery.png;9:Vampiric Embrace:Fills you with the embrace of Shadow energy for 15 sec__cm__ causing you to heal a nearby ally for 50% of any single-target Shadow spell damage you deal.:0:9:7:1:8:0:11:14,43,46:vampiricEmbrace.png,default.png;10:Unfurling Darkness:After casting Vampiric Touch on a target__cm__ your next Vampiric Touch within 8 sec is instant cast and deals (105.4% of Spell power) Shadow damage immediately.__n____n__This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 sec.:1:7:7:1:0:0:1::unfurlingDarkness.png,default.png;11:Vampiric Insight:Vampiric Touch periodic damage has a chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Mind Blast and cause your next Mind Blast to be instant.__n____n__Mind Blast gains 1 additional charge.:1:7:5:1:0:0:2,1:24,9,39:vampiricInsight.png,default.png;13:Dispersion:Disperse into pure shadow energy__cm__ reducing all damage taken by 75% for 6 sec__cm__ but you are unable to attack or cast spells.__n____n__Dispersion__n__Increases movement speed by 50% and makes you immune to all movement impairing effects__n____n__Castable while stunned__cm__ feared__cm__ or silenced.:0:9:11:1:8:0:16:20,43,34:dispersion.png,default.png;14:San'layn,Sanguine Teachings:Reduces the cooldown of Vampiric Embrace by 45 sec and increases its healing done by 25%.,Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague heals you and your group or raid for 25% of the damage dealt.:2:11:5:1:8:0:9:44,31:sanlayn.png,sanguineTeachings.png;16:Shadowy Apparitions:When you use Mind Blast__cm__ Devouring Plague or Void Bolt you also create a shadowy version of yourself that floats towards all targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch dealing (17% of Spell power)% Shadow damage.__n____n__Critical strikes will cause two Apparitions to be created.:1:7:13:1:0:0:58,17:13,18,47:shadowyApparitions.png,default.png;17:Void Eruption:50 Insanity__n__Releases an explosive blast of pure void energy__cm__ causing Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target. Extending the duration of Shadow Word__cl__ Pain and Vampiric Touch by 3 sec.:0:3:12:1:0:0:0:16:voidEruption.png,default.png;18:Monomania:While channeling Mind Flay or Mind Sear__cm__ the rate of your Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word__cl__ Pain on your current target is increased by 100%.:1:9:13:1:8:0:16::monomania.png,default.png;19:Psychic Horror:Terrifies the target in place__cm__ stunning them for 4 sec.:0:5:9:1:0:0:0::psychicHorror.png,default.png;20:Intangibility,Mental Fortitude:Dispersion heals for 50% of your maximum health over its duration and has 30 sec reduced cooldown.,Healing from Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague when you are at maximum health will shield you for the same amount. Shield cannot exceed (Total health * 4 / 100) damage absorbed.:2:11:13:1:8:0:13:36,32:intangibility.png,mentalFortitude.png;21:Psychic Link:Mind Blast deals 60% of its damage to all other targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch within 40 yards.:1:15:9:1:20:0:44,36:27:psychicLink.png,default.png;23:Surrender to Madness,Hungering Void:Deals [(64.6% of Spell power) * 2] Shadow damage to the target and activates Voidform.__n____n__For the next 30 sec__cm__ your Insanity-generating abilities generate 100% more Insanity and you can cast while moving.__n____n__If the target does not die within 30 sec of using Surrender to Madness__cm__ you die.,Void Bolt causes the target to become vulnerable to the void__cm__ increasing their damage taken from you by 10% for 6 sec. This effect may only be active on one target at a time.__n____n__Casting Void Bolt on an enemy that is already vulnerable extends the duration of your Voidform by 1 sec__cm__ or 2 sec if Void Bolt critically strikes.:2:17:13:1:20:0:25::surrenderToMadness.png,hungeringVoid.png;24:Damnation:Instantly afflicts the target with Shadow Word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague.:0:9:5:1:8:0:11::damnation.png,default.png;25:Void Bolt:Sends a bolt of pure void energy at the enemy__cm__ causing Shadow damage__n__refreshing the duration of Devouring Plague on the target and extending the duration of Shadow Word__cl__ Pain and Vampiric Touch on all nearby targets by 3 sec__n____n__Requires Voidform.__n__Generates 12 Insanity.:0:15:13:1:20:0:36:23,57:voidTouched.png,default.png;27:Unstable Darkness:Dark Archangel __n__[Voidform] __n__increases your critical strike chance by 30% for 15 sec__cm__ reducing by 2% every sec.:1:17:9:1:20:0:54,21,29:50,55,51:voidApparitions.png,default.png;29:Void Torrent,Insanity:(Reaplces Mind Flay while in Voidform)__n__Channel a torrent of void energy into the target__cm__ causing Shadow damage over 4.5 sec and reduces Voidforms cooldown by 1 sec each time it does damage. Reduces Voidform cooldown by an additional 1 sec for each of your damage over time spells afflicted on the target. This effect is doubled when it critically strikes.,Casting Devouring Plague transforms your Mind Flay spell into Insanity for 5 seconds. Insanitys damage is double that of Mind Flay.:2:15:11:1:20:0:36:27:voidTorrent.png,ShadowSoulleech.png;31:Insidious Ire:While you have Shadow Word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Devouring Plague__cm__ and Vampiric Touch active on the same target__cm__ your Mind Blast deals 40% more damage.:1:13:3:1:8:0:14::insidiousIre.png,default.png;32:Mind Devourer:Mind Blast deals 10% increased damage and has a 20% chance to make your next Devouring Plague cost no insanity.:1:13:15:1:8:0:20::mindDevourer.png,default.png;34:Unleash the Shadows:your Shadowy Apparitions now explode for 50% additional damage within 5 yards when they hit the target.:1:11:11:1:8:0:13::auspiciousSpirits.png,default.png;36:Abyssal Knowledge:Increases the critical strike chance of Shadow Word__cl__ Pain and Vampiric Touch by 10%.:1:13:11:1:8:0:20:25,21,29:abyssalKnowledge.png,default.png;39:Living Shadow:Consuming Vampiric Insight causes your shadow to animate after a moment. For 10 sec__cm__ whenever you cast a spell__cm__ your shadow will cast a similar spell.:1:9:3:1:8:0:11:49:livingShadow.png,default.png;43:Dark Archangel__cl__ Death,Voidform:While under the effects of Dark Archangel__cm__ your Shadow Word__cl__ Deaths cooldown is reduced by 50% and does 100% additional damage to targets afflicted with Shadow Word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague.__n____n__If Dark Archangel is known__cm__ also grant 20% Mind Spells damage and 5% Haste.,1.5 min cooldown__n__Twists your Shadowform with the powers of the Void__cm__ increasing spell damage you deal by 20% and granting an additional charge of Mind Blast__cm__ and refreshing Mind Blast's cooldown.__n__Last 15 sec.__n____n__(Replaces Dark Archangel if known):2:11:9:1:8:0:9,13:56:DarkArchangel.png,Voidform.png;44:Mind Melt:Increases your Mind spells critically strike chance by 10%.:1:13:7:1:8:0:14:45,54,21:MindMelt.png,default.png;45:Mind Spike:Blasts the target for Shadowfrost damage__cm__ but extinguishes your Shadow damage-over-time effects from the target in the process.__n__Mind Spike also increases the critical strike chance of your next Mind Blast on the target by 30%. Stacks up to 3 times.:0:15:5:1:20:0:44:52,53:MindSpike.png,default.png;46:Dark Contagion:While your Devouring Plague is active on a target__cm__ every target afflicted by your Shadow Word__cl__ Pain & Vampiric Touch deal an additional 50% of their damage to all targets within 5 yards.:1:11:7:1:8:0:9::misery.png,default.png;47:Spectral Shift:Gain 1 charge of Spectral Guise and you have a 20% chance to cast Spectral Guise upon getting hit with a melee attack. Cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.__n__This effect does not consume a charge of Spectral Guise.:1:9:15:1:8:0:16:48:SpectralGuise.png,default.png;48:Anamnesis:Upon death__cm__ your shadow persists for 8 sec__cm__ You cannot move__cm__ allowing you to continue fighting.__n__Grants immunity to all damage and harmful effects for the duration.:1:11:15:1:8:0:47::Shadowform.png,default.png;49:Binding Shadows:Your Living Shadow and Spectral Guise replicate your next 3 single target Shadow spells on targets your currently in combat with. Spectral Guise now last 6 sec or until killed.:1:11:3:1:8:0:39::ShadesofDarkness.png,default.png;50:Shadow Power:Increases the critical damage of your Shadow spells by 10%.,Increases the critical damage of your Shadow spells by 20%.:1:19:7:2:20:0:27::ShadowPower.png,default.png;51:Dark Alignment,Overwhelming Power:(Replaces Power Infusion)__n__You and the nearest party or raid member gain Power Infusion at 60% effectiveness when you have Shadow Word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Vampiric Touch & Devouring Plague on the same target.,Your Power Infusion provides 60% more power.:2:19:9:1:20:0:27::TwistedFaith.png,ReconstitutedPower.png;52:Clarity of Power,Auspicious Spirits:Your Mind Spike__cm__ Mind Sear__cm__ and Shadow Word__cl__ Death deal 40% additional damage to targets not affected by your Shadow Word__cl__ Pain or Vampiric Touch. Also reduces the cooldown on Mind Blast by 3 sec and makes it instant cast.,You shadowy Apparitions have an increased 20% chance to critically hit and generate 3 insanity.:2:17:5:1:20:0:45::mentalFortitude.png,auspiciousSpirits.png;53:Surge of Darkness:Your Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch have a 10% chance to make your next Mind Spike instant__cm__ deal 50% more damage__cm__ and not consume your damage-over-time effects. Up to 3 charges.:1:17:3:1:20:0:45::SurgeofDarkness.png,default.png;54:Dark Archangel__cl__ Deaths Wraith:While under the effects of Dark Archangel__cm__ your Shadow Word__cl__ Death has 1 additional charge & cleaves 2 additional nearby targets afflicting each target struck with Deaths Wraith.__n____n__Your Shadow Word__cl__ Death causes each target with Deaths Wraith to erupt with Shadow damage causing 50% of the damage dealt to all targets witin 5 yards.:1:15:7:1:20:0:44:27:Death.png,default.png;55:Power Overwhelming:Devouring Plague and Void Eruption has a 10% chance to Activate Dark Archangel or Voidform for 6 sec. If you are currently under the effects of Dark Archangel or Voidform__cm__ then extend the duration by 6 sec.,Devouring Plague and Void Eruption has a 20% chance to Activate Dark Archangel or Voidform for 6 sec. If you are currently under the effects of Dark Archangel or Voidform__cm__ then extend the duration by 6 sec.:1:19:11:2:20:0:27::Darknaaru.png,default.png;56:Mental Fragments:Your Mind Blast reduces the cooldown of Dark Archangel or Voidform by 3 sec.:1:13:9:1:8:0:43::Mind.png,default.png;57:Idol of the Gods:Idol of C'Thun__n__Mind Flay and Mind Sear have a chance to spawn a Void Tendril or Void Lasher that channels at your target for 15 sec__cm__ generating 3 insanity every 1 sec.__n____n__Idol of Yogg-Saron__n__After conjuring 50 Shadowy Apparitions__cm__ you summon a Thing from Beyond that serves you for 20 sec. The Thing from Beyond blasts enemies for Shadow damage.__n____n__Idol of N'Zoth__n__Damage dealt by Shadow word__cl__ Pain__cm__ Vampiric Touch__cm__ and Devouring Plague has a 20% chance to apply Echoing Void. Each time Echoing Void is applied__cm__ it has a chance to collapse__cm__ dealing Shadow damage to all nearby enemies untill no stacks remain.__n____n__Idol of Y'Shaarj__n__Shadowfiend causes you to gain a benefit based on your targets current emotional state.:1:17:15:1:20:0:25::ancientMadness.png,default.png;58:Shadow Crash:Hurl a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination__cm__ dealing (191.25% of Spell power) Shadow damage to all targets within 8 yards.__n____n__Generates 15 Insanity.:0:5:11:1:0:0:0:16,59:shadowCrash.png,default.png;59:Painful Dark:Shadow Crash cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds for each target critically struck and applies Shadow Word__cl__ Pain to each target.:1:7:11:1:0:0:58::ShadowwordPain.png,default.png;