(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

It was a problem in PvP too (and it’s meta again now in rbgs at least). We haven’t been able to see if it’s a problem in M+ yet, thankfully. Though I mean, healer problems in M+ tend to be related to damage, which healing method doesn’t really matter for.


It’s all because they went the route of doing damage to heal. You can’t balance it for all content.

  1. you have to decrease healing done if you want to increase damage
  2. you have to increase healing done if you want to decrease damage

what we have here is an inverse relationship and if you think this is a good thing for balance, you’re mathematically wrong

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I appreciate that shielding is possibly an inherently unbalanceable factor for one spec to have in an environment of “bring the player”

but the years since the change haven’t really convinced me that damage healer as a niche is any easier to balance.


Holy Tree Prayer of Healing Talent idea…

  • Renewed Prayer
    Your Prayer of healing has a 25% chance to apply Renew to each target if they are above 75% health or a 75% chance if they are below 75% health.

Discipline Tree Talent Idea:

Obligatory Bubble Disc Title

  • Allies within 8 yards of any enemy with your SWP gain an absorb shield equal to the damage it deals.

Another Discipline Tree Talent Idea:

Light Overload

  • Smite causes the target to take 5% more damage from Smite, up to 3 stacks. At 3 stacks, Smite will shield an ally with in 15 yds of the target for 100% of the damage. Prioritizes targets below 50%. Cannot occur on the same target again for 5 seconds.
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If SW:P does 100 dmg a tick, does that 100 dmg apply an absorb amount to each person? So if 5 people are affected, they each get 100 absorb shield? Or is it split between each one affected?

Meaning, it can be good in M+ but really good in 20+ ppl raiding if its not split.
If its split, it should work for both without one or the other being OP imo.

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If you’re in a party, it will heal all 5 for the 100, but I’d cap it at 5 people so the raiders in here don’t mald over it being overpowered.

multi-dot 5 enemies
swp does 100 per tick
swp does 4 ticks
thats 5 * 4 * 100 = 2000
2000 per person with in 15 yds (good if all melee group)

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Having difficulty understanding how this works based on how its written.

Does it go like this?

Smite (Stack 1) + Smite (Stack 2) + Smite (Stack 3) + Smite does 200 dmg… does that 200 dmg become an absorb shield for someone? Or does it pool up from each stack and then unload all the pool of Smite dmg into absorb for 1 person?

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So it’s like a build up, Smite doesn’t shield out of the gate. You have to apply the stacking debuff on the enemy 3 times and then each consecutive Smite will shield for the full amount dealt by Smite.

Probably have something like an 8 second debuff (for the enemy).

So like this?

Smite (Stack 1) + Smite (Stack 2) + Smite (Stack 3) + Smite (Apply Absorb) + Smite (Apply Absorb) etc.?

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Yessir! And the Holy Overload debuff on the enemy will last 8 seconds, or so.

Well This is how I would write it myself as it just seems a little confusing the way I read it currently…

  • Light Overload
    Smite afflicts the target with Light Overload for 8 sec, increasing Smites damage by 5%, stacking up to 3.
    After 3 stacks, smite heals a random party or raid member within 15 yrds for 100% of the damage done. Prioritizes targets below 50% health and cannot occur again on the same target for 5 sec.

I am concerned with the cooldown of 5 sec.

If you spamming this thing in a group of 5 people, you will be getting a lot of people that are still on cooldown that this wont benefit for. More so if you have high haste with Power Infusion and / or Bloodlust / Heroism.

Add in other stuff like this class talent…

  • Unwavering Will
    While above 75% health, the cast times of your Flash Heal, Heal, Prayer of Healing, and Smite are reduced by 20%.

Then you can start to see how quickly you can be casting smites and how little absorbs you are getting.

I am just imaging seeing your party members low on HP and you think spamming Smite should be shielding them, but its not as they are on cooldown more then they have the absorb.

At least that’s what I am seeing.

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On Shadow’s flavor, I’ve pretty much always been of the position that VF Shadow was one of the most flavorful specs in the game in terms of communicating fantasy through mechanics (mostly the Legion version). You were a cultist, channeling forces beyond your comprehension. The longer you looked into the abyss, the more power it exerted, but the harder it was to control. And most of that was just the result of adding absurd amounts of haste over time, making the spec feel more and more frantic the longer you stayed in VF.

I’ll reiterate that it wasn’t particularly good or healthy within the game at large, but what it was was flavorful.

I also stand by WoD Shadow (and earlier) not having a particularly strong identity/flavor. It was mostly just an amalgam of legacy mechanics slapped on to a basic builder/spender playstyle and I have trouble seeing it as anything deeper.

I think I’ve pointed it out before, but to reiterate, it’s not that it’s necessarily meta, it’s that it can straight up break encounter design.

Essentially, encounter design is about balancing threats against time. So as a general example for damaging mechanics, there’ll be enough time before to top people off and enough time after to get people out of the danger zone. The trouble with absorbs is that you can basically solve the problem before it’s even a problem and make fights feel a lot less threatening and, by extension, less fun.

That’s not to say absorbs can’t be done, but they have to be done very carefully. The danger creeps in when absorbs can be applied raid wide, especially if they’re strong absorbs. So DA wouldn’t be too much of a worry now, but Spirit Shell is very much riding the line of what’s reasonable.

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More Power Words - Discipline Only

Power Word: Vigor
Infuse the target and up to 2 allies with in 10 yds with Vigor, granting 20% Attack Speed and shielding them for 10% of the damage they deal.

Power Word: Glory
Grants allies with in 20 yds of you Glory, allowing them to move while casting and granting a shield of 1% of their maximum HP every 5 seconds.

Power Word: Almighty
Grants all allies 10% increased damage for 8 seconds. (2 minute cooldown).


What is the cooldown for each of these?

Are they intended to be a “Choice / Switch” talent?

Where are they located in the tree? Middle or bottom section (Assuming they not top section).

So how did they manage to have absorbs not break encounter design for WotLK, Cata, MoP, and WoD?

No cooldown for the first two - I don’t think they are that powerful to warrant a CD. How often are people going to tightly stack on your vigor target or you the healer? The yard range makes it so the effects on the auxiliary targets comes and goes.

Also idk, where on the tree, probably bottom of the 2nd tier or top of the 3rd.

This reads like it will last forever once it is applied.

So last for 5 sec? 10sec? how long?
Also, “attack speed” reads like it will only affect melee and ranged… not casters. Is that intended? Or should it be “Haste”?

Are they getting 1% of their HP in an absorb shield every 5 sec? so 1%… wait 5 sec… 1%… wait 5 sec… etc.
Does this last forever? Or for 5 sec? 10 sec? How long does this buff stick around for?

No range limit?

Are all these magic buffs that can be dispelled?

I apologize for the barrage of questions. Just trying to understand how they would fit and work.

Yeah Vigor is intended for melee and non-caster ranged. I think haste affects all abilities where attack speed just affects your auto attacks (swing timer). Thats how I intend it at least.

There are no cooldowns for the first two and both last 60 minutes.

Glory is kind of like a Gift of Ysera so long as the target is close to you. (You wouldn’t think it but 20 yds isnt a whole lot of space between to objects in the game.)
So yeah every 5 seconds a 1% max HP absorb shield is applied to allies with in 20 yds of you. It won’t stack, but it will refresh the absorb amount.

The last one is kind of intended to be used or aligned with some major CDs among the other classes and/or at the same time Lust is used. Just like Lust, no range limit.

All 3 are dispellable so yeah.

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