1.3.7:custom:0:Priest class (Shadow) - Aneurysm-06:Aneurysm's Mock up on the Priest Class Tree:TTM Note__cl____n__Due to tree changes loadout has been revalidated and one or more skillset was invalidated!__n____n__:51:1;0:Prayer of Mending:Places a ward on an ally that heals them for (61% of Spell power) the next time they take damage__cm__ and then jumps to another ally within 20 yds. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 30 sec after each jump.:0:3:7:1:0:0:44:52,3:prayerOfMending.png,default.png;1:Shadow Word__cl__ Death:A word of dark binding that inflicts (85% of Spell power) Shadow damage to the target. If the target is not killed by Shadow Word__cl__ Death__cm__ the caster takes damage equal to the damage inflicted upon the target.__n____n__[Damage increased by 250% to targets below 50% health.][Damage increased by 150% to targets below 20% health.]__n____n__Atonement__n__Does not trigger Atonement:0:1:13:1:0:1::4,5,6:shadowWordDeath.png,default.png;2:Renew:Fill the target with faith in the light__cm__ healing for (160% of Spell power) over 15 sec.:0:7:3:1:0:0:52:36,8:renew.png,default.png;3:Focused Mending:Prayer of Mending does 45% increased healing to the initial target.:1:5:7:1:0:0:0:13:focusedMending.png,default.png;4:Angelic Feather,Body and Soul:Places a feather at the target location__cm__ granting the first ally to walk through it 40% increased movement speed for 5 sec. Only 3 feathers can be placed at one time.,Power Word__cl__ Shield and Leap of Faith increase your target's movement speed by 40% for 3 sec.:2:3:11:1:0:0:44,1:10,9,38:angelicFeather.png,bodyAndSoul.png;5:Death and Madness:If your Shadow Word__cl__ Death fails to kill the target at or below 20% health__cm__ your Shadow Word__cl__ Deaths cooldown is instantly reset. __n____n__Casting Shadow Word__cl__ Death now also does damage to you equivalent to the damage it would do to an enemy above 50% health.:1:3:13:1:0:0:1:11:shadowWordDeath.png,default.png;6:Shadow Mend:Wraps an ally in shadows which heal for (320% of Spell power)__cm__ but at a price.__n____n__The ally will take [(320% of Spell power) / 20] damage every 1 sec__cm__ until they have taken [(320% of Spell power) / 2] total damage from all sources__cm__ or leave combat.:0:3:15:1:0:0:1:68:shadowMend.png,default.png;8:Benediction:Your Prayer of Mending has a 25% chance to leave a Renew on each target it heals.:1:9:5:1:8:0:2,13:36:benediction.png,default.png;9:Purify Disease:Removes all Disease effects from a friendly target.:0:5:9:1:0:0:4:18,33:purifyDisease.png,default.png;10:Dispel Magic:Dispels Magic on the enemy target__cm__ removing 1 beneficial Magic effect.:0:5:13:1:0:0:4:18,23:dispelMagic.png,default.png;11:Masochism:When you take a damaging attack equal to or greater than 10% of your total health or damage yourself with your Shadow Word__cl__ Death__cm__ you instantly gain 10% of your total mana.__n____n__This effect cannot occur more than once every 15 sec.:1:5:15:1:0:0:5::masochism.png,default.png;12:Mind Restrain:Mind Blast prevents the next [(Spell power * 300 / 100) * (1 + Versatility)] damage dealt by the enemy.,Mind Blast prevents the next [(Spell power * 450 / 100) * (1 + Versatility)] damage dealt by the enemy.:1:17:17:2:20:0:53,43:55:mindRestrain.png,default.png;13:Say Your Prayers:Prayer of Mending has a 6% chance to not consume a charge when it jumps to a new target.:1:7:5:1:0:0:3:8:sayYourPrayers.png,default.png;15:Improved Smite:Smite deals 25% increased damage.,Smite deals 50% increased damage.:1:9:9:2:8:0:18:48,32,25:improvedSmite.png,default.png;16:Power Infusion:Infuses the target and yourself with power for 20 sec__cm__ increasing haste by 25%.:0:15:11:1:20:0:22,48,60:49,54,71:powerInfusion.png,default.png;17:Improved Mind Blast:Mind Blast's cooldown reduced by 3 sec.,Mind Blast's cooldown reduced by 7.5 sec.:1:9:13:2:8:0:18:48,51:improvedMindBlast.png,default.png;18:Twist of Fate:After healing or damaging a target below 35% health__cm__ you deal 20% increased healing and damage for 10 sec.:1:7:11:1:0:0:10,9:48,15,17:twistOfFate.png,default.png;21:Leap of Faith,Vault of Heavens:Pulls the spirit of a party or raid member__cm__ instantly moving them directly in front of you.,Causes you to leap to your target.:2:15:7:1:20:0:22:49,45:leapOfFaith.png,VaultofHeavens.png;22:Mass Dispel:Dispels magic in a 15 yard radius__cm__ removing all harmful Magic from 5 friendly targets and 1 beneficial Magic effects from 5 enemy targets. __n____n__Mass Dispel__n__Potent enough to remove Magic that is normally undispellable:0:13:9:1:8:0:48:21,16:massDispel.png,default.png;23:Mind Control:Controls a mind up to 1 level above yours for 30 sec while still controlling your own mind. Does not work versus Demonic__cm__ Mechanical__cm__ or Undead beings or players. This spell shares diminishing returns with other disorienting effects.:0:7:15:1:0:0:10:29,65:mindControl.png,default.png;24:Shadowfiend,Mindbender:Instant 3 min cooldown__n____n__Summons a shadowy fiend to attack the target for 15 sec.__n____n__Each attack applies a stack of Shadow Vulnerability (3% Magic)__cm__ causing each consecutive attack to hit 3% harder.__n__Shadow Vulnerability also increases your Shadow damage done to the target.__n____n__Shadow Vulnerability last 5 sec,Instant 1 min cooldown__n____n__Summons a Mindbender to attack the target for 15 sec.__n____n__Shadow__n__Generates 5 Insanity each time the Mindbender attacks.__n____n__Discipline__cm__ Holy__n__Summons a Mindbender to attack the target for 12 sec. You regenerate 1% of maximum mana each time the Mindbender attacks.:2:11:19:1:8:0:65,30:43,35:shadowfiend.png,mindbender.png;25:Cleric's Armaments:While your Power Word__cl__ Shield is active on you__cm__ Smite & Mind Blast deals 10% additional damage.:1:11:7:1:8:0:15,33:37:clericsArmaments.png,default.png;29:Dominant Mind:You may also control your own character while Mind Control is active__cm__ but Mind Control has a 2 min cooldown__cm__ and it may not be used against players.:1:11:15:1:8:0:23:35:dominantMind.png,default.png;30:Searing Pain:Mind Sear applies Shadow Word__cl__ Pain to every target hit upon its completion of its channel. Each target afflicted with Shadow Word__cl__ Pain deals 5% less damage.:1:7:19:1:0:0:68:24:ShadowwordPain.png,default.png;32:Smitten:Smite Critical strikes shields a random party of raid member for 50% of the damage done.__n____n__Prioritizes targets with the lowest health. :1:11:9:1:8:0:15::toolsOfTheCloth.png,default.png;33:Shackle Undead:Shackles the target undead enemy for 50 sec__cm__ preventing all actions and movement. Damage will cancel the effect. Limit 1.:0:7:7:1:0:0:9:25:shackleUndead.png,default.png;35:Puppet Master:Shadowfiend and Dominant Mind increase your Mastery by 75 while active.,Shadowfiend and Dominant Mind increase your Mastery by 150 while active.:1:13:17:2:8:0:29,24::puppetMaster.png,default.png;36:Blessing of Renewal:Renew heals for an additional 5% and its mana cost is reduced by 10%.:1:11:3:1:8:0:2,8:40:blessingOfRenewal.png,default.png;37:Charitable Soul:Casting Power Word__cl__ Shield on an ally also shields you for 10% of the amount for 10 sec.:1:13:5:1:8:0:25:40:charitableSoul.png,default.png;38:Translucent Image,Phantasm:For the first 5 sec of Fade__cm__ you take 10% reduced damage.,Activating Fade removes all movement impairing effects and prevents your movement speed from being reduced for 5 sec.:2:5:11:1:0:0:4::translucentImage.png,Fade.png;40:Unwavering Will:While above 75% health__cm__ the cast times of your Flash Heal__cm__ Heal__cm__ Prayer of Healing__cm__ and Smite are reduced by 10%.,While above 75% health__cm__ the cast times of your Flash Heal__cm__ Heal__cm__ Prayer of Healing__cm__ and Smite are reduced by 20%.:1:15:3:2:20:0:37,36:45,67:unwaveringWill.png,default.png;43:Rabid Shadows:Your __n____n__Mindbender__n__Mindbender__n____n__Shadowfiend's attack speed is increased by 5%.,Your __n____n__Mindbender__n__Mindbender__n____n__Shadowfiend's attack speed is increased by 10%.:1:15:19:2:20:0:24:63,12:rabidShadows.png,default.png;44:Holy Word__cl__ Life:A word of holy power that heals the target for (150% of Spell power). If the target is not below 20% health__cm__ the caster takes damage equal to the amount healed. Healing is increased by 150% to targets below 20% health.:0:1:9:1:0:0::4,0,70:holyWordLife.png,default.png;45:Crystalline Reflection:Power Word__cl__ Shield instantly heals the target for (42% of Spell power) and reflects 20% of damage absorbed.,Power Word__cl__ Shield instantly heals the target for (84% of Spell power) and reflects 40% of damage absorbed.:1:17:5:2:20:0:21,40:66:crystallineReflection.png,default.png;48:Archangel,Dark Archangel:Instantly restores 5% of your total mana and increases your healing done by 15%.__n____n__Lasts for 18sec. 60 sec cooldown.,Increase haste by 5% and increases your Shadow damage done by 20%.__n____n__Lasts for 18sec. 90 sec cooldown.:2:11:11:1:8:0:18,15,17:22,60,16:Archangel.png,DarkArchangel.png;49:Mind Bomb,Psychic Voice:Inflicts the target with a Mind Bomb.__n____n__After 2 sec or if the target dies__cm__ it unleashes a psychic explosion__cm__ disorienting all enemies within 8 yds of the target for 6 sec.,Reduces the cooldown of Psychic Scream by 30 sec.:2:17:9:1:20:0:21,16:57:mindBomb.png,psychicVoice.png;51:Paralysis:When you critically hit with your Mind Blast__cm__ you cause the target to be unable to move for 4 sec.:1:11:13:1:8:0:17::Paralysis.png,default.png;52:Prayer of Healing:40 yd range__n__2 sec cast__n____n__A powerful prayer that heals the target and the 4 nearest allies within 40 yards.:0:5:5:1:0:0:0:2:PrayerofHealing.png,default.png;53:Spectral Guise:Instant 30 sec cooldown__n____n__Your shadow blurs into the darkness__cm__ leaving your true form behind. As a shadow you are stealthed__cm__ but remain in combat. Lasts 6 sec or until your true form is hit by 3 direct attacks.:0:15:15:1:20:0:60:12,54:SpectralGuise.png,default.png;54:Void Tendrils,Petrified:Instant 30 sec cooldown__n____n__Summons Shadowy tendrils out of the ground__cm__ rooting up to 5 enemy targets within 8 yards for 20 sec or until the tendril is killed.,Targets of your Psychic Scream now tremble in place instead of fleeing in fear.:2:17:13:1:20:0:53,16:57:VoidTendrils.png,PsychicScream.png;55:Void Shift,Exsanguinate:40 yd range__n__Instant 5 min cooldown__n____n__You and the currently targeted party or raid member swap health percentages. Increases the lower health percentage of the two to 25% if below that amount.,20 yd range__n__Instant 3 min cooldown__n____n__You do shadow damage that is proportional to your current missing health. You heal for 50% of the damage done. The damage done cannot exceed your current missing health percentage.:2:19:17:1:20:0:12::VoidShift.png,Exsanguinate.png;57:Cascade,Dark Cascade:40 yard range__n__1.5 sec cast 25 sec cooldown__n____n__Launch a Holy bolt that grows in power with distance__cm__ healing an ally__cm__ and then bouncing to additional allies 4 times. Each time it bounces__cm__ it splits into 2 bolts.,40 yard range__n__Instant 25 sec cooldown__n____n__Launch a Shadowy bolt that grows in power with distance__cm__ damaging an enemy__cm__ and then bouncing to additional enemies 4 times. Each time it bounces__cm__ it splits into 2 bolts.:2:19:11:1:20:0:49,54::PriestCascade.png,CascadeShadow.png;60:Silence:30 yd range__n__Instant 45 sec cooldown__n____n__Silences the target__cm__ preventing them from casting spells for 4 sec. Against non-players__cm__ also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec.:0:13:13:1:8:0:48:16,53:silence.png,default.png;63:Mindgames,Shadowflame Prism:Assault an enemy's mind__cm__ dealing [(300% of Spell power) * 100 / 100] Shadow damage and briefly reversing their perception of reality.__n____n__Shadow__n__For 5 sec__cm__ the next [(Spell power * 450 / 100) * (1 + Versatility) * 100 / 100] damage they deal will heal their target__cm__ and the next [(Spell power * 450 / 100) * (1 + Versatility) * 100 / 100] healing they deal will damage their target.__n____n__Reversed damage and healing generate up to 20 Insanity.__n____n__Discipline__cm__ Holy__n__For 5 sec__cm__ the next [(Spell power * 450 / 100) * (1 + Versatility) * 100 / 100] damage they deal will heal their target__cm__ and the next [(Spell power * 450 / 100) * (1 + Versatility) * 100 / 100] healing they deal will damage their target.__n____n__Reversed damage and healing restore up to 4% mana.,Mind Blast and Shadow Word__cl__ Death cause your Shadowfiend to teleport behind your target__cm__ slashing up to 5 nearby enemies for __n____n__Mindbender__n__[.442 * (190% of Spell power)]__n____n__[.408 * (190% of Spell power)] Shadowflame damage. Each time a rift is triggered__cm__ the duration of Shadowfiend is increased by 1.0 sec.:2:19:19:1:20:0:43::mindgames.png,shadowflamePrism.png;65:Mindful Words:Within 5 seconds after casting Mind Blast__cm__ your next Word spell effect is increased by 20%.__n____n__This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.:1:9:17:1:8:0:23:24:Mindblast.png,default.png;66:Inner Focus,Power Word__cl__ Twilight:Instant 3 min cooldown__n____n__When activated__cm__ reduces the Mana cost of your spells by 100% for the next 10 seconds and increases its critical effect chance by 25% if it is capable of a critical effect.,Your Power Word__cl__ Shield has a chance to becomes infused with Twilight__cm__ Reducing damage taken by 15% and 30% of all damage and healing you do adds to the absorb amount while it holds.__n____n__This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.:2:19:5:1:20:0:45::InnerFocus.png,TwilightShield.png;67:Light of the Naaru,Dark of the Naaru:Instant 3 min cooldown__n____n__Summon a Naaru bathed in light__cm__ Duplicating your single target healing spells on another target with missing health for 15 sec.__n__Duplicated healing prioritizes targets with the lowest health.,Instant 3 min cooldown__n____n__Summon a Dark Narru consumed by shadows__cm__ Duplicating your single target shadow damaging spells on another target for 15 sec.__n__Duplicated shadow damaging spells prioritizes targets with the highest health.:2:19:3:1:20:0:40::Naaru.png,Darknaaru.png;68:Mind Sear:Corrosive shadow energy radiates from the target__cm__ dealing [(16.38% of Spell power) * 6] Shadow damage over 4.5 sec to all enemies within 10 yards of the target.:0:5:17:1:0:0:6:69,30:mindSear.png,default.png;69:Thought Harvester:Shadow Word__cl__ Pain has a 20% chance to increase the damage of your next Mind Sear within 20 sec by 150%.:1:7:17:1:0:0:68::ThoughtSteal.png,default.png;70:Life and Sanity:Holy Word__cl__ Life may now be used on targets at or below 35% health without incurring a feedback damage penalty.__n__If your Holy Word__cl__ Life fails in healing the target at or below 35% health__cm__ the damage received is reduced by 50%.:1:3:9:1:0:0:44::holyWordLife.png,default.png;71:Reconstituted Power:The cooldown of Power infusion is reduced by 50% at 80% effectiveness.__n__Your Mind Blast critical hits extend the duration of Power Infusion by 1 sec.:1:17:11:1:20:0:16::ReconstitutedPower.png,default.png;New skillset,70,1:0:1:0:0:1:1:1:0:0:1:1:0:0:0:1:2:1:2:1:1:1:0:0:1:0:0:2:0:0:1:0:2:0:2:2:0:0:0:0:2:0:2:1:1:1:1:0:1:1:0:1;