(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

I’d say the gothic aesthetic and assorted themes is pretty spot on for priest, that’s to me what the T6 priest set was and that’s one of the most beloved and iconic priest things imaginable.

Not to mention Tier 5 you are literally looking like a angel lol.

Yes I know… I’m just saying your stuff look like kyrians. And ‘death’ isnt very priesty anyways

Archangel of Death = Shadow Tree.

We have a spell called Shadow Word: Death

Please explain how you don’t see the connection?


And? So what if it does? How is that a bad thing? They are basically the Angels of the afterlife… that is the best fit for a Priest when you look at our spells and abilities and our tier sets…

Sidenote - having played ret this xpac, the ret tree is a literal copy/paste of the current SL style.

Yeah it’s definitely in the weaker pile for sure. Which given the state of ret’s 2 and 4 sets from 9.2 isn’t exactly a surprise.



Look. I’m not sayong the theme doesn’t fit but kyrian aren’t aspirants of the light. Nore are they shadow based when they ‘turn’.

Their theme is more in the line keeping order in the cycle of life and death.

There are angels of light aligned with Odin though but they are not related to the afterlife.

I’m jist sayong the wording fits more kyrian. The aesthetic is fine though but I feel it would just make us pop more kinds of wings, which is a bit boring, notably when needed to differentiate the differe t talents.

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Holy crap… I think my Archangel of Hope just gave me some… Hope lol

we really need a kick in the priest tree the fact were about to be the only healer without one is bad

It is the closest thing to ANY class…

Druids = Night Fae
Death Knights = Necrolord and maybe Blood = Venthyr

They have CLEAR similarities.

The Priest shares similarities with Kyrian… but that is besides the point because my “Archangel” ideas came from Diablo 3 anyway… you know… Angels.

That’s all it takes (at this early stage): acknowledgement instead of silence. Thank goodness!

Good to hear. We’re probably going to have to wait a few weeks though.

Not only that, Pally and Shaman both have extremely low CD kicks.

I don’t see what’s wrong with moving silence over, TBH.

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I kind of see it as problematic if 3 - possibly 4 (monks) - healers are now going to have kicks available on 15s cds. That gives those specs a level of utility above the healers without interrupts, especially in smaller group sizes.

Sanctum had a ridiculous amount of bosses that required coordinated kicks.

Did druid get kicks?

Paladin and Monk had kicks way back in MoP, they got removed in WoD.

Also am I going crazy or did disc actually have silence at some point in like legion or something?

you forgot that druid has access to skillbash which is another 15 second

I’m sure whatever the devs do, it won’t be impactful or meaningful.

priest had base line silence until WoD

Yup, Druid got skullbash, so 15s kick on them too