(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

I personally believe that moving from the minigame of void form and staying in it was the worst choice theyve made. I think if they made it so that DP still used your insanity as the rotational component it would have added an additional component of complexity to the rotation and made it not feel as hard to balance.

Hey devs, hereā€™s some inspirationā€¦

Outside of covenant abilities and legendaries, there is no need to sit on cds for power infusion so that may or may not be a thing in DF.

Yeah but then youā€™re using a 90 second cd then a 120 second cd. Also the legendary that made us do this in SL (sfp) is currently baseline because itā€™s in the class tree.

Voidform being a 90 second cd just doesnā€™t make much sense.

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The good all days when shadow form was actually apart of the talent system with an upgraded version as well.

Now itā€™s all voiiid form. Rolls eyes

I wish they gave it a chance to evolve and become something more than what it is now


When blue post?

If history repeats, maybe towards df release.

Hopefully by next month we can start seeing something. At this point we have more than enough feedback where itā€™s gotten redudant


I do chuckle that the manic insanity of the DF talent tree, does match shadow specs ā€œidentityā€ Like hereā€™s a visual representation of our talent trees, priest tree on the left, shaman/evoker on the right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO5mILfZ48U

Paladin & Mage talents comingā€¦

Lets see how well they put together Paladins talents.
Curious how they take ā€œHoly Spellsā€ and work it into the Class tree to be useful for Both Holy and DPS.

Maybe we can get a feeling how well or not its executed compared to the Priest Class tree.

Crucially, ret and holy both use the light as their primary throughput method. Also we already saw how well blizzard can intertwine multiple roles on the same tree with shaman. The answer is very well.


I am really just curious of there is anything that would spark an idea / inspiration for the Priest Class tree that can work for all 3 specs.

Basically, seeing how much more effort they put into Paladin compared to Priest.

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Alright guys. I take back what I said previously.

Another superb hybrid tree with paladin.
A 4th healer with an interrupt as wellā€¦
No obvious dead branches as most of the stuff looks interresting.

Iā€™ve been playing cool up to now and tried to see what was redeemable of our trees but ok. You were right. Apologies to you my fellow priests!


I play a Prot Paladin alt and the new talent tree is pretty big. Thereā€™s load of new and interesting abilities that didnā€™t exist before.

The Priest tree (Disc+Holy mostly) in comparison is more of a translation of the current ingame retail talents into the new system without a lot of new and exciting things.


Hmmā€¦the only iteration for priest this week (so far) seems to be changing Prayer of Mending to instant. Well below what we were hoping for. Hopefully, we can see some communication from the Blues soon.

Edit: we got a Blue response.

Inturpt should be baseline.
mindsear should be baseline.
move devouring plague into the spot of mindsear.

I am thinking having a similar ability as the Druids Berserk and the Paladins Avenging Wrath can work for priestā€¦

Take my idea from beforeā€¦

Take those ^ and (change them up if needed) and have them be active for the duration of our main Cooldown ability with either Power Infusion orā€¦ the old Archangel cooldowns from Cataā€¦

  • Archangel
    Archangel - Instantly restores 5% of your total mana and increases your healing done by 15%. Lasts for 18sec. 60 sec cooldown.

OR (Choice)

  • Dark Archangel
    Dark Archangel - Increase haste by 5% and increases your damage done by 20%. Lasts for 18sec. 90 sec cooldown.

Put the Archangel cooldown into the Class tree and put the Archangel summons into the various specialization trees and then when we use our Archangel CD, any Archangel summon will also be in effectā€¦ So for Shadows obvious Archangel of Death, we would get its effect while we have Dark Archangel active and in my example, allowing us to use Shadow Word Death as a cleaveā€¦ maybe not remove the Cooldown of SW:D but maybe reduce it to 50% during that time.

Just some ideas that can bridge the specs together,


Archangel of Death summon used to effect my Shadow Word death, I changed it. So maybe it can effect SW:D as a personal CDā€¦ or it can benefit the group with a group wide buff as I have indicated.

  • Archangel of Death
    While under the effects of Archangel or Dark Archangel, your Shadow Word: Death cooldown is reduced by 50% and cleaves 2 additional nearby targets.

All classes have it in the class tree. Baseline in basically what you get throught lvl 1 to 9 and the trees definea the rest, which feels fine.

Iā€™m more concerned about priests being the only healers wothout en interrupt now (given monks arent released yet)

Pallies have a lot of generic talents that would fit any hybrid class lile + x% to y stat or damage on abilities that are actually used by the 3 specs depending on content.

Why canā€™t we get stuff like that :confused:


all classes should have it baseline.

i cant speak for healers. shadow only

A lot of these archangel stuff donā€™t seem priest like. Feels more like kyriansā€¦ which are more in the lines of arcane than anything.

Your death stuff isnā€™t priest-like eitherā€¦

Just my 2 cents. Iā€™m not saying these ideas donā€™t seem fun though.


We got angel wings and feathers and leap of faithā€¦

What are you talking about???


We had Archangel reference since Cata my dude.
Look at the disc tree

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