(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

OH! Wicked Star is wicked awesome!

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This is most likely the real question.
Our gameplay depends in which of those spells are gonna be worth cast.

I’m assuming they’ll go to raid healing for hpriest this expansion focusing in PoH. Losing FC and shadowlands Binding heals doesn’t look like we’ll be single target machines.

The addition of Lightwell and Divine words talent that let us have old Sanctuary seems more towards an aoe healing build for raiding. Also we are having way more cdr on our Holy words so more sanctifies.

Cosmic ripple also giving us mana says a lot about trying to use more holy words.

My guess is that we are moving towards that build for raiding. But we’ll see.

I agree, most people that hate PI are just mad because they are not getting it. The spell is unique and great.

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Shadow looks super interesting as a whole. But the spec needs something done with searing nightmare, its a horrible spell, with a horrible interaction that just sucks to use.


There are some talents making Holy nova stronger, if they buff holy nova dmg it might even be a worth spell to cast.

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Just to highlight that neither Disc nor Holy will have access to Silence.
When I saw the Druid talent tree and realized Resto Druids could take interrupts (since it is on the class tree), I figured the same would be true for all healers.

Guess I was wrong. I just hope we are not the only healer to not have access to an interrupt.

The way I’m seeing it now is that Holy is probably going to be relying on more frequent Holy Word resets.

You can take Light of the Naaru (basically the same as the 2-piece H Priest tier set bonus), Holy Oration, and also talents equivalent to Harmonious. Just the -4s off of Sanctify/Serenity every minute is an extra minute off of Salv reset every 2.5 minutes. Holy Word Salv will probably be a 3-4 min reliable reset.

Also, if Holy Conductor doesn’t have an eternal cd… we’ll be getting a 20% chance to get Surge of Light procs on targets with Renew or Holy Fire. This is pretty massive.

Divine Words looks like it’ll be the meta choice over lolwell anyway. Really depends on how both work. Holy was really lacking a “set and forget” ground AOE heal.

Love it so far. Minus seeing searing nightmare back. Hope the spec isn’t spam nightmare build for another xpac. AND void tendrils is back in the form of Idol of C’thun. PLEASE don’t let the proc chance be as low as the current SP lego that does the same thing. You rarely see it spawn.


The wording on Empyreal Blaze has me brain juicing a little bit…

“Refreshes Holy Fire. Your next 3 casts of Holy Fire cost no mana, incur no cooldown, and cast instantly. 30 second cooldown. Passive: Whenever Holy Fire is reapplied, its duration is now extended instead.”

Does that last part imply that Holy Fire is going to snapshot? :thinking:

It just means instead of the Holy Fire DoT refreshing to 6s it’ll actually roll over probably like Incinerate does. You can basically DoT somebody for 20s+.

I’m also expecting that talent is going to get massively nerfed in PvP because you can just Holy Fire → use ability → triple Holy Fire and obliterate most people.

Either way, that seems really fun when pared with imp Holy Nova and Tools of the Cloth.

So, as someone who used to main disc priest back in the day, I was hoping that this tree would allow more options for those wanting to play the old disc style of healing while also allowing those who enjoy the new style to also carry on. Both gameplay options should be available and viable, I hope that these new trees add some flexibility to the playstyle for how each of us prefers to play Disc.

As far as abilities I’d like to see added back, I was hoping Divine Aegis would make its return…it was my favorite passive.



Actually Discipline priest can have a silence if they talent it.
Wicked star silences everything it touches and that’s actually strong af.
I would like to know if it silences both times as it goes and when it returns.

On the other side Holy priest can have Psichic voice + censure so for PvP that’ll be a huge thing.

Also you can talent Shadow mend + Flash heal? Holy priest will get to have 2 schools of magic to heal?

idk all those changes seem really good.


Holy frickin ugg…

I am more disappointed then even I thought I’d be… and I had low expectations lol.

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It looks like it is…or am I missing something?

If it’s the same PI as live than its targeted. However, you now have access to Twin Suns as a priest talent option. In most of the shadow builds I played with you can take it.

Disappointed to see Searing Nightmare still there honestly. And I was hoping Holy and Disc would get the option for silence too

Wow, nobody read Wickedness, huh?

It’s only 2 seconds long and the silence is applied on where you throw the star, which is less range and harder to hit your intended target in general for PvP. At least it seems like it would be a blanket silence at least.

I absolutely hate the Searing Nightmare playstyle. Also, having a talent choice that literally doubles your AOE damage is a bad option.

Holy doesn’t need a silence though because they have the talent for Chastise stun. Disc also has a pretty cool Divine Star silence as well.

I’m more disappointed they didn’t give Holy & Disc the option to use Mind Sear.

SN being deleted is the #1 change that needs to happen for sure.

Also I don’t raid, but I don’t see hardcore raiders being happy about Power Infusion staying in the game (although I’m glad it’s still in)