(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

I mean… I didn’t say I disagreed. Just that 460% spellpower is an insane number to have it at unless you want to be casting devouring plague once every 15 seconds.

With the return of mind spike, the rotation is overly cluttered with short cd abilities at this point. The way I see it, we’ve come full circle. Mind Spike was replaced by void bolt as our busywork button. Void bolt was attached to a cooldown and so it lost its ability to fulfill the role it was designed for. Devouring Plague was brought back to serve the busywork role while void bolt was unavailable. Now, mind spike returns to fulfill its original purpose and there is not room for a busywork version of devouring plague.

It’s time for devouring plague to return to its slower frequency. It’s impact should be returned as well. I really want the devs to consider this idea thoroughly. Don’t dilute the impact of devouring plague to a design replete with insanity generation and cooldowns. This is why I advocate for a weak mind games and the removal of dark ascension in favour of shadowform as the choice against voidform. These extra add-on abilities are not exciting and they are not the reason I made a shadow priest.

I want to feel excitement and impact from pressing mind blast, devouring plague, and shadow word: death; not mindbender, mind games, and generic cooldown number 6.


My main take away from playing shadow on beta is:

1.) the class has a major identity crisis right now, it’s not sure what it’s supposed to be, is trying to be about 3-4 play styles at the same time and fails to do any exceptionally well.

2.) there is a underwhelming amount of buttons that feel good to press, I.e. shadowfiend, Dark accession, void form, devouring plague, void crash….I press these to get their effects but not cause the ability is fun. Void form and Dark accession are at least are visually appealing but for major class defining cooldowns they really hardly impact the overall rotation.

3.) Vamperic Embrace… At first I thought this button was bugged in the beta, but even on live in retail this button doesn’t seem to do much. What part of being a vampire am I embracing? cause right now it only seems to the sucking part.

The thing I find most annoying about all this is the potential for Shadow to be something amazing, it’s not the lack of class fantasy but more a lack of focus that seems to be its biggest issue.

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I haven’t tried Shadow in the beta yet because I have absolutely no clue what path to take. It feels like I need a guide to understand the 4 different playstyles.

They’re not terribly difficult to understand. But I say that having played them all in the past. The bugs/non-functional talents make proper testing a bit difficult if you are not familiar with the playstyles.

After this week they’re supposed to be moving into the bug fixing / tuning phase.

Turn mind sear into our current 4pc.
Instant cast self buff that auto channels off our target and drains insanity while active, damage and insanity drain can be scaled so that it’s worth pressing and also won’t have infinite uptime.

Just remove it and replace it with a talent that lets spirits explode. We don’t need an aoe spender or filler with psylink + exploding spirits.


At this point, it might not be a bad idea to have our mastery empower our spenders instead of buffing all our damage by X per dot. That way we get our nice chunky DP, and a nice chunky Mind Sear.


Of course, they are focusing on tuning going forward. But this change seems like 90% tuning and 10% design to implement.

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i want Devour plague to have WEIGHT and feel impactful. Period. Its a spender. If my spender is going to feel like a potato, then remove teh Resource system from this class and bring mana.


Blizzard please reconsider your stance on moving the silence to the general class tree. It is pretty weak reasoning for not wanting to move the silence because too many classes have one. It wasn’t great but I honestly think Shamans being the only healing class with a kick is better than everyone except priest having one.

It’s going to be a shock to no one when m+ groups don’t want a priest because they can’t cover priority kicks in a dungeon. And if every other healer can, then why take a chance on a priest in pugs. How Priests didn’t get the battle rez if this was your plan all along is another failing. I think it would be fair to have one or the other, but to have neither truly feels bad.

I love wow and I main Disc. I would love to play this game all the time but as player who predominately play m+, I feel left behind. If I start getting denied from groups because of the kick I would probably stop playing. It’s an easy fix, please reconsider.


Here’s our set bonuses for the first raid tier:

Disc set bonus seems kind of mediocre.

Holy set bonus is actually pretty decent, especially for PvP. You use PoM with Lightweaver and can get 0.5s Heal casts.

Shadow set bonus looks kind of eh?


are teh set bonuses going to apply to PVP gear as well?

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if you look at most set bonus’s they all seem very safe. which is probably a good thing

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I would assume so. Also, PvP gear in Dragonflight is supposed to have one fixed PvP iLvl that is always the same for conquest pieces, and the PvE level is what you can upgrade.

I’m going to guess you have to Catalyst upgrade PvP Gear or its already going to come with the set bonuses.

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Is PoM really worth casting? It seems like a sink for talent points, but it seems like all the synergy is wrapped up in HW: salvation and not in casting PoM directly.

PoM and CoH are two abilities you basically cast on cd as Holy. Every other spell is filler. PoM utilizes smart AI and bounces to the lowest health targets.

Hmm interesting, they did have the catalyst open too… thanks for the insight.

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I guess I don’t understand. Doesn’t PoM only trigger when the player gets hit? So they have to be actively taking damage for it to bounce, otherwise it just sits there and times out. Whenever I tried using PoM I always had to active heal as well to cover the incoming damage, so it always felt like a wasted cooldown.
Theoretically it could heal a lot if you added all the bounces, but it always seem less practical than just using renew/heal which guaranteed the full potency. I guess that’s why I’m bad.

At this point I’ll take any buff to DP lol. Also permanent 5% haste is very nice for early expac when stats is harder to get.