(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

omg yah are right, PWS has cd now… Dam.
So like, whats the CD on PWS now?

PW:S basically says apply atonement the shield component is negligible

so both are jokes, if they give PWS a cd but make it stronger we end up better off.

I firmly believe that simplicity is sometimes better. Just make it a Strong baseline and don’t add any modifiers in talents. like just do this, make it strong again.

BTW what is DragonFlights CD on PWS now?

i think its 8

it wont be dead cuz were using it to apply atonement.

wait what lol. So did they really do anything?
Weaken soul is 7.5 sec and its reduced with haste – with my live haste its 5 sec.

Did they just nerf it a little on the CD per use?

weakened soul doesn’t exist

OH wait nvm ignore me. Too tired.

This is actually worse. You can only use it on one person at a time for not much protection. I got it.

So sameish length of no use like weaken soul but now you cannot spam it on others during DOwntime. RIP.

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so now you cant apply it to 5 different people unless youre in your rapture window.

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yup. And you guys are saying it barely protects still so this is a trash change. No likey.


i think if the numbers are there it might be better. on current @ilvl 300 my PW:S sets around 10k if they give it a cd but make it strong enough spell power ratio it could have some real value.

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i mean thats what i was hoping they would be doing. I want STRONG PWSs again. PVP wise, the burst in this game is so high. having my shield break on a hit and making me go through a GCD for no reason is so annoying.

My hope is that this week, if not by end of day today or maybe end of the week, we get some updates, adjustment, mini reworks, etc. Something that makes things make more sense.

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shadowpriest Live PWS 5,634
Disc Priest Live: 5549-- With Mastery – 7092(im at 28% mast atm)
holy Priest live: 5602
No power in this Power word shield.

Fixed my gear issue, sorry. I forgot i was testing other numbers lol. SO i took gear off.

PVP item lvl is 289 - at 276 none pvp item lvl. Currently in War mode. ( this is my shadow best setup).

it scales with SP FWIW so int will be what makes it bigger not mastery which is why your holy and disc numbers are the same

i messed up cuze of gear movement. Was checking if Haste affected Weaken soul earlyer, which it does lol.

But yeah across all 3 specs, the shield amount is the same, with disc being higher when mastery takes effect.

Going to see how strong the old PWS was during like Wrath as example.

Draws on teh soul of the friendly target to shield them, absorbing 2230 damage. Last 30 sec. While the shield holds, spellcasting will not be interrupted by damage. Once shielded, the target cannot be shielded again for 15 sec.

Scaling: +80.68% of spell power to direct component
Cooldown: 4sec
GCD 1.5
https ://wotlk.evowow.com/?spell=48066

Draws on the soul of the party member to shield them, absorbing 2910 damage. last 30sec. While the shield holds, spellcasting will not be interrupted by damage. Once shielded, the target cannot be shielded again for 15sec

CD: none.
level; 60

https ://tbc-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?spell=46193


Shields an ally for 15 sec, absorbing [spell power * 1.65 (1+ Versatility) 111] damage. You cannot shield the target again for 7.5sec.

http s://www.wowhead.com/spell=17/power-word-shield

Heard like everything for healers received massive nerfs in beta… I wonder if they’ve given up on the design decision of not making players feel like they’re losing that much from SL?

Moar buttons!!!


I’ve always believed Disc, even being absorbtion based, it was an amalgamation of Holy and Shadow.

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SO my lvl 70 priest in wrath classic ( forgot we had classic) Shadow Spec currently.

1265 (base value shield)
My bonus healing is 482, same for bonus dmg.

My HP is 6331

My shield, in a duel, was able to absorb two smites of a priest in Wrath.
every smite was 1065
Second, smite did 390 ( leaving 675 absorbed)

Total Absorbed 2820

mind you, once i got to lvl 70, i stopped playing in BC classic so my gear isnt’ amazing.

I can shield myself every 15 sec cuze of weakened soul, but i can still shield others.

Shields more than my flash heal.
Flash heal heals for (jumps) 1500-1700)_ Crit was 2384
Greater heal is: 3441
Renew healed me total of 2,118 full duration.

PWS back then was pretty darn good man, idk lol.