Bet you regret those donations now

He might as well have said “so your face”


I thought I’d try your method.

Mine were topical, you’re using non-sequiturs.

Also now I’m reading your posts in Ed’s voice from Ed, Edd, & Eddy.

Uh ok then.

Subscriptions have not changed at all it looks like you did not understand what you read. Subscription still have the monthly option.

What has changed is the option to just buy 30 days of game time without being subscribed. You can now only by 60.

Please stop spreading misinformation I’m not defending Blizzard at all but what I am defending is spreading misinformation that’s going to get a bunch of people upset when there is no readon to be

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Yet something did change.

Nothing changed with monthly subscriptions which is how most people pay. You can still do the 30-day Gametime option.

I have been doing this in other MMO’s for years. You subscribe for a month and then cancel right away so it doesn’t automatically renew. Then in essence you are doing the same thing as just buying 30 days of game time without being subscribed.

So no really nothing has changed


Thank you is Zazda. This guy is getting all in an uproar about nothing. Either that or he’s a troll and he’s just trying to create a bunch of drama when there’s nothing to get upset over


As they say.

Give an inch and they take a mile.

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That phrase has no basis in what we are talking about do you even understand what you’re saying you’re just saying random stuff at this point.

I am now convinced that you were just a troll and you were running through the woods throwing gasoline on people’s campfires who are just trying to have a good time

I don’t I’ll waste the time trying to explain.

Everyone just likes to be mad and throw around accusations.

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Shifty is 100% right.

Normal subscriptions have not changed.
WoW Tokens have not changed.

The only thing that’s changed is how much game-time you can buy through the Blizzard Store.

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“I’m petty and dumb so everyone else is too, muahahaa!”

Not really no

I mean if you where right then no one would agree with me.


That’s literally what you did by creating the OP lol.

Do your parents know you’re up?


Lol bully I love you. You are one of the few people who have common sense on General discussion. You always do a very good job of making a joke of those who don’t


I said everyone, try reading.

Congratz though for letting everyone see a short list of petty and dumb people though.

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