Are you willfully ignorant or just born this way?
I think you guys are just blind that’s all…
Why are you giving money to a company that you are here claiming will commit tax fraud. Because ya know… that’s what it would be.
Yes, it’s all of us that are wrong.
You’re the smart one here. lol
pretty sure that person is on something…
multiple somethings…
Or should be.
Well, I just unsub the game…so, your point is invalid.
More accurately speaking…you are truly unaware of the matters that are of great concerns.
You will go where the Activision wind blows but not understanding there true motives in everything there doing…
If this was a genuine company following and performing those protocols that’s meant to be followed then it’s understandable but they don’t seem to follow that, no?!
Hello word vomit.
im not a doctor, but i am pretty sure there is healthier alterantives.
So mature, really! /sarcasm
I am ok with being immature as long as I am not tinfoil-on-head crazypants.
I am firmly in the “or should be” camp now.
Ok, let’s look at the facts:
- The donation is made directly to the MSF website, not a Blizzard one.
- You will actually get a receipt from MSF for tax deduction purposes.
- Last I checked, Blizzard/Activision is not affiliated with MSF.
- Tax fraud carries heavy penalties, way more than the 500k donation.
So, use that tiny brain of yours, and tell me if the donations are made to
- Blizzard
or - MSF
they are nice hats tho…
/casually snacks on hotdog
Oh no!
LOL, that is hilarious. He gives no craps… just eating his hotdog.
Regret donations? Seriously? L7
Oh I know this one!
That’s a lot of words with literally zero meaning.
What you mean to say is that you think Blizz set up a fake charity payment portal and is stealing the donation money lol.
And yet, we’re the dumb ones.
Learn when to concede your point and just slink away already.
It’s obviously the shadow government living in the dark web controlled by the lizard people. /s
Why would I regret a donation to help out with the current global pandemic ?
The game time changes don’t affect me as I’m on a sub.
I’m enjoying the game so will continue playing.
I got a monkey pet to add to my collection and soon a sloth.
Where is the regret ?