Bet you regret those donations now

Dollars to donuts this charity event was meant to get people thinking positively about Blizz, in effort to mitigate anger over the coming game time change.


They do regular charity events though.

These charity promotions are planned months in advance, so no, it’s not some conspiracy to take the heat off of this. Besides, in order for that to work you have to announce the bad WITH the good, so that they effectively cancel each other out. If you announce the good first, then the bad over a month later, you’re not saving any good-will.

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After the toys donation cashgrab, I’m never buying any charity/donation stuff from Blizzard.

They lost credibility for a quick cashgrab of 250-500k.


I wouldn’t mind an actual charity thing from Blizzard. They just need to actually help hard-done-by people and change a few things (such as not hypocritically brown-nosing to the Chinese government; seriously, between Taiwan and the Uighurs, all Xi Jinping is missing is a toothbrush mustache and a World War).


:clown_face: :poop: :man_facepalming:

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I’m on a recurring sub, so nothing changed for me. I also donated and don’t regret it.

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Meh… No rate increase over 15 years is rare for any company. Can’t seem to get riled up at the possibility.

If I were to really speculate, the removed products didn’t really sell that well. Even with the forum “outrage” the forums are not a majority of customers. The change brings the products inline with the cards they sell and reduces skus for bookkeeping purposes. The time cards are only available in 60 day increments as well.

Nope, I am happy with my choice to donate. :slight_smile:

Withholding donations does not “hurt” the charity.

You seem to move the goal posts entirely. PR happens when any company does this do you also flood their forums claiming that they are pocketing it all too? Or are we just special?

Most important thing you avoided answering though is this:

Care to enlighten me oh granter of titles? I really need to know what to call you.

Yes because the government who actually deal with these issues are doing so well. :rofl: You want a company to change what politicians can’t and don’t understand why this wouldn’t work?

It’s fun to talk big games, I get it, pitchforks and torches, but this again is over a donation to an independent charity, and you bring in politics in other countries. Pray tell me when we elected Blizzard to fight the good fight worldwide? Oh yeah never happened, so why wouldn’t you freak on Starbucks or McDonalds or any other company that operates there? You thinking a video game company is the key to ending their suffering is beyond comprehension.

You could be writing your elected representative over this issue, instead you came here, where you know nothing will change.

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Lot’s of people starting multiple complaint threads each totally based on incorrect information they read on another complaint thread. Rinse and repeat.

Silver lining: we get to see something new that people are complaining about.

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Sadly, he isn’t a troll… just an idiot.

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Hmm, sure it can. Most recent example this month: rich University of Texas alumni threatened to withhold their big dollar contributions if the UT president prohibited the football team/fans from singing “Eyes of Texas.” You want to bet that the UT president backed off in a hurry? lol

edit: corrected!

That’s still not “hurting” the charity.

Not receiving something to which you have no claim of entitlement is not injurious in any way.

Bear in mind, I take a very grim view of virtually all charities. Sophisticated begging is still begging. Not giving to a beggar is never “wrong” or injurious.

The song in question was “The Eyes of Texas,” the school song, which I’ve always found creepy.



Your ability to not understand …anything…is uncanny.


That is the best news I have received today. Thank you so much.

Got to love these negative attitudes.

It really makes the community better as a whole.

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