Bet you regret those donations now

Fair, but my point still stands :3

So you’re only wanting one month here and there. Get your trying to play a subscription-based game? I am doing my best to try and find logic in your statements but I am failing horribly.

Does someone else load your battle net balance for you? So you’re upset you can’t get your mom or dad to load it for two months instead of one? You keep using the phrase use real money to pay for one month subscription where is the money in your battle net balance coming from?

You can’t define a person by one thread.

Well then trying this hard to chew on their own foot? Yeah I kinda can.

No. But I have multiple accounts, not all of which need to be continuously played.

I’m a grandmother, so you can stop making assumptions to stroke your ego and make you think you’re edgy.

“Real money” is that $75 a month you want to force me to spend on my 5 accounts so you can get your referral bonus.

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No it’s not. It’s nothing like that. World of Warcraft is a subscription-based game and it’s always been a subscription-based game. Subscription means recurring monthly charge.

So it’s more like there’s a pizza parlor that offers a monthly fee and lets you get pizzas often as you want. However to be nice they have in the past offered an option to just buy one at a time now they are changing it to only selling 2 at a time. It’s still a subscription-based pizza parlor.

Then you’re a bigger fool than I.

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For the record I don’t think your a fool. Just think you’re highly irrational which is typical in teenagers and young adults nowadays

rereads OP


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This is a very good argument in this forum is flooded with people who do nothing but complain. To sit there and pay a monthly subscription fee for something they obviously do not enjoy makes no common sense whatsoever and I just don’t get these people

If you are buying a wow token with gold to get 1 month of game time, why would you convert to bnet balance?
Just cash in for 30 days of time directly.


Exactly . This person’s arguments is just like the op and it’s highly irrational and I don’t understand either one of them

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Yep, lots of misinformed people with today’s change.

The only players who are negatively impacted are those who were using bnet balance for 3mo or 6mo pre-paid blocks. They no longer can get the discount like subscribers do.

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I get not liking some things about the game or the company and voicing that displeasure. But like you I do not understand the ones who are still doing this after months and months.

I guess I would think after a month or so of voicing your unhappiness a person would move on to something else even if they still have sub time.

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Exactly my friend it’s kind of like going to a restaurant every Saturday night that you know you were going to get bad service at. You’re never happy with the service at this restaurant there is literally no reason to keep going but you keep going and you keep paying for dinner.

To constantly pay for a game you don’t enjoy month after month and do nothing but complain about for months straight it’s just as silly as what I stated above

If the day comes where I am no longer having fun in World of Warcraft thankfully it hasn’t yet but if it does I will not hesitate in canceling my subscription and just walking away. I’m not going to pay for something I don’t enjoy. I mean theere are literally people on this forum who have made really long I quit post every month for 3 months in a row. I won’t mention any names but I’m sure you know who they are


That’s because the option to pay for game time by the month via the in-game shop no longer exists. It’s not because Blizzard specifically altered how WoW tokens work.

You can still consume the WoW token to immediately give yourself 30 days of game-time.

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I’m going to :rofl: so hard if Blizzard is making these changes to prepare for an increase in the monthly subscription rate.

And using the same logic, they can get rid of the 30-, 90-, and 180-day discounted subscription options too! lol

Not off the table, the price has been the same for over a decade hasn’t it?

Same since 2004. Prices have gone up around 37% since then. Blizzard is basically leaving $5.55 per sub per month on the table by not keeping up with inflation in the U.S.