My personal favorite Mage may not have been “the best” but he was still my favorite because we were both the same class and on the same server (Darkspear), despite we were on opposite factions…and that would be Albis. He knew the class very well, used an elemental build typically, and for the most part did world PvP while being fairly undergeared and still managed to destroy everyone. I dueled him once before I ever heard of him and was so irritated at how easily I lost…especially considering I did a fair amount of PvP and was…decent, at least.
I guess it all depends on what the thread’s definition of “best” is. I’ve seen people back in the day who were praised but nothing special what-so-ever. They were just admired by subscribers. They could go 0-10 in a video and people would still comment about how awesome they were.
Going to have to vote Laintime best overall from Vanilla. He pulled off several 1vX encounters against geared opponents in a time when that is actually amazing for Warriors.
Shadow Priest: Xantim
Never cared for his taste in music, but the PVP is solid.
Not sure what the qualifications are on this. For warlock, this guy didn’t make videos, or stream or have subscribers, etc. He just wreaked havoc and made a name for himself on the server. Does anyone remember losrustald (loser you stalled)? i’m sure i spelled his name wrong. He was an affliction warlock that picked a fight everywhere and was extremely difficult to kill. Maybe thats just me and my memory, but that guy stood out.
Also, maybe not the best PVPer but back on my server there was the leader of an alliance guild, The Enclave, that was headed by Horrigan. Got a bit of celebrity status on the horde side for being unkillable, mostly because he always ran with a group of paladins to heal and otherwise protect him. Pretty solid.
I’ve seen this thread before… and just letting anyone know who says “they weren’t good they just made videos”, if you’re vote is of someone with no video evidence of anything they did, that means that’s are a nobody. At least to us, because there is literally no way to gauge how good they are/were without footage.
I knew Horrigan. Played a few bgs and world pvp with him and the Enclave. I was in another guild though. The Enclave transfered many times and I believe that it helped them to increase their fame.
People used to hate Horrigan on forums because he had a bad troll atitude and used to yell a lot at their guildies but it was more a character than person. You would notice it once you started to know him.
Horrigan was a decent warrior, but not a legendary one. It is like Pat or Maydie that were “decent” but not great. Their healers would carry all their weight.
Laintime, the warrior I mentioned on the OP is one that stands above everyone else. If you don’t know him yet, look for his videos and you will understand why.