Best Option for TBC Is lvl 58?

wait, what?

then why were we running like hell, trying to beat the 10 day mark and tracking the raid lockouts back in vanilla?

i have no clue

i am going to have to go read up on that quest chain, it has been a long time.

Yeah, sorry if I wasnā€™t clear. This is what I am saying. Let people level their belfs and dranei from 1 - 58 before the gates open.

EDIT: portal

and Iā€™m with you 100%. If they wanted to do it, then once you hit 58+ on the vanilla server you can ā€œcopyā€ that character to a 58. So this is my only 58+. This is the only character that I can copy and it will be a 58 druid. You only get one copy and I would be fine with having your items / gold deleted, but your trade skills (and mount) intact.

Btw, I didnā€™t pick this option in the survey. I see its merit though.

A better option would be for blizzard to pick a Server Copy date, and copy the entire Server to TBC on that date. This avoid any item/gold duping shenanigans between guilds and multiple characters.

Level 1? bc didnā€™t start at level 1ā€¦ we were already champions/powerful and went into BC at level 55-60.

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They sent out the survey for a reason. They didnā€™t need you to make posts about this and youā€™re most likely in the minority.

Option 1 is the only one that makes any real senseā€¦ A lot of folks will be bored of Classic Inna year or so. Moving the servers through the natural progression seems to be the way to go.

It isnā€™t the 2000s anymore eitherā€¦


the majority of tbc players will be people that have done this before. i dont think of it as cheesing, i call it skipping a pointless grind we have all done before which wont have relevant gear or anything

Is it not possible to have both servers with TBC transfers off of classic realms and fresh start from level 1 TBC servers?
Some classic servers will have to be merged though.

Sure, I understand that idea, butā€¦

There are a couple of problems I have with it:

  1. We didnā€™t have modern Retail character boosts in BC.
  2. We have Classic characters. If people wish to play through BC without doing early leveling, they can simply play through on one of or all of their Classic characters.
  3. Iā€™m personally hoping to play on a new server that doesnā€™t allow upgrades/transfers. Starting from level 58 would cheapen the experience for me.

Most likely, my preference is swayed the most by number 3. However, number 1 is significant enough that I feel it stands on its own.

Best option is a copy or normal servers progress to TBC and new servers are made just for classic imo.

I like the idea of having TBC without economic taint from Classic servers. If we get a 58, or a copy of our existing characters (with gold limitations - maybe just allow BoP transfers and 200g per 60), I would be fine with that.

Iā€™d rather not start from level 1, but if thatā€™s what they go with, Iā€™ll deal with it.

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I probably wonā€™t be playing TBC Classic unless they offer 100% fresh start servers, with no transfers from Classic or anywhere else other than other TBC Classic fresh start servers. I donā€™t see that happening though in all likelihood.


If they want my money they will do fresh servers from level 1 with no transfers. Economy starts from 0. I loved the leveling together with everyone aspect. I would be ok with them having fresh servers with no transfers just likec classic and ā€œnon-fresh serversā€ where everything goes.

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Players should not have to re-name their current Classic character to keep it on a Classic server.

Progressing current servers to TBC defeats the purpose of having Classicā€¦ which is for people who just wanted Classic without doing so on illegal private servers.

We didnā€™t come back for a re-journey through WoW as a wholeā€¦ but to play Classic on legal servers.

Naxx era has just started. Let us live in it.

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The level 58 option only serves to make a million alts that inflate the market with crafts. If characters have to level professions from one, there are gonna be so many choke points it will be beyond annoying. Being able to progress but having the option to preserve your character on a classic realm would make the most sense. They could also make a few fresh start realms for those that prefer it but Iā€™m sure many like myself donā€™t have the time to do it all over again.

I like the lvl 58 option, maybe limit number of times you can boost to 58. Or idea of copying toon to tbc server.

Come on guys donā€™t force me to tbc, having to rename my toon to still play classic feels wrong.

Open tabs servers, free copy everyone who wishes to play there. Easy.

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