Best Option for TBC Is lvl 58?

No, no, no, no, I am not going to level from 1 and they’d be stupid AF to do that. GTFO. Not going to happen.

58 is like the worst option. Completely removing leveling from the game. And game does have new leveling zones in TBC and changes to old ones. Creating exactly same problem level-boost in retail creates.

Fresh servers would make economy healthier, although losing your character would be pretty sad

The only issue I see with that is a flood of belves and draenei (I know, it was that way in tbc I remember)

I agree with all of this. There’s probably no point in trying to preserve existing Classic servers because they will all have to be merged anyway after the mass exodus.

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I actually love the Classic leveling experience. But I just did it on two characters, and I’m working on a third. I don’t want to have to do it over again with those SAME characters. I just did it!

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character copy needs to be an option
it is the only option im willing to accept

For me, personally, this absolutely needs to be an option in ADDITION to any other option. Someone else commented that TBC starts on the other side of the Dark Portal, but I disagree. TBC changed classes, it changed talent trees, and leveling from 1-60 in Azeroth was still fun (for me).

I’m not one of the “end-game is the only game” folk. It’s been 7 months since WOW Classic released, and I’m happily puttering along without a 60. (Highest three are now 55, 49, 49.) I’ll get to 60 soon enough, but might be close to 15 days /played per character when I do.

Making TBC only 58+ only would take away that experience. Yes, I want to raid in TBC at some point. I did in 2007-2008 on this gal. But that’s only a fraction of the game, and it’s a fraction that is less important to my long-term enjoyment.

Now, 58+ would be an interesting alternative for those who don’t want to level 1-60 again. Just because I love leveling and questing and alts does not mean that is everyone else’s game. What 58+ would do is create a relatively equalized starting point for TBC for those who don’t want to repeat the earlier leveling. It would avoid the exploitation of their copying process. It would start everyone ‘fresh’ in terms of things like honor and gold and gear, but fresh at a point where they could play what interests them.

So, really, I kinda like the combination of those two. Let TBC be its own ecosystem, but let players choose between starting at 1 or 58 depending on what part of the game fulfills them more.

So I saw that there is also a “none of the above” option in the survey. I agree that a copy would be best. I am a pvper, and though I would eventually like to try raiding in Classic I would like to also continue progression into TBC. The one thing I do not want to lose is the rep I have gained (which I know isn’t much, but it’s a lot for me :rofl:). That is why I also agree with a copy.

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Why should we give Draenei and blood elves any love?

Them being way behind is authentic and it cuts down on the number of alliance that will reroll horde.

It was emailed
It went into a lot of peoples junk/spam folders

Ideally they should have 1 fresh TBC pve and pvp realms that don’t let anyone copy anything and start at lvl 1, for those who want to start fresh, or didn’t play until TBC came out.

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If i had to start a level 58, i would probably not bother playing it.

It was OK in wrath because there was a purpose built learn your DK for Dummies phased zone where you had a closed environment to learn not to be a moron with this new class.

In TBC, there is no such thing.

I had not played WoW in forever prior to classic, and then a picked a class i never played before.
I needed to start at level 1 in order to learn how to not just run around and suck.

In TBC i would want to make a different class.
And even though i played that class 15 years ago, i have not even touched the game or class in many years.
I dont want to start as level 58, with no other choice, in the middle of the world like Hi, so sorry you dont know how to play your class yet, suck it and die.

For people with bunches of alts, and current practice in all those classes, it’s fine, but if they went that route, i’d hope you got a choice to opt out of the level boost.

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I think that it will improve the gameplay experience overall as naxx gets stale and allies look to play shaman and horde look to play paladin.

the level 58 and 1 option makes me think casuals would only want these two options because they dont want people to have better gear than them when tbc releases even though we worked for our gear and you couldnt get past baron…

character copies is the only way.

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Ok, maybe I am reading the point you’re making wrong. I am under this impression you were asking for blizzard to give blood elves and draenie 2 months run up on TBC before character copies take place.

But now I am starting to think you were just asking for TBC prepatch to come out on the TBC servers before the gate opens to mirror the original experience, and that is actually a really good idea, but I am still 100% opposed to free mostly leveled characters. Part of the vanilla and TBC experience is leveling your character from 1 to cap, that is something we need to make sure is retained. If blizzard was to do anything out of the ordinary they could open one way horde faction changes to alliance to help balance things out a little bit, and those faction changes should in reality be selective so that they move more talented players over rather than the dross.

not just classic and tbc, but thinking about wrath as well. 1-80 was brutal as a new player. anyone who wants to be max level should have to do that grind at some point, IMO. and i will reee so hard if they don’t allow me to take my priest with tier 3, fang of korialstrasz etc to the new servers.

Well, i hope you get that, i really do, but remembering that quest chain from original, it’s a beotch to get done because everyone in the raids has to agree that you are the only one progressing.

not really. we will probably have most our priests do the quest once we’re all exalted with nozdormu, super easy at that point in a good helpful guild

You only have 10 days to finish the chain?
and raids reset once per week.

No, you can complete the chain at any point after AQ patch is out