Best loot system: EPGP

I personally enjoy LC with forced class leader interaction, normally everyone knew what they where getting and why before it dropped. I never had a problem with it myself in Vanilla, but i just knew the people who i ran with.

Not saying LC can’t be corrupt, just saying look up a guild, and see if there mindset works for you, DKP is horrible for gearing tanks TBH that’s probably why i go with LC myself haha.

/roll is the best. It’s the least complicated, least involved, and the least room corruption.

The only flaw with /roll is when people believe that have more rights to loot than others. Not accepting /RNGesus as the only truth (aka loot drama queens)


I would quit a guild who wasn’t pre-stacking their main tank with gear.

Guess that all depends on the guilds objectives. If the guild isn’t racing then they might not be all that concerned.

Also, MT > OT > Heals > /roll isn’t a bad option.

I’m now in my mid 30’s and I don’t have the capacity to deal with loot drama. I’m also 100% comfortable not getting anything from a full MC run. That being said my opinion is loot council would probably be the best for my own personal values. I’m hoping to join a guild with people in the same mindset as myself, thus ensuring no drama for loot.

One of the bigger issues I’ve seen with EPGP is setting a minimum GP for new guildies. This number has to be adjusted regularly when new people come into the guild, if not the new members (even with a minimum EP) will get loot priority over veteran raiders even though the veteran raiders have put in much ore effort points. Usually, the newly added guildies get upset when you adjust their minimum GP but it has to be done. Also, decaying EPGP seems to provide very little benefit and usually favors the newly added raiders with very little GP.

I have to agree with everything you said… it seems many have had the exact same experiences with the other loot systems.

Key word there “Applying”

I do enjoy epgp over other versions as it does have a way to deter saving for 1 piece of gear. Decay does this nicely as you can take many pieces of gear and if 1 person if saving for wep it could be weeks and with the decay you will still get around the same PR lol.

This is just wrong

This has a lot of problems and epgp is ok, but it’s only the best system for people on a personal level if they come into the guild already geared. Someone who comes in fresh 60, and needs gear will raid for a year straight (cause that’s how long it’d take to get every piece if you had to build up points and win each one) and then be so deep in gp that they’ll never win anything else. decay doesnt effect it that much that quickly. People horde because they already have gear they didnt get from an epgp system, and those that use that system to get every piece will be TERRIBLY behind everyone forever

Another downside to it for example, 2 hunters needed the petrified leaf tonight, and the giantslayers chest dropped before it, and even though only 1 needed it, he didnt roll for it because he needed his ratio to stay higher to get the leaf. So guild disenchanted the chest instead of just giving it to him for free.

We use a variant of EPGP.

At the start of a tier we all complete a loot list of the gear, prioritised in the order that we see fit. Each loot slot is numbered, the higher you put an item on your list, the more points you are awarded by default.

The last 10 weeks of consumes and attendance points are added to your loot points.

At any time I can look at a google spreadsheet to see where I’m placed on an item. We have light loot prio, I can’t put choker of firelord on my list as a healer for example.

We don’t have any loot drama because of this process. There’s a few complaints towards the system but there’s never drama towards each raider.

You don’t lose points when you win an item. At least with our system. What you are referencing honestly sounds like DKP.

There’s no downside for filling out your entire list with loot. All that matters is the priority you place them.

it limits hoarding, it doesn’t prevent it.

Not really, everyone hits a point where they’re after drops adn the order doesn’t change till something actually drops.Then it becomes SK in function.

It doesn’t. People will only spend their value on upgrades still

It still ends up with newbies taking gear off veterens. This isn’t a bad thing but it can be frustrating.

If this is true, ours must be a variant. We don’t lose any points when obtaining gear.

Ours has the last 10 weeks of consumes and attendance points added. A trial can’t complete our loot list until they make core, they are given spare loot though.

A trial can earn consume and attendance points while trialling, but if they are promoted before the 10 week mark, they will still be behind, assuming that they and another have prioritised the same piece of loot equally.

New members not getting big pieces is a good thing because they are much less likely to stick around than your veteran members. The real problem with hoarding is the hoarders refusing upgrades for the one or two big pieces they really want. A mage hoarding isn’t going to bid on anything other than something like Nelth’s Tear except maybe for next to nothing. If the prices are set or the minimum bid isn’t really low, then those people will let upgrades be sharded.

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i’d prefer just random rolls without any system, but i don’t think there’s single guild that does that and clear content

With EPGP there is a ceiling on EP when decay matches the max you earn in a week raiding. So the people who are in the guild longest will gradually get lower and lower priority at their earn more GP over time

Our guild hosts a +1 pug each week. It’s a roll system but once per raid you can +1 an item to cut out other raiders from rolling unless they also choose to +1.

Rolling leaves too much up for chance. I prefer having control over where I’m placed on an item.