Best loot system: EPGP

My guild uses EPGP (I was a big supporter of it when we were discussing loot systems). It works out pretty well for us. It’s not perfect of course but no loot system is and I find it has less problems than a pure DKP system. It still has the problem of people being reluctant to “spend” priority for minor upgrades but we haven’t run into any issues so far. Thus far EPGP is my preferred and favorite loot system.

GP also decays over time, so even if someone is losing all their EP to decay every week if they aren’t getting gear their priority will still go up.

Which is why these kinds of systems are built to reward people for doing stuff outside of raiding. Farming mats, bringing pots, helping other people get attuned, and so on. Someone with a bad ratio can improve it by doing a bit of extra work.

You want a progression anyways, someone who is getting all the older pieces is someone who is not able to contribute as much toward newer content. The players who are ahead of the curve will get upgrades in the newer content and the players who need older stuff will get upgrades there. It serves as a natural way to move people along in their progression.

Nowhere did I say you lose points?

A lot of epgp guilds only reward for time spent in raids, and not for helping out in any way

Just that your ratio drops, because your gp goes up, which puts you behind people.

Yes… that’s the point of EP GP, you are supposed to fall behind other people as you get loot.

Guess you didnt read the original post, get back to me after

You seem to not understand how ratios work.

After decay your ratio remains the same.

The problem isnt the ratio or the decay, which arent what I posted originally about. Seriously, have you read the original comment? You’re not making sense to me.

Here is what you originally said.

This is wrong.

Even if you net no EP after decay if you get no loot your ratio still goes up as your GP has gone down.

I never said anything after “This is wrong”, dont know how you got something after that that I didnt day. And that was a standalone comment that had nothing to do with my original post, which is (lemme find it and copy paste it for you since you dont want to scroll up). “This has a lot of problems and epgp is ok, but it’s only the best system for people on a personal level if they come into the guild already geared. Someone who comes in fresh 60, and needs gear will raid for a year straight (cause that’s how long it’d take to get every piece if you had to build up points and win each one) and then be so deep in gp that they’ll never win anything else. decay doesnt effect it that much that quickly. People horde because they already have gear they didnt get from an epgp system, and those that use that system to get every piece will be TERRIBLY behind everyone forever. Another downside to it for example, 2 hunters needed the petrified leaf tonight, and the giantslayers chest dropped before it, and even though only 1 needed it, he didnt roll for it because he needed his ratio to stay higher to get the leaf. So guild disenchanted the chest instead of just giving it to him for free.” Also, every guild does things different, so to tell someone in an epgp guild that that’s not how it works is being blind about the fact that each guild does things differently.

That’s unfortunate and a corruption of the original intent of EPGP which is to encourage participation in the entire raiding process rather than just time in raids.

  • Being extraordinarily helpful to the guild (making pots for a specific fight)
  • Doing some grunt work noone wants to tackle, like updating the guild’s website

I would rather just not raid than deal with the rampant politics, drama, corruption & general over-complicated mess of it all.

Which may or may not be applicable to all guilds.

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Yeah, I wish there was more incentive to earn plints such as help other guildies out, donate pots, etc… the guild my main is in just doesn’t. If everything I’ve seen other people describe about epgp were implemented, I think it’d be a huge improvement for the guild and its system in place. A few of us have suggested as such, but no changes this far, some have left cause of it, me and most others stick it out in the Hope’s that it’ll get better or even itself out over time (just a way longer time than it should).

It’s almost a forced issue to raid at 60 though, options are that or quit playing once you’re pre-raid bis’d. Alliance on almost every server loses a huge amount of games in pvp so it’s too frustrating for most to make that the sole point of playing at that level. Imo of course. Others may have fun just logging in and talking to people or running lower levels through stuff or completing quests for no xp

Of course, it may not be applicable to all guilds. What I’m saying is that the original intent is that contributions outside of a raid should count. And it makes sense for a guild to have them count since people doing more helps the guild be more successful.

Whether or not people use EPGP that way is something else.

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The intent was to have that option, and EPGP certainly allows for it. But it was never meant to be more than an option.

Many guilds expect raiders to show up ready to rumble via their own means.

And that’s exactly what most guilds want EPGP for, to measure time in raid vs gear acquired not some over all metric of guild activity.

My guild does EPGP with 4 bid options to encourage people to roll. 100 percent bis roll, 65 percent bis roll, and 30 percent and 10 percent FFA rolls. That way if you want an item that isn’t bis but for PvP purposes or if it’s a small upgrade you don’t gain too many GP

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