Best Horde/Ally PvP race now that Orcs/Humans are "nerfed"?

I just see this as a buff for Humans since they have more variety for trinkets. Not sure what kind of faerie dust people are smoking thinking humans got nerfed.

Humans didnt get a nerf at all lol.
So basically humans and Night elves.

a lot of people in this thread need a rewatch of the incredibles

If you want to make the argument that humans are still good then ok, but if you canā€™t see that they got nerfed then I donā€™t know what to tell ya chief. They are less mandatory after this change.

It doesnt seems like a nerf because not only they basically kept the whole passive the trinket provided but now everyone is getting they still can play as agressive as they did because of EMFH letting they survive am extra cc window.
Not every change is a buff and a nerf sometimes its only a change, you can say its a nerf for orcs because it renders their passive useless and removed them from their S tier, same didnt happen for humans,

Literally every new trinket option (double dps or adept) is overall worse than Relentless tho.

What made them strong before is they could use their racial to break stuns while being the only race with -20% cc. Now every race will have -15% cc which equals it out more and the options left for Humans are not as strong as Relentless was for them.

Ergo, nerf.

Now humans will get to run cc break trinket along with having a stun break. Human mw monks are a good example of this, they run medallion. Sure, thereā€™s the shared cooldown but you just rotate the trinkets as needed. Human will have basically relentless on top of a cc break every minute.

TLDR: pvp-wide relentless makes humans even stronger.

Another way to look at it is this way, are humans going to be overall stronger now that they have relentless baked in? Yes. BUT literally EVERY OTHER RACE will be even more buffed by this than humans because humans already had relentless and theyā€™re getting access to a trinket that will be inferior to relentless which they already had where as every other race will get relentless which they didnā€™t have before.

So compared to the power gain every other race got to the power gain humans got, they are nerfed.

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Human is basically 90sec trinket while having relent.

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And is that better than having a 2min trinket, relent, and meld/dw0rf/etc?

While this makes sense no one likes going trinket with human racial trust me

I kid but honestly Iā€™m convinced people love that zug zug double dps trinket ride or die mentality

Double Battlemaster is the real move

Orc will still be strong as their racial is essentially a on use trinket. If they could reduce troll racial to a two min cd like orc then troll would deff be an awesome race to be as well!

Hopefully they revert the 15% cc reduction and its just being testedā€¦

Haha. Honestly if the space laser wasnā€™t so nerfed in PvP youā€™d probably see LF.

Hopefully they make it 20% like the trinket

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Pve wars

10 char

Troll racial at 3 mins is pretty troll

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Maybe also worth noting, last time I was on beta priest fear is undispellable like warrior fear is.

Must be a talent or something but my brain goes blank when I open the new trees.