Best guesses on the next class?

Some machine time class with Exosuits

Grey out the option at Chromie. Fixed.

They would be Rogues with Paladin Auras, for all intents and purposes.

As for what it could be, it depends on what they are willing to do and what the next expansion is.

If they are willing to base it on what has become available, then Necromancers are possible, being trained by Maldraxxus or being directed by Bolivaar.

If the next expansion is going to the Realm of Light, i.e. the Naaru, I can’t say. It would be completely new and probably be a pure DPS focused class of Light.

If the next expansion is going to the Realm of Void, i.e. Void Lords, then we might see a Shadow Tank like a Warden, especially if we’re tracking down Dread Lords to stop their manipulations.

If we return to Azeroth and be “invited” to the Dragon Isles, we may see something completely original in a Dragon Hunter class.

Some say Tinker, but I think the time for that has somewhat passed with Mechagon passing us by (and a stupid name for the class that cannot fulfill the fantasy).

My own thoughts is that it should wear Mail or Cloth. We’ve had 2 Leather classes in a row now, and while Mail has the fewest users, I would like to see a non-Tanking Healer in the group as all 3 of the expansion Classes have been Tanks.

Theme means nothing, otherwise we should just get rid of either Paladin or Priest and DK’s Frost. As for Demo, there’s ways to make it sufficiently different like Destruction is from Fire/Ice.

To be fair, those were the original units which had those spells, so it was just giving them back when they became a class again.

Part of the problem is that Bards literally would be taking the mechanics that Paladins just literally got back, Auras via songs.

Not really. It would remain a cloth ranged caster, but have more of a DAoC Theurgist feel than the bulk spam of the Demo Warlocks.

Eh, to be fair, it is the advanced class of Archers, which just feels… odd in concept.

Compare it to Bards in Everquest or Vanguard: Saga of Heroes would be better.

True, I’d be down for this. However, just one specline feels… bad. And unless we’re going to add a Ranged Paladin spec (talk about anti-theme), a Ranged Monk or DH (could work, maybe), or a Healer DK/DH/etc, I don’t think it will fly very well as an expansion feature. And druids would probably be left out of it because we already have our 4 specs.

The pre-patch may introduce a concept presented by a few whereby you convert you character to your Covenant’s race, much like how Legion’s races were brought in.

There is some cost as Some Changes have been occurring.

There are ways around that. To be fair, WoD is the faster leveling path (though, I like all the gold the Legion caches provide).

It’s enough to keep Mages, Priests, and Warlocks separate.

A poor name. It was the title of Deathwing, and might get confused with Maiev’s Wardens. But then, we have Demon Hunters, so…

Bards would most likely be wearing leather, not cloth.

Vanguard: SoH had them be Melee DP with support abilities. Basically a Rogue with Paladin Auras.

Heh, DAoC Bards were part of the Musician classes who were best known for increasing a Raid’s runspeed to mount levels back when no one had mounts.

Rift had a Warrior Soul where they swung a massive sword to alter magnetic fields for healing…

Stolen (er adapted) from EverQuest where bards were the most versatile and fascinating class ever created, and also the hardest to play. Welcome in any group.

And ultimately stemming from DnD’s incarnation of the Bard, wherein is the absolute apotheosis of a support class.

Which is why the distinction between priest and paladin is how one channels it for spells and the other clads themselves in the light and uses it to smite enemies in melee. The literal thematic difference between a DK and a necro is relatively minor when literally both used undead to kill their enemies thats literally an UHDK. the archetype for summoning mass amounts of disposable summons was given to demo locks after being basically stripped from DKs.

Actiblizz is pretty straight with this stuff

Original DKs were literally warlocks who’s souls were shoved into dead human meat suits that were casters with zone control. Trying to say that its a ‘return to a rightful class’ is silly because its literally a warlock piloting that meat suit.

Shaman totems are the same mechanics as pallie auras and theres minimal complaints about it. On that note a bard would be centered more on helping others than personal damage which is quite a bit different in comparison to either class in the current game.

So a wow necromancer does a few things in game. raises undead minions in bulk, casts bone spells (predominately armor buffs) and casts frostbolts or other misc shadow spells. Me saying to convert the spec that’s focused around undead minions that can use frost and shadow spells into a necromancer as the best route to get necros in game should be the most obvious and reasonable stance. Trying to justify it as anything more than a singular spec can be done but also stomps on current wow lore or takes a fair bit out of the themes and archetypes current classes already have.

Necromancer or Tinker. Personally I’d love to see both a mail wearing Tinker class and a leather or cloth wearing Necromancer class (released at the same time for extra goodness)

whatever it is it needs to be ranged damage. lol.

and wear mail armor.

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No new classes until we can keep the ones we have balanced for just one tier.

Yeah. Disallow an entire expansion to be played through. People will love that. :roll_eyes:

they havent even found a third spec suitable for DH ; i dunno if theyre ready for a new class lol

but i’d enjoy it, i need something refreshing.

Fine. Give them an appropriate item level weapon at the start of the expansion. Or even just let them cash in an heirloom for one. Again, fixed. Or do nothing at all, and just let people deal with it.

This is such a niggling issue. They would never halt development on a class because, “Oh no, might Legion quest content be a little weird?”

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Then we would have never had DK, Monk, or DH…

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We’d still be in alpha, struggling to add anything beyond the first two classes made playable.

Problem solved!

So no class hall? No class story? Just here’s a generic weapon and off you go? That’s a terrible solution. Unless you cut all that from every class, it would never fly.

They absolutely would not develop a class because of this.

I mean, you can die on that hill, and I might consider it if old content was ever relevant, but I have to ask… do you know who is developing this game? Have they ever given you the slightest reason to believe that they would ever halt progress because of content that is no longer immediately relevant?

You might have a point if they were adding another class during Legion. But we’re two expansions past that point!

Probably nothing they seem to struggle with the classes they have

Best guess = no new classes.

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So far it has been back and forth between scary and peaceful classes
scary DKs -> peaceful Monks -> scary DHs -> peaceful blank

I’m guessing the next class will be Jesus Christs. Would have a healer spec called Love of Christ, a dps spec called Wrath of God, and a tank spec called Turn the Other Cheek.