Best early pet for hunter? Bear?

I’ve heard that a boar is the best starter pet because of the charge and it will eat anything.

But personally I just pick one that I think looks cool. Which usually means a tiger, wolf, or bear until I can tame a gorilla. I freaking love gorillas!

That’s misinformation. 1.9 normalized pet movement speed. The attack speed wasn’t normalized until 2.0.3.

As for the actual thread, whatever has Claw 2 is always strong. After that, Cat or Owl all the way, though some people prefer Boars because they’re not picky or Wind Serpents because they get to ignore armor + hit from ranged.

Depends on your play style,
Got invited to a lot of dungeons and raids with my wolf because of his furious howl buff, if you need a tank pet, turtles are good but hyenas have a pin, spiders have a nice web ability.

Don’t know if they still will in vanilla but for PvP birds used to have snatch, disarm your target for a couple rounds, that can be pretty effective vs other hunters.

Or you could just get a Spore Bat ;}

Negative. Attack speed was not nerfed until TBC.

Owl from Teldrasil.

You’re all wrong, the best pet is in the barrens.

It’s a black lion and you have to wait an entire week for it to spawn cause ppl be camping it.

And if you do not have said lion, then life isn’t worth living. /s

But really, get the lion.

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Owl from NE area then get a Greater Fleshripper from west fall learn screech teach screech to owl = best pet in game.

Whatever pet makes you happy. My Troll Hunter ran around with a scorpid most of the game back in Vanilla.

There are only 2 in Classic… they both have 1.0 attack speed. You’ll have to research from there I’m afraid. Good luck and godspeed.

Yeah, because a 47 rare and a level 60 raid elite are DEFINITELY early pets.

Surfer crawlers have claw not bite, and turtles have bite not claw. Also you can get bite 2 from the prairie wolf alphas in durotar at lvl 10 (bunch of them right after you enter mulgore from the barren)

If you grab an owl they have an AoE ability that will make your life easier.

Humar the Pride Lord is a VERY cool pet, and worth the stalk!

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Boar. They get a charge which is great. They also have the benefit that they will happily eat anything you feed them. That is a big benefit to a brand new player.

Protip: Keep your pet skills up to date and just own all others even lazy hunters that dont keep their pet skills up to date.

I would go get Rake and his 1.2 attack speed. He will rock till you decide to another pet. I went to a wind serpent and was super happy. Plus, there is fun in running to Mulgore as a NE at lv10 or 11. =)

Are you guys saying get an Owl because the aoe makes it easy to pull multiple mob packs and have the pet maintain agro on all of them without you having to switch the target of the pet at the start? Is that the main advantage of owl?

I prefer a cat myself, it does more damage, and is able to take enough punishment to get the job done, just keep in mind that different pets have different skills, so you should look up what a cat can learn, and what pet you need to learn it.

Yes, a random edit by a user that has no clue what they’re talking about. It was changed to “1.9” in 2018 on the wiki.

A firsthand account that was posted the day after 2.0.3 hit, which is the patch that normalized attack speeds. The blog posts says “Pet normalization has arrived with the latest patch. All pet attack speeds are 2.0 and that’s a fact, Jack.” Blog post was posted January 10, and patch 2.0.3 launched January 9. Thanks for proving my point.

Another post-2.0.3 blog post, where obviously attack speed was normalized.

Now let’s look at the 1.9.0 and 2.0.3 patch notes:

  • Base pet speed is now standardized for all pets, including legacy pets. Pet speed can still be modified through the talent Bestial Swiftness and pet abilities such as Charge, Dash, etc.

Last I checked, Dash and Bestial Swiftness affect movement speed, not attack speed.

  • All pet attack speeds have been normalized to 2.0.

And there you have it.


Yes it was. Your Wowpedia link is wrong (the citation they link is about the run speed change), and 2007 was during TBC.

I like how you don’t actually cite any Blizzard sources at all… like, you know, the patch notes: ~
" * Base pet speed is now standardized for all pets, including legacy pets. Pet speed can still be modified through the talent Bestial Swiftness and pet abilities such as Charge, Dash, etc."


My bad thought i got it mixed up wasnt sure. Was just talking orc and troll didnt include tauren in my original post never played a tauren hunter.