Best early pet for hunter? Bear?

Your wiki is wrong.

My dudes and dudettes…always go to the Blizzard patch notes for confirmation…always.

Way to go Boomsky…can’t dispute blizzard patch notes, can we ?

Cat for damage.
Cat for Night elf so can both stealth at lvl 30+.

Just get the pet YOU WANT!

This is the second time I’ve seen you link this, just want to make sure you know the information they are spewing about pet buffs isn’t relevant to Classic.

Still funny

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Please call us, so we can laugh at you doubling down and being so painfully wrong.

boar till cats get dash.

White lion and Black lion. Also take a look on Petopia website.

Echeyakee lvl16 (White Lion)
Spawned: The Barrens My fav and rare compare to the black one. its a lvl 16. pos: color is rare on lion / con: speed =2.0

Humar The Pridelord lvl23 (Black Lion)
Rare The Barrens This one is ok, i prefer the white one just because its kinda rarer. Lvl 23. Pos: Speed 1.3 (Better than the white lion)

So, go for the white one 1st cause its lower, switch at 23

Another White Lion
Sian-Rotam 60
Elite Winterspring
Attack speed: 2.0

Boar or Bear.

Those are the ONLY Pets where you don’t have to worry about diet restrictions, like the rest of the pets.

Only reason I say Boar over Bear is because Boars have a Charge, and you won’t have to wait as long to pew pew 'cause the Boar gets straight in there.

Ya’ll think he ever got a boar? it’s been 2 years, I am indeed curious.


In any case… getting a early or later pet is depending on your playstyle. Second: Boar? nope… dps on a cat. Bear for tanking maybe. But like i just said: it depend of YOUR playstyle AND what you like. Test it. There is plenty of video about the choice of getting a pet, on what level. I agree the boar are easy to feed but this is not an option for me to “easy feed” to make the choice. Boar early until lvl 16, than the white lion. Some people prefer tiger like King Bangalash in Stranglethorn Vale. dont listen to people say : “YOU SHOULD CHOSE A BOAR AND NOTHING ELSE”. Make YOUR choice. my last message explain what I prefer. Chose yours. END of STORY my DUDES!


Go to Mulgore and tame The Rake.

I don’t like crabs.

The Rake 10
Rare Mulgore
Attack speed: 1.2

Speed is better than this one but only by .1 nice choice anyway

Humar The Pridelord 23
Rare The Barrens
Attack speed: 1.3

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Plus, you can have The Rake for 12-13 more levels, speeds things up considerably.

Don’t all pets’ attack speeds get normalized next week?



Not everyone is moving on to TBC, so the information remains relevant.

Next Week? TBC is 1st june right?

Fair enough.