Best Community Leaders and Players? ....and go!

does this person ever stop screeching lord

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Hey Kit welcome to the show…popcorn?

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where am I screeching? and just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean other people aren’t allowed to speak their mind :slight_smile:

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Imagine actually thinking that because you like large scale combat you want to exclusively play against a collection of solos. The vast majority of people who premade want to play against coordinated groups, they can’t because of the way the game is designed. We are actively trying to get in with other premades, you have no idea what you are talking about. I’v done nothing but advocate for fairness through an implementation of ranked epics that allow premades to group against each other. I’v also said they should remove variable power based on gear and it should work like CSGO, DOTA, Soccer etc. Where everyone starts at the same power level and the only variation is based on the player themselves. On a fundamental level people don’t like people being able to use outside factors, that’s why doping is banned in competition. So it’s based on player skill and not gear score.

I’m sorry you had a stroke while writing that. I don’t have any idea what you are trying to say in the rest of that. Get better soon. <3


No but there are other threads about pro communities and anti communities all i wanted to know was who made a good difference in your pvp game. was it a leader a player that was cool…etc etc

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I love lamp

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You think everyone here that is saying they want premade vs premade, is actually lying? And they just want to 1 shot and infinite chain of people like they are critters? That mentality is how a game loses 10 million players. Most of my characters are geared enough that honor means literally nothing. I don’t get any conquest specific quing. I don’t care about bjillion honor kills. An easy win for what? The best games I was ever in were premade vs premade. We still talk about specific games 8 years later.

MMO mean massively multiplayer online. In your world massively multiplayer means 5 people not allowed to use discord or coordinate outside blizzard’s built in voice and chat system. In my world it means dozens, hundreds, or thousands actively using the systems together with a goal of maximum social interaction. That’s why games like Rust are more of an MMO than wow is. That’s why the concept of games like ashes is so popular. 500 vs 500 combat. There is a reason why battlebit exploded in popularity when it looks like minecraft if it was made in 2002. Using discord and pressing a button at the same time isn’t exploiting. By that definition every single raid group above Normal is “exploiting”. “Guys I told him to pop lust we are exploiting now” “guys I told him to press que we are exploiting now”

I notice how you choose to not read some stuff to try to make me out to be the bad guy… I do not care about 5 man groups that is allowed and it’s plenty to win most bg’s and yes this is an MMO but just because it’s an mmo does not mean you are allowed to exploit the system lol and nobody cares about “your world” bud wow isn’t just for you lol in “my world” I follow what blizzard has made and done for the community therefore making it not “my world” but the World of Warcaft :slight_smile: stop with the terrible excuse and simply play fair

this is a lie bcuz many mmos have premades

  • ESO

  • swtor

  • new world

  • bdo

  • neverwinter

  • guild wars 2


and these are all google searches . You can look it up yourself aswell .


i would but i have a temp bridge so no popcorn for me but i brought some lemon lime jello !

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just ignore them they are irrelevant and trying to derail the thread

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ya because anyone that disagrees with you is irrelevant and trolling… what a sad life you must have :frowning:

Quit derailing the purpose of the thread. Please and thanks.


How am I derailing it I am talking about the subject of the thread lol you just simply don’t like what I am saying

I recently had the opportunity to play with ruthlessbro & company and they were a fun group. Ruthlessbro was calling out strats left and right, seemed like he had total map awareness.


If you really want to play against other premade raids, you can do war games. Your premade raid would be guaranteed to go against the other premade raid.

No need to sync queues with multiple parties. No need to hope the matchmaking system randomly puts everyone in both raids together in the same game.

That’s only if you truly want premade raid vs. premade raid games though.

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because it’s just soooo hard to look at the map and say hey go there…

You have the maturity of a 12-year-old girl and your spelling is even worse than that.

Sit down.


lol you say I have the maturity of a 12-year-old and then focus on grammar… ironic and also tell me to sit down like you some big bad man HAHAHAHA calm down white knight.

I’ve played against them. The pugs recognize him because his group farms HKs instead of finishing the game.

For example: