Best Community Leaders and Players? ....and go!

So horde or alliance who do you feel is the best leaders in PvP communities and why? Is there a shout out for the players who make playing more fun…lets hear about them? I personally like one player whom I have played with a lot in the ebgs named Krolak he plays for DJL currently but is just an all around great leader to follow when he leads. Calm smart and always ready to jump at a moments notice to recap and support his team. The all around atmosphere with him is just fun. Also I want to say Yoggy is just the most fun when it comes to ashran strategy … that guy is just a wizard at that map. Who’s your favorites and why?


Karie and Yoggy are definitely the best Ashran strategists in all of WoW, I’d say.

Karie wrote the freaking wowhead guide itself that I used to educate myself lol, and Yoggy is especially good at psychological warfare.

I can’t speak for the other three epics.


Yeah Karie I have never played with on his team but he does have a seriously innate grasp of that map.

I like Ruthlessbro cuz he makes people mad


Lol he does that for sure I hear the raging all the time!


Is this specifically about the leaders of unranked team-stack groups? Who is the ultimate rat king and do they smell as badly as I assume?!

It’s about leaders and players alike really

Kro is fabulous all around, we love having him on our team. He’s definitely an asset. He makes my life easier doing some of the /rw.

Karie is my friend and no one knows Ashran like he does.

As for players, I’m proud of all of our players. They all bring something to the team fight and they all know what their jobs are. But I’d like to give a shout out to the unsung heroes who cap mines and sit and watch back door and kill Anenga. There is no success without the special ops team.

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why dont all these giga premade epic teams wargame each other?

i think they just like the unfair advantage of stomping 40 clueless unorganized undergeared people


War games take a lot of planning. Premade epics you roll in, type 1 and play when ever you want to.


TBF, from what I’ve seen of Torture’s group a PUG can give them a challenge.


Mmmhmm. We’re growing. When we have similar numbers things go a lot better. I am proud of my community and the progress we’ve made.


Mizriz Kil’Jaeden of Stormpike Militia! We’re rolling around on EIGHT YEARS of being a premade! EIGHT!! We went from some jerks on the forum to an actual premade and a pile of recking to deal with. It’s an amazing thing! We’d have never gotten this far without Miz, no two ways about it.


He does seem to get some good praise I wish SPM were more active tho so I give em hell but from what I can tell he seems like a good leader people will follow :slight_smile:

Mizriz, Mixis, Ruthlessbro they are the torch holders that i know running now and i appreciate the games have share in the past present and future. But i’ll give a shout out to the heavens or under to the mountains at the anvil of Crom!, for my old Epic Premade leader - Barrym of the Weasels ! R.I.P. old goat we will keep having fun in your memory hermano ! For Crom and Glory !


They really do make a difference don’t they …I mean I find some people just make things so much more fun and make others feel like a part of the team. Thats awesome ty for sharing that.

We had a series of wargames around wod/legion. The game kinda died after legion and so did premadeing. Classic picked up some of the slack but it was a big F. My wargame guild has been offline for like 6/7 years. I’d love to do wargames again tho.

I’v been asking blizzard for rated epic bgs, that solos and groups up to 40 can que into for years to get around pugs being slaughtered. But blizzard has a harder time selling wow tokens if people are on an even playing field like in CSGO or DOTA. Keeping the lambs in the slaughter is the priority over fun. The design of the system is to get you to feel bad getting stomped so you go buy gold through social pressure to get crafted gear.

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lol these people pretending it’s hard to notice things in ebg’s XD anyone with two eyes and a mouth could lead an exploit group against a bunch of randoms stop pretending these people are good at the game it’s already been proven they are not.

I heard legion killed pvp a lot…I was on an 8 year hiatus due to no internet where I moved. So I didn’t experience legion but it seems a lot of people thought as you do that legion killed pvp. I can honestly say getting back into it last year was a lot different and not as much fun. Everybody just started blitzing everything and wanting quick fast wins versus the time i left when we spent forever in av etc


Come in to an epic and find out :smiley: We went where we weren’t on home turf…your turn :wink: