Best 1v1 class

Hey all, wanted to see what everyone’s thoughts were on the best 1v1 class / spec is.

All tank and heal specs are disregarded


  • Demon Hunters


  • Fire Mage
  • Survival Hunter
  • Beast Mastery Hunter
  • Windwalker Monk**
  • Destruction Warlock
  • Sin Rogue
  • Any Druid Spec
  • Any DK Spec


  • Retribution Paladin
  • Arcane Mage
  • Arms Warrior (Sporepods, geared)
  • Fury Warrior
  • Shadow Priest


  • Frost Mage
  • Subt Rogue
  • Outlaw Rogue***


  • Marksman Hunter
  • Affliction Warlock
  • Arms Warrior (No Sporepods, undergeared)

Rarely seen, Rarely 1v1’d (no information):

  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Demo Lock

** People Complaining about it because of recent buff in this patch, could be broken? Seems just exceptional.
*** In general a very geared one can tear you apart, if you wear plate you have a chance


Thanks man. I appreciate the list!

I have no basis for this other than fighting literally every single Horde player I see in warmode and keeping it on since warmode was implemented.

Don’t take my word for it fully, just wait for input from others.

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That’s been my experience too. Have been getting shredded by a ton of dhs.

Hunter has enough tools to beat everything in the game 1v1 if played properly but it does take a ton more effort than other classes.

With tank trinkets being nerfed I’d reckon DH can now consistently take down DK, and a well played hunter being able to take down both of them.

You can pretty much maxrange any caster and wittle them down as BM. SV is trickier to play vs locks due the pet stopping bandaids. Fire mages, if played properly and specced into blazing soul, will likely outlast BM, but will die to a properly played SV rather quickly.


Demon Hunter.
Demonic + Soul Rending, literally just hit buttons and win.

Other options have potential, but DH is the easiest if you want to be lazy.

Eye Beam, back to full health.
Cooldowns popped on you? Meta. Back to full health.
Oh look, Eye Beam’s back off cooldown. Back to full health.
Blur, one minute cooldown. Total joke.
Blade Dance immunity. Hilarious.
Rain from Above. Total immunity to melee while you chunk them from the air, ridiculous range, and if they don’t have LoS you pretty much just hit them for close to, what, half their health? Oh, and ONE. MINUTE. COOLDOWN.

Hopefully you’re not fighting one around any kind of mobs because, guess what, they’ll cleave them, get demon souls and leech, and, you guessed it, back to full health.

And they start at 98/100 so there’s a FREAKING MILLION OF THEM EVERYWHERE.


my outlook is just a little different I have 0 problems with hunters and for me a frost mage is harder than a fire mage. of course im a tank and that screws things some. otherwise your list is spot on. and the few demo locks ive run into are way harder than aff or destro at least for me

I’d agree with that list. I tried to gank a DH at 60% HP on my WW yesterday and he proceeded to pound my face in.

I’d say WWs are a lot better in arenas where we can take advantage of LoS, but in wPvP/duels, I take those fel lances from their Rain and get destroyed. Can’t even FSK out of range from it.

Also, can’t kite them to heal while they just passively heal themselves from their damage.


I 1v3d a boomie, Assa rogue and a dh on one of the naz world quests the other day in a cave, Druid and rogue got murdered by my initial burst + zombies and the dh I wore down with necrotics and he tried to rain from above in a cave with a 3 inch ceiling height. He came back down and I killed him.

They honestly aren’t that bad to kill, unless you’re fighting one that really really knows what they’re doing, which is rare.

I would put Feral and WW at the very top of the exceptional list. Feral in WPvP 1v1 especially.


Used to be able to summon a horde of those explosive/stun zombies when a DH used rain and they would just stand under the DH until he comes back down and gets insta-killed

Dunno if it still works tho.

Get right under them, heal through it, then paralysis when they come down enough heal back up.

They must have been very bad lol


Yeah we are great EXCEPT if i come out of instance or vision and there’s a 380k health DH waiting there and already fighting me lol.

DKs are livelords. Boomies and rogues not so much.

Did someone call for the best 1v1 class? Because destruction warlocks should be here answering you

Demon Hunters just heal as they beat on you, it’s ridiculous, and they have so much mobility that it’s nearly impossible to kite them. If they have Meta off cooldown, then it’s over. If you’re fighting one outside of the 8.3 areas, they can also just run away, kill a mob in two hits and heal from it too.


If DHs prevent Feral from getting a clean opener and full bleeds it’s tough to come back from that. Otherwise Feral does very well against DH, especially Night Elf.

Yeah LOL. I had one that Kited for 10 minutes that finally died he out geared me and suddenly got some hate whispers on a alt insulting my arena rating LOL.

The biggest issue is getting them off of you and getting back into stealth or landing a stun so you can reset by meld, prowl (from incarn) flight form.