Worst and best dps spec for 1v1?

In your opinion what classes are the worst/best for 1v1 combat?



  1. Sin Rogue
  2. Destro Warlock
  3. Ret Paladin


  1. FIre/frost/arcane Mage by far
  2. Enh Shaman
  3. Feral Druid

Replace arms warrior with feral Druid and you got it. Nvm your whole list is stupid

Give your opinion then sir

Fire? Worst?

Well I guess it depends. Against the three best you will struggle, but it’s not impossible. And honestly, outside the pally’s bubble you literally can’t lose unless you are woefully undergeared or are unskilled.

However, against anyone else you stand an extremely strong chance of killing people in a single burst rotation, failing that, you have tons and tons and tons of crowd control at your disposal to break distance.

With enough haste too? GPY wins all of your 1v1s.

fire is god at 2v2 but I think they struggle in 1v1 combat.

I would like to read your opinion which is the best and worst?

Worst would be Aff lock in 1v1s. Any class with a reset or magic cleanse just laughs at them

Sin rogue

Arms war
Ele shammy
Enh shammy

Again this is 1v1

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I agree with this list His ^ not yours OP

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Anyone has different opinión?