Besides possibly Genn, who deserves to land the killing blow on Sylvanas?

He is a loyal dog right now, they literally build him to be hated by the player base, if they didnt want him to die, or where planing not to follow sylvanas they wouldnt have him brate the horde pc so badly.

Well one, that still doesn’t matter at all because that’s simply not how they write the story. When Blizzard decides the next war will start, the next war will start, and it won’t matter how sane or moderate the Horde’s leadership is.

Secondly, if your claim is that Nathanos is hated by the player base, you’re simply wrong. Nathanos is generally liked by the Forsaken player base and the Horde player base at large. The Horde, as a rule, doesn’t look for hugs and kisses from their leadership, which is why the idea of Calia Menethil pulling a Mother Theresa while leading the Forsaken is met with so much instant revilement.

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ummmmmm what


that would actually make sense for her to reignite the war. Make her attack the horde in Ashenvale and reconquer it and then go from there.

He’s a character that does something different than just inflating the player’s ego. For that alone he’s a delightful addition to the game.

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Also makes him disliked by the general playerbase


Yeah, the part of the general playerbase that I speak with disagree with you.

Just for the sake of context, do you speak with alot of Horde players?

last time I checked on reddit people hated Nathanos, even Horde players. Did that suddenly change now?

Killing off Nathanos would be the same pleasure for the Horde as killing off Anduin would be for the Alliance.

Interesting, well I’m not usually on reddit but I’ll go take a look at the old r/wow

Yeah, so the top three posts when sorted by relevance are largely positive, excepting for a screen shot from an Alliance player who is happy he gets to kill Nathanos in Classic.

When sorted by top, the topmost reddit post appears to be a “suck on these nuts” joke.

When sorted by most recent again the top three posts are positive, with the most recent one being some sort of Sylvanas/Nathanos fanfiction.

shrug Maybe I’m just not doing reddit right?

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I dunno but a search on the general fourms brings up a lot of horde whining about how nathanos is annoying

I don’t remember if it was here or on Reddit, but there was a thread about how Nathanos is supposedly a self-insert. Like omg lmfao

Nathanos is king no one will convince me otherwise !!



Genn and Tyrande

Both lost not only their empire, but also many citizens of their people to the genocide that was committed against them.


Voss and Delaryn

Voss as the supreme representative of the Forsacks and Delaryn for the murder of her and her sisters for nothing and again nothing but to drive the dead Tributes to dizzying heights.


Well, okay, checking the general forum I’ve found this fairly recent thread.

Nathanos is mentioned more than most, but even in the context of discussing what people hate, Nathanos is in the minority of posts, and there are almost as many people giving Nathanos support as hate. Once you edit out the blue avatars as an indication of faction bias and I just don’t think there is a case for saying the Horde hates Nathanos.

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In my time in game I have found the response to Nathanos split 50/50 Horde side. Some hate him some love him. I hate him. I think it has to do with his ridiculous model. He was cooler as a legitimate Forsaken model.

And as an aside yes, the lead narrative designer, who is a big fan of Sylvanas, is the one who wrote the story which cemented Nathanos character as central to the current story arc and further developed his relationship with Sylvanas. Is “self insert” too strong? I’ll let others decide here.

I LOVED his Legion model, but I think the BFA change is “better” for the character. I think if he stayed a forsaken (model), he’d look a bit weak tbh. This will sound extraordinarily silly, but I think the “best” forsaken are the ones that don’t use the forsaken model, since you KNOW they’re gonna be strong/cool/~different~.

That’s weird. They could have easily given him a unique model, but make it look closer to a “real” forsaken, rather than just a human with red eyes. He should have looked closer to that art of him, here:

Not sure how that looks “weak”.

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Yeah that would be super cool if they went that way instead of the current neo-human/vampire look. It would add a bit more depth and threat to his his current level of snide. He’s just too clean cut.

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Random flesh falling off you? Can’t get “stronger”? Forsaken look more spooky than threatening imo.

I smiled upon reading this, then I saw you were a level 85 and blew some air out of my nose, then I saw you were a gnome and let out a laugh, then I saw you were a priest, and it hit me all at once. You, the lvl 85 Gnome Priest deserve to kill Sylvanas. I’m still laughing about it.

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Sometimes it really is the smallest mover that makes the biggest move

She bows to no one!