Besides possibly Genn, who deserves to land the killing blow on Sylvanas?

Bolvar would be the only other person I could see it being satisfying.

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Tyrande, or Malfurion.

Edit: You know what? Maybe both at the same time.


Should just make a queue so everyone get’s their shots in.


Lol genn lost dibbs

How the hell would Bolvar be more satisfying than Tyrande?



The romantic drama.


Bannerbae or Sira Moonwarden.

Tyrande and Vol’jin are definitely the top two.

Sylvanas is the sole perpetrator behind the burning of Teldrassil. Not even Saurfang knew what she was going to do to it. Tyrande let Saurfang go in good faith knowing he’d make the night elves’ lives under occupation tolerable and then Sylvanas pulled the rug from under everyone by burning it and all those people alive.

Meanwhile Vol’jin was killed by the Jailer to make room for Sylvanas to usurp the throne. His mind was messed with by her master so she could damn the entire Horde to a slow, inglorious, dishonorable death in a war that never needed to happen to begin with.

Sylvanas caused the deaths of thousands of people on both sides that these two were charged with protecting as their leaders. She turned Vol’jin’s Horde, his family, into a weapon to murder Tyrande’s people. I can’t think of anyone else who deserves to have a hand in her downfall more than those two.


Drelanym… I love Sylv but she went cruel bish right there.
Genn, Tyrande and Malf nah just war casualties, death happens.

Edit. OK maybe I’ll give it to Tyrande just for her to recover her feral self and get rid of her " need to wash my hubby’s underwear, shush Tyr" status.

This one is ending up being tougher than Garrosh on who should get the killing blow. I think it should be Tyrande or Genn, as both of them have been put through very similar situations by Sylvanas and the Horde. My speculation is that she will try to betray the Jailer and he’ll kill her.


Voljin never had a horde. He was always just Thralls sidekick.

Just saying.

Me. I deserve the kill.

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Here’s a Novel idea: How about no one.

Get this, instead of a “Killing Blow”, we have Vol’jin Ripping her twisted soul from her living(undead) body and/or Drag her kicking and screaming into the deepest pit of hell to be forever tortured in neverending undeath.


Tyrande,malfurion and maiev.

Then delaryn completing the arthas paralel!

if anything voljin would have bussines with the jailer, not sylvanas.


I also wouldn’t mind the pc doing it tbh, I know alot of people will cry, but tbh, I can self insert just fine with my character sometimes, so the hero would work just as well if not better than anyone else.

Genn, Bolvar, Tyrande, Malf, Nathanos, or Thura. It should be no one else.

Without Sylvanas the Jailer wouldn’t have been able to do anything at all. She is the one who agreed to his bargain. She is the one who knew it would lead to a betrayal of Vol’jin. She is the one who took command of the Horde after her boss messed with his mind to make her his successor. She is the one who ran the Horde into the ground using his name to give her actions credence.

Vol’jin has every reason to despise Sylvanas. He never trusted her. Now we know he was right to never trust her.


another horde steal killing again the killing blow is inacceptable.
Sylvanas didn’t really hurt the horde other than simply saying that they are nothing.


This is just outright wrong. I get you are hardcore biased against the Horde but saying Sylvanas didn’t do anything is something I’d expect Elesana to say.


Maybe we should rename the Forsaken the “Heartbroken”… :smirk: